Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1037

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2340 INDEX. Pi illekzm R. P¤¢¢· Plains, Va., Episcopal Church, Tho, P¤S°· pngnysiovgmcrwsed . . .. 1505 lgeiyment of Court of Claims Hndmgs to 992 pmmum, William W, P ww<1,Gwry¤ W. - P€nsiouincrg3,ggd___________,.,, .,,_, Ii.D.CI'B3S€d..··.---···- Pam, P ts, duty on, hair, safety, at, ctc .. 129 duty on, straw, etc., for hats, etc . 147 Pinson, Elijah, Plank, George W, payment of Court of Claims to ad- pension increased . . . . 1553 miuisizmtor of . .. 967 Planks, _ Pi , du? on, sawed cabmet wood .. . . . 130 gay on, cast-iron ... . ..., 126 on ree list, sawed ... 164 cop ._,. - ... 128 Plant, Anywr (see Armor Plant, Naval), lax? . ...,... Plant Diseaus ang Insect Pests: tobacco cla ,,..,_,.. . a. ro riatiou or H18j.I1t8·1D1Ilg· quarantine other: . . . _... , 151 pp pdjstricts for, , ,. . ... 420, 1113 welded, seamed, or jointed, iron or steel. 126 provisions for terminal inspection by States 1113 pipes, Samuel Hq list of lnnts, etc., subject to ... 1113 payment of Court of Claims to 969 mail paciagvs to be forwarded to State 0115- Pzpestone, Minn., cial y postmaster . 1113 appropriation for Indian school. . 88, 590 return if frgzc or disiufected . 1113 Pippin! Amznba (widow), d.isposa1_if mfected . ... 1113 Pension ___,_,,. , ... . .,.. . 1378 mailing plant packages not plainly marked Piqua, Ohio, unlawfu . . 1113 gppmprignion for public building .. . . . 12, 613 penalty for failure . . . 1113 Piscataway Creek, lg., Plant Indumy Bureau, Department of Agriprel` examination, etc., of, to be culture,

 . . .. 1057 appropriation for chief of bureau, clerks,

Pialakee Lake gardeners, ctc .. z ... 420, 1091 bridge Tiitliorized across, in Lake County, 765 for general expenses and mvostigations. . iigi I .,. . . Pistols, limit on .,.. 421, 1091 duty on .. 127 for investigating plant, fruit, and treo Pitch, diseases _ ... 421, 1092 on treo list, B dy 156 for investigating, etc., cotton, truck, etc., cool mr, woog tar, etc ... . . . . 156 crop plants .. 421, 1092 wood ,_,,,., . . 163 for phxsiology of crop plants, etc 421, 1092 Pitch Pipes, for so' baotcriology and plant-nutrition duty on .,... . 151 investigations .. 421, 1092 Pitta, Mani: E. (widow), cultures for legumes . 1092 pension increased 1533 publication of fasts, etc . . . 1092 Pittsburg County, Okla., _ for soil fertility mvestigations; adapting sale 0 lands nn, to Oklahoma, for_m11itary crops from tropical regions, etc . 1092 p ses, authorized; conditions 597 for drug, spices, etc., iuvcatigations... 421, 1092 Pittsburg, 0214., for crop technology and fiber plant incondemned cumon granted to 1199, 1204 vestigauonq .. . .. 421, 1092 Pittsburg, Ta., _ _ _ for grading, bnlmg, ctc., cotton, investideficiency appropriation for public build- gations 421 ing 563 furnishing officia,1 standard grades ctc. 422 Pittsburgh, Pa,, _ taste of qualiueo of standard grades of appropriation for Mums Bureau l•bo¤;18’ 827 { cotton, etenué .. . 422 tories ... or invea ting d1mg' , gndmg` etc. for power etc., for Bureau of Mines test- of gnu-at . , . . 422, 1092 ing piant ... . . _ . 646 for biophynical examinations, etc 422, 1092 for equipping, etc., mining experiment for tasting commercial seeds, etc . 422, 1092 station ... _ . 858 for improving cereal, tobacco, ctc., proacceptance of contnbutiom of State, ctc., duction . 422, 1092 for Mines Bmmu laboratories, com improvement and production. 422, 1093 b ugesutlécgized .. 251 { tolaacco_prodt;xl<;tion, ctl§;...£ 1093 n an acmu o or reoding roun p in or r Ohio River at .. 810 msking.-. : ... IT P222, 1093 terms of court at . . .. 385, 713 for drought resnstant, etc., crops . 422, 1093 Pittston, Pa., _ _ for sugar producing plants .. . 422, 1093 deficiency appxopdstion for public build- investigating production of moe nirup, ing .. . . 563 by-products, etc ... 422, 1093 Pitzcr, Lawn, for economic botany, improving ' pension increased ,... . . . . 1289 lands, etc ... . .. :52, 1093 P1:::ley, Henry O., for farm mqnzgement and practice, inion iucmapod ,... 1367 vesgtigauons. . , ,...,,_,, 422 Pm, mcti, etc., for stock food . 422 duty on, lizhogmphically printed . 145 for farmer¤’ cooperative demonsuution Plainjkld, N, L, work, outside of cotton belt ..,, 422 appropriation for public building .. 12, 827 for farmed cooperative demousuationg Plame Maaomb Lodge, East Baton Rouge and nneeting ravages of cotton~bo11 Paws La., _ wgcvxl ..-. 2 . . .. 422 payment of éourt of Claim findings to 973 outside contributions forbidden ... 422