Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1056

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INDEX. 2359 Public Buildings—Continued. Pass. Public Buildings-Continued. Pam dencicncy agpropnation for Architectural Salisbury, Md., open space mquimmout Recor Company .. 315 reduced , ,____ _ __________________, 378 for vsulgs, safes, md locks .. . 333, 1155 Thomasville, Gs., site to be known an Rodior heaging apmu for . Z _ . . @3, 1159 _ denbery Park. . .· .. 582 construction o 11, Mass., xmmngnnt. Vmelnnd, N. J., street exposure modified. 1185 mon tgansfured to Trsuury De- 209 Wythevillo, Va., cbnngeaauthmized m... 210 men . ... , . punk Bu · Mmm, , D_ _’ limit. og cost i11¢};:|9d, publw b111id1¤8 it 207 nppmygdtlggsfgr additigngl puy?cHicer?8 1069 . “€“”**· z ··-· : -······· z ---·-··· charge . , B=1¤m<>r¤» M<i·» ¤¤¤¤¤z¤¤¢ ¤¤¤¤¤ ---··- 513 for supmmudeui, cmu, cw ... 482, 1024 B¤¤{{¤|’» M8 -····-··· · -·--····-·-----··· 683 for foreman, gardeners, etc .. 482, 1024 Beloit, Kang ,,,.,..,,_.,.. . ... . . . . 207 for wawhme¤’ ctc- _ _ _ _ _ ____________ 482, 1024 Gohpos. N. Y .---------·.----»--··------ 1219 10: wmhmmi, w¤¤m¤gm¤·¤ umu- Elkmg, Va ,... . ... . . Place ________________ ; __________ 433,.1024 Garden ity. kim, ·-·- - --···---·---··· for contmgen' t xpomcs, uniforms, Gmngi Junction, Colv -·--··-··------··- 798 em ... (T 4 83, 1024 Hnmnburg. P3 -····--·---·· · ·--·--—··· 386 amonmt from District revenues 483, 1024 La Junta, C0l0 -··-·--··---······-----·- 740 for improvement and cam of parks, Mguqgu, N, Dak , - 513 etc _______ _ ___________ _ ______ $$,633,845 Msrlm, _T¢x .---·-·--·-~----··- · --·--··· 794 for Monument grounds, ctc 33, 633, 845 Memp1¤¤,_T¢3¤¤·{ ··------ - ··--------··- spaces resulting from iilling canals 3 IOEIIIUOD 0l’ ... . ..».. gd k gygf;9 ; pgrm]°tg fgr Milevgu 09, Wil-, ¤PP!'•i¤¤¥¤’ mm -··-- 371 ... . ... 633 Newcasilo, Ind --- · .··· 554 for Potomac Park ,,,., . ,., _ 34, 634, 846 Osage Guy, Kam -------··----·-··--··-- 378 added w park system under Clue! of Pendleton, Omg ... . ... 513 , ,,_,,,,,,,,,_,,, , , , , , , _ . 634 Pensacola, Fla -· - ·-.··-··------ · · - 376 use for lsgoons, spoodways, etc., re- Samt Petersburg, FIA --····-----··· $11 su-icted .. 84, 634 S¢Ym0\¤’» hd ··-··-·~-···--···-· · -·-·- 812 for portions of parks for out- Sholbyville, Tenn . 699 door sports 846 Smyrna, Del ---··--·--·----·---------·- 512 for Meridian Hill Park, . mw Uwyalde, Tex. . . , .. 1140 for uecswtc. Library grounds . 34, 634, 846 requirement. for !ll'$ w face Q10 SUNG grounds of? Capitol, and Samba and ma bcwxuvodm¤uiallc1t1<sa,1stc.. 565 House Buildings .. 34,634,846 Akron, Ogio, gn of IRG dogied iq! BURW- 1593 for Executive Mansion grounds 34, 634, 846 Binghamtonh . Y., scqumng utc, etc., for employing engineer, etc ... 34,635,848 aut.honzed..-:..: .. 1189 fortepairs,ctc.,Execu§iveMnnsion- 35, 635,847 sale of present buxlding after occupancy for extmordimry repairs, etc ... 35 of new one 1189 for fuel, oenhouses, etc. .. 35, 635, 847 Denver, Colo., post odicg, UBB of 8991*0- for T,!‘8,V€§;§§8DS6!0i President 35,635,847 priations for mnling devxcps .. 610 for hting xocutivoMnnsion,ctc. 35, 635, 847 Gastonia, N. C., sale of pqrucu of mw . 729 for hting and heating for public Hanover, Pa., cnlguging nw, {etc .. . . . 1163 gr0¤11d¤ --···..·-- 35, 635, 847 Honolulu, Hnwnu, sale of mw, §¤d ¢0!r for telegraph, Capitol, departments, etc. 35, struction 011 another -_. . . 892 635, 847 limit of price; former appropnzuous for Washington Monument .. . . . 35, 635, 847 available --·------ _- 892 for rqpairs, building where Abmham Huntingdon, Tenn., street ¢Xp0¤\¤‘6 ¤10d1- Lmcoln died . 35, 635, 847 iied ...,...,.,,,,.,.,.. 1163 for maintenance, Wakefield, Va. . . 35, 635, 847 Jersey City, N, J., sale of old post office and for Grunt Memorial ... 35, 635, 847 sim authorized ...,.,. Z 811 for unveiling statue of Commodore John Marshalltown Iowa, part. of site released. . 1244 Barry . . . . .. 36 Minneapolis, Minn., old gost office named for Lincoln Memorial ..,... 36, 636, 847 Iiedenl officc buil ing and custom- for Arlington Memorial Amphitheater. 636, 848 h°¤¤° ····---·········---·-······-- 122** Public Cmrvemknu Stations, D. C., Newark, N· L 6*]*5 °f P'°'*2m lP°°t °m°° gp mpriniou for maintenance .. 530,905

 c°“"·h°‘!"°.°’“ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘ 109 Ear remodeling station, Seventh Street

rise until nqw ,b\11l(]lD8 completed .. 109 and Pennsylvania Avenue __________ 905 '“·° wd hmmm? mlm P'°“"’d? ········· 109 for new station, Fifteenth and H Streets technical, cw., services authorized .. 109 NE _______________________________ 905 limit of (EQQL GEC  : . . .; . . .. . . 1].0 D0cu"wn”’ · New York (,i_i,y, appraisers emma, changes on me lm, imwd bifomlgn vemmenm 155 nurhvrrwd m -··· ; ···--··—· · · ·. ····· 210 Public Domain (ue Pu lic Lungs). assay office, construction of extension of Public Dm, W5!] $¤'Q0¢ f¤‘°m,°f --·--··· · · ·. ····· 740 Federal reserve notes receivable for . . 265 glyggzs, NB Yi; nw r<¤<1¤g¤¤··=¤*? ¤:1<:*_;§°;*0; 555 rubric mann mz Mmm Hmpuaz sa-M me · ·-· “°° "°° ‘i (M rubxic Health smice). tones, author- _

   ______________ 251 Public Heqltb, Internatwml (Mice cf,

Richmond, Vg,, acquisition of additional ggwlprogmuons for annual quota 440,1123 had for '''''` °` : '`'`.' Q 686 P pgmpzaugoiafguéugwn General clerks Bnseb , or .,toaccomm tepos 8 · · `<1:gicean?1gothargovernmental0Hicc¤. 958 ctc ..., 473, 1015