Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/913

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. HI. C11. 80. 1915. 895 Veterinary division: Veterinary surgeon for all horses in the depart- ,V¤*¤¤¤¤¤* =¤re¢<>¤¤. ments of the District gover·nment, $1,200; ° °` Medicines, surgical and hospital sup lies, $1,000; Purchasing division: Purchasing o£cer, $3,000; deputy purchas- P¤'°'”¤*¤¤ ¤iv*¤*¤¤· ing officer, $1,600; computer, $1,440; clerks—one $1,500, one $1,300, six at $1,200 each, three at $900 each, six at $720 each; inspector of fuel, $1,500; assistant inspector of fuel, $1,100; storekeeper, $1,000; messenger, $600; driver, $600; inspectors———one of materials $1,200, two at $900 each; two laborers, at $600 each; two property—yard keepers, at $1,000 each; temporary labor, $150; Building inspection division: Inspector of buildings, $3,000; assist- d,§,S‘*§},‘}}¤¤ i¤$P°°**°¤ ant inspectors of buildings--principal $1,800, twelve at $1,200 each; . i:ire—escape inspector, $1,400; temporary employment of additional assistant inspectors for such time as their services may be necessary, $1,500; ci engineers or computers—one $1,800, one $1,500; clerks-—chief $1,500, one $1,050, one $1,000, one (who shall be a stenographer and typewriter) $1,000, one $900; messenger, $600; assistant inspector, $1,500; To reimburse two elevator inspectors for provision and maintenance ,,,,§,‘;f’,‘{',; °Y°‘°“ ‘°' 1** b themselves of two motor cycles for use in their official inspection ` ofr elevators, $10 per month each, $240; For- transportation, means of transportation, and maintenance of T¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤<>¤- means of transportation, $1,000; · Plumbing inspection division: Inspector of plumbing, $2,000; ,uP!¤;¤bi¤ci¤¤p¤¤¢i¤n assistant inspectors of plumbing——principal $1,550, one $1,200, Eve mm' at $1,000 each; clerks—one $1,200, one $900; temporary employ- ment of additional assistant inspectors of plumbing and laborers for such time as their services may be necessary, $2,400; draftsman, $1,350; ipwer tapper, $1,000; three members of plumbing board, at $150 eac ; To reimburse three assistant inspectors of plumbing for provision sp§,gg¤r; ¤v<=¤¤¤ M i¤· and maintenance by themselves of three motor cycles or use in their ` official inspections in the District of Columbia, $10 per month each, $360: Provided, That no more of said sum shall be expended than is perm. actually necessary for the maintenance of said motor cycles; M“‘“‘°°°“°°· In all, Executive Office, $117,230. · CARE or Drsrnror BUILDINQ: Clerk and stenographer, $2,000; Bgaym M ¤*¤*=*¤= chief engineer, $1,400; three assistant engineers, at $1,000 each; elec- g` trician, $1,200; two dynamo tenders, at $875 each; three firemen, at $720 each; three coal passers, at $600 each; electrician’s helper, $840; eight elevator conductors, at $600 each; laborers—two at $660 each, two at $500 each; two chief cleaners (who shall also have charge of the lavatories), at $500 each; thirty cleaners, at $240 each; chief watchman, $1,000; assistant chief watchman, $660• eight watchmen, at $600 each; neumatic-tube operator, $600; in all, $36,530. For fuel, light, power, repairs, laundry, mechanics and labor, not “"‘“°"‘“"°°·°°°· to exceed $3,500, and miscellaneous supplies, $17,000. Assnss0x’s ormcn: Assessor, $3,500; two assistant assessors, at ‘*"“*‘°"’ °m°°· $2,000 each; cIerks—four (including one in arrears division) at $1,400 each, four at $1,200 each, seven (including one in charge of records) at $1,000 each, two at $900 each; draftsman, $1,200; assistant or clerk, $900; license clerk, $1,200; inspector of licenses, $1,200; assistant inspector of licenses, $1,000; messer:gers——two at $600 each; three assistant assessors, at $3,000 each; boar of assistant assessorsclerk $1,500, messenger and driver $600; two clerks, at $720 each; temporary clerk hire, $500; record clerk, $1,500; in all, $47,940. PERSONAL TAX BOARD: Two assistant assessors of personal taxes, P°”°°“‘°°‘*’°‘”'d· at $3,000 each; appraiser of personal property, $1,800; clerk, $1,400; assistant clerk, $1,000; three inspectors, at $1,200 each; extra clerk hire, $2,000; in all, $15,800.