Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1068

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INDEX. 2371 Rilndired Oils, Page- Rescue Ap]1>:ia11,ces, Miners’, P¤€°· u y on . . .. 117 tr t . .. 159 compounds, etc., containing alcohol 115 Reggvwaigon No. 13, D. C., not sp-gcmlly provided for .. 117 unused documents and patent models, in on free t. ...·---·---...----------.. 161 Gshpitol, and Senate and House Renfro, Jesse L., O ce Buildings to be removed to,. 458 pension ·-·- - --··-···--·-·---—---·-···-- 1360 Reserve Bank Orgamkatwn Committee, The, Rennalgcr, Jacob C., officials constituting .. 251 pension increased ... . .. 1523 to designate Federal reserve cities and Rmméls, 1_ t 161 d1 tri§t;i...i ... . 251 on ree 18 . . -.. toorganize era reserve ban s . 252 Rermoe, Beverly A., _ _ appropriation for expenses of organization, - payment of Court of Claims findings to ad- occ _______________________________ 252 R L ministrator of . 974 Rama mms, ""’h.t“?”’°'"» ts status oi, under Federal Reserve Act .. 262 Rx 1,,;* e¢¢<>¤m -----— - -------—------- 1247 Rome C'1ties,AF'ederal (454 also Federal no- °°“v°}g;$€;l‘¥, EDEEBB 1*}] *§g§n°L1;:l¥zB(g 1198 designgiiddcoffgir Reserve Bank Organiza- R and Butter v tlou ommittee ..,..,.,..,,,_,. 2.5]. ‘8"°pp”mpr12ti0H ·for inspection Of, factories, 419 Reserve lxottés, Federal (see Federal Reserve ° ······‘‘ ‘ ‘···· · ···*············ Reservoir etc. Sites Indian Reeervariom Rent, D. C., ’· ·’ ’ · · · ’ _ spprorzristion for Department of Asri¢¤;1§7 1108 appropxgzgriif. 18,582 ure ... , R h H for Department of State ,. 466 1008 “ · . ”"V# tor Treasury Department 474; 1015 R P?¢;‘”‘;"E,m°'°3’°9d ·-·--··--··-······-····· 1561 for War Department 482, 1024 m m @m"5""°'””’* . fm, Navy Delganment ______ _ _________ 488 1029 appropriation for compensation. ... 458, 1001 - ’ t of a of elected for for Interior egrtxnent . 493,1034 commenigigen P y ’ 458 for Post Office apartment .. 496, 1038 f r Glgwxp em '‘•·‘·· * ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1001 for Department of Justice ... 498, 1039 f° dg;] . ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘'"‘‘‘‘‘'·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘· 461*1003 for Department of Commerce .. . . 504, 1045 °I r ‘‘‘'‘‘‘ ‘ "‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘°‘‘‘ ’ clerks to be placed on roll of em~ for Department of Labor 506,1047 I _ . tm t tc 461 1004 for bmiomgs for Army mo .. sev, 1079 . P °Y°°“» “1’R°*? °” · " ---··· » for Interstate Commerce Commission 28, ‘;;g§‘I;‘;s°'Y '}n.1g’{°g;‘“f{f);“ ,1- ·é;)r 575 627, 839 ’ 4 1. I'] ' deiicienpy appropriation for Department 325 Rum, (§;m°°°’m‘m mlya l° ‘’‘‘ 1 o Commerce. , ’ ·’ · Rm¢,L41;r4¢,rrra{·4445(-Brorrojgzrrr, au ed 299 0¤ nsgrgjgéeggger dwss Mt svemiiy 157 appropnati n or; n-year eases ow . _ ‘‘‘‘’‘'’‘‘ ‘ '‘‘'‘‘'°‘' R }i2_1it, tlliird class offices ... 299 Rgggnén U5 ent 0 ourt Rooms, , . ·································· appropriation sor., . 54, 654, 867 Re¢r¤·mzw or·*m» Tmww ee eee 1¤- deficiency appropriation for ... . . . . 323 l““c*K°l“l» . . .th five-year lease authorized {or, New York former provisions for 1HB|p1.|;§, wi out no- __ City_ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____________ 323 _ PICS 01* secynty, l’8 ed . .: 73a Rented Buildings, D_ gn provisions for issmng, under Antitrust l annual statement of, to show detailed area Ado eva ··-··-· ·`-I ············· . · · · 737 Re "‘;"“°°’ "°‘°’ °°"‘°°* °‘° ··········· 3 “’ "{2¥4iL‘rE»‘4’L°.%.’$r'34L§ '°°°‘ °“"* “‘ “" 220 I d. I 7 . 5 r ······.--•····.'-~·- ¤?;;>?£:;{(ia;i0¢$;e 8§|og:;gdf“Rep;esent2aé1 1003 R¢8¢TG171¢f£t¥t:11g:,A(;V:¢tr7N;‘rt1cn<§twm in (ue also forS2n’§2e;:-:::;:.·.-.2;:;:11::1:;:1:1 458; 1000 evvmvristien for e1¤f¤¤¤¤s 1¤w¤ sssimt: deficiency approlpriation for extra services, 23 fodeihtlrss :??‘“t"d·6 · · 13%%:52* 866 House of epresentatives ... 7, · 327, 575, 1153 _ sublessed, etc., to . 743 {0,- extra servicgg, Scmyh __ 227, 327, 574, 1152 provisions lfpr preventing, etc., unlawful 730 Rappyy Gu COH1 IDB IODS 1I1i.i . . . .. .{ -. pension increased _______ _ ____ _ ___________ 1382 purchases of strigrxiriiq stee , armgr, e c., Representatives in Congress, _ g":1h‘P° ° ° WY “°* *° °‘““dj15 953 appropriation for compensation .-.. 458,1001 R . d J 3 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘'`‘' ’ commencement of pay of, elected for me u. 9€·"· f sal . 507 1048 ¤¤·=¤»¤e *·=¤·¤ -·····—·—--·-———·-·- 458 p:;3*;L°£,?i??¥,4$o1,—42i1§°‘24;-sirens; " * i3i·$5l°i?iri}oZZZCIf.'.'.`.YZZCCIZIZCCZZ igif {325 b 1>r<>vi¤i¤¤¤ in 1>¢¤··<>¤¤€1 M1 0* 1859 ra clerks to be placed on roll of em- P°°‘]°d ····‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 939 ployees; appointment, etc .. 461, 1004 1 Retorls, deficiency appropriation for pay ...-- 575 <1¤tY °n»_S`aB · - -; ·-··· ; ···~--- 1 -··---·-·· 121 1,,,- mueage ____ _ _______________________ 793 1 R on froglrstélplagnum, for chemical 161 `l , " -th' d C , tier, rs. az ., _ "“ “”‘g{’.;,§,’§§,i‘i‘§{,$"§.,?§§,Y,’1§r.,_`{,_f’_“g__’,E_E,°, 1 , Epaymerr ro, death or nrsbmd ... be prohibited service on Federal Reserve __ ] Returns of Income Taxes, __ R d Bgard, 0;- as gfficog- of rwerve banks. 2-30 \ to 139 111*121 nnlgibllc Ycgggds --—··-—··—·· · · e Pl t , resele nn nSP°° . ················· ,., §’,Z}’,4Z§§§r4.,,‘3ri,,i’fi,.‘fC"€?’{$ ___ 45, 644, 855 rms by see coms ..·..------»-··-» 1~ 96497°-—v0L 38—-rr 2--74