Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/932

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914 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 80. 1915. Kwik ¤¤:··r¤¤·¤¤ HEALTH DEPARTMENT. 9¤*=¤i·¤— Health officer $4,000; assistant health officer, $2,500; chief clerk and detputy health officer, $2,500; clerks-0ne $1,400, five at $1,200 each, our at $1,000 each, one $720; samtary inspectors—chief $1,800, eight at $1,200 each, two at $1,000 each, two at $900 each; . food inspectors—chief $1,600, five at $1,200 each, six at $1,000 each, five at $900 each; chemist, $2,000* assistant chemist, $1,200; assist- "“§aZ’§,f“’§.‘I?3€*°rE2t$}’i%%t ‘°]a"}}$lr lam“b‘”°'§§$$3m¥$.§¥ §?‘$0€°(i°‘ m er ; · · a- borers, at not exceediiig $50 per mohth eabh $2,400; in hl], ,$64,l)40. sp§c§n'}”" ‘*°’” *“‘ Not less than twelve of the_sanita.ry and food inspectors above provideg fcggs-liall be egiployedhm enforesmentiil of milk and p¥r§—food aws an r ations r ating ereto an in e inspection 0 airies and dairy farms. d§;‘;‘;f’**”g’P”°“°' For enforcement of the provisions of an Act to prevent the spread yi zap- of c0nta{ous diseases in the District of Columbia, approved March ° 3** P` third, eig teen hundred and ninety-seven, and an Act for the prevention of scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, whooping cough, chicken Beg, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, typhoid fever in the Tuwmbbs tub trict of Columbia, approved Fe ruary nint , mneteen hundred mmm, aa-. and seven, and an Act to (provide for regiggration of all cases of tuber- V°*- 35· P- ”°· culosist?1 the Distrigtfof lumlgggfplr egdamiiizatlign lo- sputum suspec cases an or reven e spre 0 u rc osis m sam District, approved May thirteenth, nineteen hundred and e` ht, under the direction of the health officer of said District, and for ge revention of other communicable diseases including salaries or conli ens a- tion for personal services, not $12,000, when ordeiled in

 by ghzjciogintigssionieps   necessapy forfthe cilnfoggement and

exec ion 0 s c an or e reven ion 0 suc 0 er communicable diseases as hereinbefore provided, purchase and maintenance of H°¤°S·"°¤°°*·°*°· neciessax lgprses, waa3gons,dand harness, pupchase of reference books _ an me c journ an maintenance 0 quarantine station an gggtmggiblofim, W smallpox hospital, $25,000: frmridcd, That any bacteriologist emmmueue mnnam. ployed under this approgriauon shall not be paid more than $6 per day andtpiay pe assignei bg the health piiiicer todth? giicteriological examine on 0 milk an other pro ucts an 0 e water supphes of dairy farms, and to suchadlther sanitary work as in the judg; c ment of the health officer will promote the ubhc health, whether suc exiirmmations leg olr; be np; direlxitly relptegdto contagious dizeasgsil Smallpox hnsprwh or repairs the sm pox ospita an adm1ms' tration ui g, $1 000. ELEZESE ger repaigng and ciuarantine stat1;3cfn,1i$1400;d _ · or mam nance 0 ec service in u s aries or compensation for crsonal serviceslivlvilien ordered in wrltin b the com- . dp g Y nilissionerg an n;>cessa.ry fcir maintenanlce of said service, aréd {or purc ase an mam enance o necessary orses, wagons, an arness, $6 000. {,’;*;¥¤2g§;f{;gf5·°*¤· llor enforcement of the_provisions of an Act to lgrovide for the dramage of lots in the District of Columbia, approved a nineteenth, %g{}*§g8p¤g§~;{¤¤¤¤· eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and a.n Act to provide for the abate- ’ ment of nuisances in the District of Columbia by the commissioners ang for o;l1;1;)giu·poses, approved April fourteenth, nineteen hundred an six . m1Lr>¢,e¤c.,=¤d¤¤ter¤- For special services in connection with the detection of the adulteration of drugs and of foods, including candy and milk, $100; “f,=;g?¤¤¤¤zi¤=`·¤ isb- Bacteriological laboratory: For maintaining and keep` in good ogaor, and for the purchase of reference books and scienl§c periodi $1 000* C*’°’¤‘°°**°`°°’°*°*¥- Cliemical laboratory: For the purchase and installation of new apparatus and equipment, $2,080; for the replacement of apparatus