Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1042

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INDEX. 2345 Poet Oj7iee_Dgpartmmt-—Cgutinued. _ _ _ P¤z¤· Poet Ojiug.-Gontiuugq Page. appropnsmon for supenntendeut d1v1.sion appropriation for city delivery ... 299 of degsd letters, etc ... , ,...,, 495,1037 pwmotiom _______ _ __________________ 299 for supcnuteudent division of supplies, pay of substitutes rated; applicable to etc · - ; ···-······—--· · ···--··--· 496, 1037 clerks 0l’ carriers. . 299 for supe;·1ntendent division of equip- for experimental village delivery ... 299 uml ----~~·······-·--- - ---···· 1037 for misc llaneoun tlab , tc 303 f°!' ¢°¤u¤8°¤t °XP0¤B¢¤ -·-·-~ . -··.. 496, 1038 dcficiencye appr0p;i:§ii>? for Ormgmporsry f°i’ Nut-_ ·-·---·······-····-· · -····-· 496, 1038 and auxnliary clerks .. 236, 324 for Officml P¤¤¤1 Guide · 496, 1038 for city delivery 236, 324, 1159 postal service xgapropriations not to be {W ittiiig ¤P» Gm-, W¤¤hi¤8*»¤¤, D- C ---· 324 usgaq for the apartment 496, 1038 for usnstant pcetmaswrs and clerks ., 333, §0r Solxtgitor fo; the .. 497, 1238 { tr light, and fuel 1%, cr pos servmo. .. 95 0* ND ·------.·-··· for printing and binding for . . . 69, 672, 881 fof ¢]€*!k¤· _ ----- : ·..····--·-..-.·····.. ’ 1159 d•ciency appropriation for postal service 222, for clcxk_hu·c thu·d_c{as offices .. . . . 1159 f 6 24,573, 578,7Qg, ]15v%ag15g,1161 a11¤wan¥fu ca§yu<;§'111]ury, etc., *00 clerks, 301 0 tt]._nG“ , _ Post ’ · 'WIQQI], __,____________·____ r ingu>u,pD? C.} l;?:noval zi gvisiom, money orders may be issued payable at any etc, from mam building ... 324 addrixqngzlodw office ... _ _ . . 280 for goutmgent expenses. . ._ ..,,,, 333, 796, 1150 D0 tw pay for postal savmgs bush ¥°"""g’*‘°“‘“’ S°§".§* °‘““““* ““"°" 57** 1*5* mm Z.? *1; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 33 tm . . . . 11 » 1 gb-- Mczzgrlgc 0% 0%. F. Macdonald _ gg; mam hq operate pneumatic jzupes, to fur. commision au orized to gaxexnd for im- Qmha} ff°m “PPF°PT“m°¤¤ f°¥ gb provement of mow m gm-vice, 222 be bunldmgs; payment for . , 619, 833 Pon Office Department Bw _OlgI (M algo Pq•{1i<>¤d·¤, _ F em d _ (;!m?,,_| Land omg, wading), yum commxttoc on od 2.1 to, conunaptpmpnat.1011 fog general repaus ... 43 *19*1 ·-·-•--···· · ····----·-·-·~·~··· 300 for new plectrxi elegawr. .. 43 Pfé ggx {E15 of Preparing or repamug, p um ing, etc . 44 °¥P°”“’ . » for employees, care of, etc ... 488 _ ew-? " ·••-• · ·-······-~-·-·--·· 303 Pwt Oju Inapector; P•:1·¤g,¢··$'¢¤**·P Au’“m*a 146 . . · . . u on ... . appropriation for chxef, clerks, ctc., m Puma Stamps, ` for $‘£ggif°° D°P°m“°°t· ····*··• 49* 10232 ,•pprdpriat1o11 for mpuufacture, etc ... 302 for per diem; allowances when tampgl P°;;¤g:8f§<$1>#» F°"'9”» 162 f absen;1 from ham? etc ... 335 Postal Cmd, `'‘ `'‘'``’'’```' or c er etc., `vision ea quarters. .. 5 · ’· · ,, M *r¤v¤1i¤¤··s ¢¤v¤¤¤¢¤· ·=¤= ------·-··---- 295 °p}$`§°I’L1`Zt.I?a`E{$$o.{ .“.g.|.`Y ?Y??`.E.’.°.' .°Y°.°YT`§ I %°

°" h"°*'Y · · ·······- Q6 deficiency appropriation formanuiactuxe. 324,333

°* °¤P°¤°°°» “=’·*°¤ 9 °'” --·~- 6 mr freight on, ew .. 333,579, 796, 1150, 1161 f°r mwatdsv Sm: ·····• . ‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘•‘‘‘‘‘‘··· 296 Postal Cara, f°’.“°°“"·“g “‘f°'¥“‘¥“°”i ew ····· 2 ······· 296 restriction on use of, unless sanitary and deficxency appropriation or tmveling ex- mum.] _ 300 pauses _ . .. _. . 333, 1159 Pond Cmvmt% ```````` `````````````` ¤¤<>-¤¤¤¤ i¤ cw ¤f miuw, ¢¤¤-, ***119 <>¤ pamn pm, wm.’ French Guiana .. my P c Omiutv ··-··—-~-··-····-·-····~···-·· 301 W32: gnmxm. ... {sn os x, · . vn mace ... 744 - up m riation for postmasters . 296 with Guadelou .. 1633 P ugusual sgles of stamps, vw. M? in- with Liberia. . . 1777 eluded m gross mcenpta as bums of 296 wgcgzggninique . . 1623 ... ‘ ...--·-----·-----·-- t .. 1867 for postmaatets, first wd second 296 P¥the$¢|;ml?;(:£[0pd11ms _,,. , ,,,,_,.,...,. 1892 c o es wml , primal. _ im- cgerks, etc., first and second class of- 296 appropriation for publicatnon of. .. 496, 1038 ces .. p M13 ‘ S gm, promotions provided for ·.-.··---·----· 298 fppmggazggu gr Director, assistant, clerks for mechanics, watchmcll, etc z . 298 etc ______________ _ ,,,,_,_______ 465, 1037 io: clegkgtin t§b=:¤1z;S¤f ggnuwt ¤*·¤¤¤¤¤- - gg sm travel, ece., cmcc of the Director . 302 ouustnu cer ,e__ .. . 5 mmlm li , mmge emu _____ 303 for wmpomy and suxdnary clerks ~----- 298 ig; germ, cwggugktxgxg sceénmm oi. . 470,1012 for separating mails, third and fourth {gr clerks, ctc., Treasurefs 06ce 471,1013 clggg 0$gg3 _______,,,,,,,,,..., 298 clmms of posummtem for losses of funds, for unusual conditions .. 298 stagnps, etc., fxorp casualtws to be for clerical services, third clam oices; 298 Edyusteii and pmd by Postmaster 279 restri ti .,,,__. , ..,.,,,. . ...,,,, eners ,.,..., mowanicog assistant postmasters. . - 299 oyer $].0,p00 to be reported to Congress. . 279 for rent, light, and fuel, first, second, and iqme lumt for preseuting ... - .. 279 third clam officgg; leases, ,,,,.,.____ 299 mm.] matter to be tgausxuittad free under limit third class offices ... 299 penalty ir¤uk..;.-, .. I . 716 for miscellaneous items, first and second report of free tzrsmsmnsmu not requppd. - 716 31355 oE(;gg ____ _ ___________,_,_____ 299 pcstuustgrs, et4:,,_ Allowed no addgtxunal for mechanical and labor-saving devices- 299 pay for busmesv of -·-.. . ------. 716