Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/11

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. Page. Parcel convention with Martinique. Signed at Wuhington February 20, 1913- a ro ed mu 1, 1913, ...,. . .,... ’..gI?..Y.. me Parcel Jost convenusm with Guadeloupe. Signed at Washington February 20, 1913; approved arch 1, 1913 ... , .. 1633 Amimltgorisgeemnt with France. Signed at Washington February 13, 1913; proclaimed March 1643 1 ter-nauonalz ibikié `mec ```' ‘ `'`` {6 pmy. `'` "e1§£12»EA1'1isf¤I1{mg1»· ```` Kiiiéé E u 19lfi\PE>¤al]¤ig¥°d APTi:h29»1H91?;il···?i -·--·-···· ··-- { ····----···--- · - -w ···---·· I 1645 Trca wi eiimng eperso an ropertyrigtso citizens. Sign` at ash1ngto` n tyFebruary i5, 1913; proclaimed July 3, {913 · . 1 669 Intern:-iganal radiotelegraphic convention. Signed at London July 5, 1912; proclaimed July 8, 672 . . .. . 1 Arbitrabt€io1:;§onv{>3ntion with Uruguay. Signed at Washington January 9, 1909; proclaimed Novem- 1 41 r , 19 7 Parcel poet convention with Greece. Signed at Washington July 8, 1913; approved Jul 11, 1913. . 1744 Extradligcin treaty with Paraguay. Signed at Amncion March 26, 1913; proclaimed January 24, 1754 n»1og1gffapwm ``````` 1`¥§1E§weae1 ````````` signed ‘ '```` L1`i6¤amgw` 1i?¤iié`éé§ 1§>1%}';3i6é1ame1` ‘ ``` umn "``` lm arb1e§¢g$`ag»emm ````'`' 1'§F11i{spn¤.· ``'` `` Signed " ``` §fii¤@`· ``'` Ei `umn `'```' ééf `1§1§;'{»¤»1amea· ``` `'``' ii §ié1fésI, 1765 Arb°tration--a€·eenient `````````` 'mth"' `` em `` { ```'` E'w¤¤nmgw"`· '``` "éi§`iéi:·Z§ 1.1..1 ""‘“.,..e‘ ·‘°" ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘ 8.,1 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘· w ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 11 to *2..1 ·‘‘‘ )fi§1'i5`1§11` 1%% ’tranon ntwi y. ’ at n ay , ; ’ p' ,_ . Arbitra1®i;>;1 agreement with Norway. Signed n June 16, 1913; proclaimed Apnl 15, 1771 armm.n¤· ¤` agree. °``' iii Hi; Switzerlan ```` HI K:`wn1n¤gm"" ``'` §,`1b1é§`;3i6é1nm"` `éé an ""'“.g..2“· m4¤'£"`£1ii ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ sm ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1 ‘w..n¤,a.. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1 ‘‘‘‘ no ‘‘‘‘‘ 1 ’·‘‘‘ .1 11"`éé`1§11` {ZZ?. `trauon wi n une ; roc aime a . Parcellgnat convention Signed at llomovia April 30, 1914}: at Washingtgn Miay 26, 1777

approved ... . ...

Arbitral§1;on2:;gr;a;;r‘;ent wgh Austria-Hungary. Signed at Washington May 6, 1914; proclaimed 1783 y , . . ... Pan Ageim copyright convention. Signed at Buenos Aires August 11, 1910; proclaimed July 1785 Pan Agcincané `énl `· ```` é2»i{éé¤i&¤H.' eaghé k1'i§¤ié13£»Q '.nm` ° ` `Xugw ``` 11]'iéié§ §¤b&`n1m` "Q hb] lm nm `iéieiiié 's1g¤` ‘ ` éi1`i£`1§i1$HJJ Ame` ` August ```'`` é6,` 1i»1b}`;§m1nm ``'` "`éé 361;} E, lm srea¤¤ét;¤»;;,¤g1eei;"'i1€i£ E15 Wanngm '``` i£ 1é§'iéi·£;'§m1am ```` "e}fAugu¤1 ````` 1827 P 1 ’ c0¤%§Hd6£1`%11i11‘¤AH `1i'é'¤am""` Z" `wasumgh " `````` A `ugm '````` éi"16i-£· `` Geme gpttember 14, 191;; 6 . ... {W . . { . ’ 1829 peacetrea wx ua Signed: ashmgto' n tem 20 1913; ' October 13, &4 . ..._ .. ? .. ’ 13 . 1840 Generzilgpiace treaty with Norway. Signed at Washington June M, 1914; proclaimed October 22, 1843 ee¤em;9peac4` `é1}éé%§`€»·i£i'i>br¤uga1. `'`' E i1'i.§§136{1`i·k§mny ``` Z1]`iéi·£§ procla `` `uw ````` om `'“` 1iéi ii] lm nbamzgioxééigmm; ```'` iiormgn `````` sm " `é.1`££ Was} `mgw ``'` i{1h£é%,`iéii§§mnm `'“` " 'éd `oéiiiéé ml General peac’ 3E·i£i'e}éi1`iz}i££§»Z' `eig£1éifi%`wnn¤g»¤"'· ```` §pternber13,1914;-pmdmm' ````` `ék November 11, 1914 . . .. 1853 General peace treaty with Costa Rica. Signed at Washington February 13, 1914; proclaimed Npvember 13, 1914. ... . ’ . . ._ .. . . 1856 Arbih·1;)¤o1;3ag§·.$¢i1‘;ient withGostaRica. Signed at Washington March 16, 1914;proclaimed Novem- 1860 er , ... . Generail pegéceligi-fry with Spain. Signed at Washington September 15, 1914; proclaimed Decem· 1862 er , ... . ... - Posml convention with the Bahamas. Signed at N amau December 2, 1914, at Washington Decem— ber 19, 1914; approved December 23, 1914 ... 1867