Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/878

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860 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 75. 1915. G¤¤<1V¤¤¤v·C¢1¤ Grand Valley project, Colorado: For maintenance, operation, centinuation of construction, and incidental operations, $702,000; U¤¤¤mp¤ucm,c¤l¤· Ugcgmpahgrg project, Colorado; For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $469,000; B¤i¤·»Id¤h°- Boise project, Idaho: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental o erations, $1,650,000; m¤id¤¤»m¤h°- Minidoka project, Idaho: Igor maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations $410,000; w?;='¤°¤I**°·l°*"°‘ Jackson Lake enlargement work, Idaho-Wyoming: For mainte- ` nance, operation, continuation of construction, and incrdental <§era- °°¤*““°’L tions, conditioned lulpon the deposit of this amount by the ulm Irrjiation and Can Company and the Twin Falls Canal Company to e credit of the reclamation fund, $476,000; Gardan <>i¢y,K¤¤¤· Garden City project, Kansas: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $2,000; _ H¤¤t1¤y,1i¤¤¥· Huntley project, Montana; For maintenance, operations, contmuation of construction, and incidental operations, $150,000; ¤¤¤kRiv*¤»“°¤*- Milk River project, Montana: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $1,100,000; ¤¤¤m’°*· **°¤'~ Sun River project, Montana: For maintenance, operation, contmuation of construction, and incidental operations, $1,100,000; uing {,•§"'¤°°¤°· Lower Yellowstone project, Montana-North Dakota; For mainte- ' nance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $70 000; wN¤¤¤ 1’¤¤¤·N•*¤-· North l’latte project Nebraska-Wyoming: For maintenance, opy°` eration, continuation oi construction, and incidental operations (includingk$800,000 for the Fort Laramie rmit), $1,140,000; N'1;r¤¢=k••-¤¤r¤<>¤, True ee-Carson project, Nevada: For maintenance, operation, con- ° tinuatron of construction, and incidental operations, $236,000; ca-1sr»ad,x~z.m¤. Carlsbad project, New Mexico: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $128,000; n¤¤a°,N.uex. Hondo project, New Mexico: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $6,000; MRio Grande, N. _ Rio Grande project, New Mexico-Texas: For maintenance, opera- °"'T°" tron, contmuation of construction, and incidental operations, $1 265,000; Nemrnakerapump- North Dakota pumping roject, North Dakota: For maintenance, ’”“'°l°°" operation, continuation ofp construction and incidental operations, $25,000; Lawton,0kla. Lawton project, Oklahoma: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $50,000; r;mnui»,o¤·eg. Umatilla project, Ore on: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, andg incidental operations, $366,000; · Klsmsuwree-—€¤¤. Klamath project, Oregon-California: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $317,000; Dpsue reumae, s. Belle Fourche project, South Dakota: For maintenance, operation, ’ continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $144,000; Usmwsmy vauey, Strawberry Valley project, Utah: For maintenance, operation, °°h‘ continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $393,000; on¤¤g¤¤,w¤¤h. Okanogan project, Washington: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction an incidental operations, $51,000; rauuwwam. Yakima. project, Washington: For maintenance, operation, continuation o construction, and incidental operations, $1,250,000; Ehusho¤e,Wyo. Shoshone project, Wyoming: For maintenance, operation, continuation of construction, and incidental o erations, $478,000; semen-y pmaca. Secondary projects: For surveys and) investigations of secondary projects, $50,000; _ _ Expenditures N- {lp gl], {pir the Iteclamatt?pSS§r;1ce, $13,t530,000. hm b d d ,,- n er e rovisionso c no ea rsums eex en e ¤¤gmd mmatmml nor shall the Yfnitod States be obligatgelzl to expend, during tli,e fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixteen, on any reclamation project appro-