Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1060

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INDEX 2363 Public Sclrools, D. C.—Continued. P¤8¢- Pugh, Allan E., Page. appropriation for textbooks, etc.; {kgs, pension _____________ _ ___________ 1574 playgrounds, school gardens, etc.. 535, 910 Pugslq; Creek, N. K, U l . N i f°l' °·Pi{8·¥'“·lE“S» etc -·······-··~··-·- · 536, 910 preliminary examination, etc., of, to bg app mation of payments for nonresident made . .,.. _ _______ 1057 f Q!. . , Pugaley, Frank, or m rvices . .,., pgngi ‘ _________________ _ ______ f ir-§e_{.:iiition totgnildren of oicials, etc. 910 Pulaskioélglqllnty, Ark, 1527 crm 1¤8¤,¤\_ etc .-·. . . 536911 b' Arksusssm ,Litl new Central High School ... 536; 911 may lxiggnta. Y (il; . . .i 685 high school for colored pupils . . 536, 911 Puhxski, Tenn., ` sixltieen-room bunlding west of So1diers’ 536 P approprizvtion for public ..,... 13, 613 ome . .. . Cumberland uma"` site for ge: glsstern High School, 536 ’ C'hu?clI»,’ sites an u dmgs not to ex imit payment of Cdurt f Claims iindmgs' to 987 Efcost. . . 536,911 Pulaski, Va., f 0 bh ml so ciingsu scrip ons or 1 en· ex- ro riaun ° b 'dmg‘ .,,,,, ,,,, ceptipns ... - . ’ . . 536, 911 P3; P 0 or pu C 827 restriction on use of Franklin Build- duty on, indurated liber ware 149 ing . . . , . . 536 manufactures of, not specially provided plans, etc., to be prepared by munici- for .. . . 149 pal architect 536, 911 Pulp, Wood (sec Wood Pulp), exit doors to open outward, etc , 536, 911 Pulp Woods, deficiency appropriation for longevity on free list ..,... . ,,,,,,,___ _ _____ 164 anay . Z - . , .. 316, 565, 1141 Pulpboard, Y for owance to principals ...,.. 566, 1141 duty on, in rolls, not laminated .. , 144 for reconstructing Western High School. 566 Pulsipher, Elizabeth I. (widow), for kindergarten supplies ... 1141 pension increased . ,..,.,,,,,,.,,,,__ _ ___ 1597 for fuel, light, and power  : . 1141 Pulu, buildings an grounds may be used by chil- on tree list . t .,..,, , ____, 161 dren an adults for meetings, recrea· Punuoa Stone, Publ tgp, etc ,,,,,,.,,,,,.,.,,..,.. 1190 duty on, ziapufsctures of, not specially 120 iz U ‘ mu, prov: or .. ‘ .,... appropriation for investigating standards Pungoteagg, Va., llethodbt Epicmpal incomgfdix States:n'(i‘l:a1tfritE»i·cies:) poi-53, 1044 payment of Cdgurt of to ,_,, 992 sessions, etc., from, not subject to 172 Pungoleagm, d'Va., Samt George pimpal tax---•.•·..-·•---••••-····•·•···· r I . derived from prior contracts with cor~ payment of Court of Claims iind1¤8¤ to 992 tions, etc., not to be taxed; con- Punwlmumts (see Crimes and Misdemeanors). Sitions. . _. . I .. 172 Punta Mala, Canal Zone, _ Public Utyugka gommmgon, D. C., 520 897 hgg1I§)n;>0uIl;lei:t\;t)hln§1):ed on Psuiic coastat .. ig; a. nation or gg _,,,,,__,,,,.,. , ...,,, , ., . · - - - . Piiwlroiraluadon work, etc . : . 520, 897 Punxmiaumqy, Pa., _ _ _ deiiciency appropriation for valuation, etc., appropnatnon for public building ., 13 expenses _____,_____,,_,__,,,, , .,., 316 Purchasing Agent, Post Ogos Departmmi, Publ use for legal services forbidden 316 Pxpxropnagon forbclg , etc .. 494, 1036 ` t' , _ r ng diver, . ., oniligegj/rlisgi issued for gratuitous private 155 Papproplnantgplnlifor, deputy, clerks, etc ,,,. 517,895 circ ation .. . . 1u·o§,_ a_ ., P bl` gig", 'm'"‘0·n, D Payfmgyg Agrigul. nam]; rncyggggdu ____ _,_____,_, ____ __,, 1382 u wa ture,D1 ’ Q t of P1i)redy,_RachclB. (widow), gp mpringigu fm- gg,lar·ig;_ _ ______,___,_ 435, 1106 pension increased ..,,,,,,,, . ...,,,... 1235 tp 1 . 435 1106 Pure Food Lawr or genera expenses r . . for rent . . 437 appropénfauon for og 4;;,) 15% Publ' nom or_e orcmg, m _ 1s_ c o m 1a.. , designated libraries to receive, deficiency appropriation for expenses en- P _ _ during their existence . 75 Pun S X ;l;.i£J-,.._ use ublwilii Exper", ' ed f . 212 Sweet Wines), PUPGQX c appropriations requu or. . provisions regulating fo , , of 747 Piidizliii, baked, ec ...--- 132 Purity F;rd:,;¤;¢·>¤,;,0j;'_;,·;¢ 1~¢¢~·¤¢¢<>··<=¢ GM- wblo Indnhm, N. Hex., . v P 8`ppr§pria§.i2n,:o1iVspeh•;:hlatwI‘r;n;eey . . . 92, 594 delegaiéelgcfgée sppomted to, at San Fran- 782 M t · mmm a rwny, _ -_ ---···---··-·---··· _ ·----···- agproiruririitiorti ior glnprovement of; d0uble36 636 Purdy F;¢$;:¢;>_”,;V;S;”d,¢;*”* I’*“""“‘w""l Cm" I kretc ···· •·•· ···• • ·’·• """" 1 , * . . , Puget Souofed Naval Station, Woah., delegates authorized to, M1nneap0l1s,M1nn. 239 Bp ropriation for public works. 401, 936 PWM, F ______ , _____ 936 duty gu, mgt3.l_ ,_ __ _,______,__,,, , _____,, 149 or naval magazine N Z M im im d°¤¤P°¤;ry' ‘i) ``°‘` li '‘'` is '` bit? iii ‘ Ptguhiibu °° " 1437 O? ` 9·!'¤*€ Br °¤ ¤$1°¤r - _ ···· · ···-··- _ ·-·····---···---···- for iniiliiiil storage ..-.--.-·----- 937 Pw·v¤¤3w¢,_AnM A- (widow), 1364 P'f{’°§ S“‘”"· W‘”"·· { -1, ,0 ,-,-3,. p.E}°,.‘;”,’§§’“C‘.i‘,,‘,."“"°" ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ` ti n or ai na , _ _ ., _ _ _ e c1€3i>ii:ii1)F’4Ii•n!drld’dj(si.cent waters . . . 225 appropriation for public building . 13, 613, 827