Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/950

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932 SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 83. 1915. landsmen; maintenance of gunne and other trainin classes, gldglring boxw and materials; books rgrnd models; stationiry; and other contingent eI§penses_ and emergencies arising under cogmzance of the Bureau of avigation, imforeseen and impossible to classify, 10,000. _ G¤¤¤¤YY°¥°'°$°¤· 3 Gunnery exercises: frizes, trophies, 8I;d badges £o1Ig1p§;.:Ielllen;ce is gunn exercises an thet ractice; or e es a en an maingance of shooting gsierieg, target houses, targets, and for hiring established ranges, and for transportation of G1 assistants and equipment to and from ranges, $99,800. smmmgmmm. _ Steaming exercises: Prizes, trodphies, and badges for excellence m steaming exercises, to be awar to the ships m_comm1ssion for general efficiency and for economy m coal consumption, imder such rule? as the Secretary of the Ngvy formutlpte, anlgléor phpkpurpose of cassifying,comp1lmg" , an pu lung eres 0 ecomtition $3 000. cms. peOU*rri·rs hx Fmsr ENLIST@NTZ Outfits for all enlisted men and apprentice seamen of the Navy on first enlistment, at not to exceed mm. $60 each, $750,000: Promkied, That hereafter the Secretary of the ,,§,‘}f{f,L’;',§‘l,,,,*?,';,'{? °° Navy is authorized to issue a clothigi outfit to all enlisted men serving in their second enlistment who fail to receive an outfit of the value authorized by law on their first exalistmegilt, or who, havix;gdi·Sec§i1ved such outfit were re uired to refun its v ue on account o c rge Limit sum:. prior to expiration of enlistment: Provided further, That the net_ cost to the Govemment of clothing outfits furnished any one enhsted man shall not exceed $60. Nmasuxnans. MAm·rnNANcn or NAVAL Aumuaizms: Pay, transportation, ship- “°*““"““°°‘ p` v, and subsistence of civilian oflsicers and crews of naval augnliaries, aiida all expenses connected with naval auxiliaries employed in emergencies which can not be paid from other appropriations, $800,000. Equivmwt Sur- Instruments and su plies: Supplies for seamen’s quarters; and for Pu°'i°m-°m°°ts'°t°` the urchase of all other articles of equipage at home and aboard; and ieor the payment of labor in equipping vessels therewith and manufacture of such articles in the several navy yards; all pilot e and towage of ships of war; canal tolls, wharfave, dock and port dgarges, and other necessary mcidental expenses oi: a similar nature; services . and materials in repairing, correcting, acglusting, and testing com- ~ passes on shore and on board ship; nautic and astronomical mstruments and_repairs to same; libraries for ships of war, professional books, schoolbooks, and pa ; compasses, compass fittings, mcluding binnacles, tripods, and other appendages of ship’s com(passes; logs and other appliances for measuring the shigs way, an _ leads and other appliances for sounding ; fphotoigraphs, p otographic mstruments and materials, printing out t an materials, $2:70,000. oem sud lnkv sur- Ocean and lake s1u·ve : Hydrographic surveys, mcludiigmthe "°"" pay of the necessary h dlrsographic surveyors cartographic ftsmen and recorders, andy for the purchase and piinltviplg of nautical

  • ,;'°°,g‘*,,g·Bu0w°d books, charts, and sailing directions, $105,000: Pr ed, That the

` Secretary of the Navy is authorized to detail such naval officers not exceeding four as may be necessary to the H§drographic Office. Qgigxlmd NAVAL ·mAmme STATION, CALmoRN1A: _ Iaintenance of naval ¤•1- training station, Yorba Buena Island, California, namely: Labor and material; building and wharves;dgeneral care, repairs, and improvements of groun , buildings, an wharves; wharfage, ferriage, and street car are ; purchase and_ maintenance of live stock, and attendance on same; wagons, carts, implements, and tools, and rcgpairs to same, including the maintenance, repa1r, and operation o one horse-drawn passengebcarying vehicle to be used only for oihcial p ; fire engines an extinguishers; gymnastic implements, mgdels and other articles needed in mstruction of apprentice seamen;