Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1100

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INDEX. 2403 Spr-ingboro, Ohio, P¤Z€· Stahl Ernest C., Page. condemned cannon granted to, for soldiers’ military record corrected ,__,,,,__________ 1303 memorial"., .. 1202 Stahl, John D., Springer, Lulu, E. (widow), pension increased . ... 1416 pellswll .-.. 1286 Stained Glass Windows, Springfield Arsenal, Mass., on free list, for churches, etc . . . . . 166 appropriation for street improvements. . . 629 Stained or Painted Glass Windows, or coal bins, etc. · repairing streets .. 841 duty on 123 acceptance of deed of land, from Edward Stains, Ingersoll . 568 duty on, not ially provided for ... 119 Springfield, Mo., Stalker, James E., appropriation for public building . . 14 pension increased. ..,. , ,..,,.,... 1280 for rent ... - 14 Stalker, William, - receiver of public moneys, abolished .. 371 pension increased ... 1300 register to have charge of land office, etc. . . 371 Stall, Joseph, roadway to national cemetery conveyed to; pension increased 1405 conditions 31 Stallard, Thomas E., Springjield, Mo., First Christrkzn Church, pension increased 1497 payment of Court of Claims findings to 979 Stalter, Samuel, Springjielrl, Mo., Methodist Episcopal Church pension increased .. . .. . .. 1386 South, _ Stamford, Conn., _ _ _ payment of Court of Claims Endmgs to 979 appropriation for public building ... . 614, 828 Springjield, Tenn., Stamford, Tat., _ _ _ appro riation for public building . . . . 14, 614 appro riation for public biulding . . 828 Sprinqfigla', W Va., Presbyterian Church, Stamp gases, payment of Court of Claims findings to.. . . 995 duty on, jewelry ... : 149 S `n valley, Ill., Stamped Envelopes, Po•uzlSe1-vuce, de§c1ency appropriation for public build- approprlation for freight or expreaage on. . 300 i? .,,.,.,...,. , .,,,,...,.. 564 of .,._,,.,.. - ..,,.. 302 "Z?’2§’” °”" so .1i;"-‘*‘°‘“"““°“,a.i’t?.fa;.;·2;.;‘z;.irgi.e· 3**2 u on- ... e ciency appro , ., S ln 011 ..,. 1150 Zn free list ... . ... 162 Stomper, Sallie B., _ _ Spurlin, Itluzrnar, payment of Court ot Claims Hum? to 985 pension increased 1401 Smmpp, AU`red A., aha: Charles Sto , Spurlin, Joshua F. pens1or1:._. : ... - .. * .. 1 447 pension increased ... . 1424 Stamps Dgmqwn, PM Difanmmls Spurloclc, W H., appropriattpn for supennten ent, etc. . 495, 1037 S ygimblmzyggrrpgnt m_ _ , _ ,, , , , ,,, , . . . . . . . 1452 Stam%·gé€]¢`lE)g·te1gn Postage or Rwgnug, 162 rs a ti ls, on ··-—----—-·--·-·· · -·---·-··---- Idir free list, for manufacture of earthen- Stamps, Internal Revenue (see also Internal ware, etc _________ _ _ ,__,,_,,,,,,,._ 162 1{evenue Taxes, Em€!g€DQY), Spyres, Ekazar, 1315 fop odrggnonal ppdigrgilgigtjdwxggoasééh. 746 pension inc . ..·-- · · GV! 0¤ ¤P€¢ _ » ' S are Iron H1€DtB, Em., 1!1_SCb€d\l18 A- . - . . . . . . qdluty on, iolled or hammered .. 123 preparations, etc., in Schedule B _. . . 754 Square 172, Washingtzmk D. C., penalty for usmng documents, etc., withtitle to 44, tl) OWDGI of ]'BC· vshOUt· ·t·f · g}’&· · · · · • · • or ... punt men or _ y ·-··--~- Squier, Clara R. (willow), cancellation by person atlixing ... 755 pension increased. . . .. . .. 1527 d_pu$slttrnEn2.]{p;u\%$;¤g without.; . éélzs. 755 Squires, Louisa (widow), nstu u ton assmta¤_ _ reasu , pension__________ ____ __________________ gpggltonggy and pgs},. · T _ ‘ Ow -· masters ... . 755 Sq{g&0€·1§;‘ ¢l_ __{” _________ _ ____,_ _ _ 1535 bond recauired. ...·.--···--.·.-- · 755 Squirrels, Ground, _ deputy_c0l ectors, etc ... $55 appropriation for destroying, etc., on na- regulations to beprepared , .. 55 ' ng] fgyggtg gu3_,_,,,,.., ,,.,,, 434, 1105 punrghmont for issuing, paymg, et,c,, "° · · te th z rss Stackhmrse, Charles, promissory no s wi ou . I ' _ _____ , __,,___,,,__ 1557 no pg-(,\cu]g{ kmd of, ugcqgggry, of gmgunt s"°““"}? ‘“°T°°°" dulyused 757 ta e rm: . ··‘‘ ‘ ‘. ‘‘‘‘''''‘'’ S agpgdprhgiion foiigrstrucétion expenses. . 352, 1063 prepargitgyrgublpgl (;;;11t1;1013s1;}n§;Dg;]llLn1t:;1m1 759 tgp Egpliiilatihlhuigi Army War College 351, 1062 optside contracts apietgtmnzed . - - II lla military information section .. 301, 1062 delivery, cw-, b¥ C0 1'¤ 3 N V ue-- for service schools ... _352, 1063 discount for an es over_$100 . 759 for translator, etc., military informaucégg 1069 8; 8:;0l‘1§1l8 demggségtiedjiix ni. 759 section . ... . --·--· · ~ --·· v ’ ’ 1916 ... . .. 764 Stgggfjlgmizhwgamon granted to .. . -.-- 1198 to be ¤§X§c°]“ cgggngttz f°'f;l°§1;’§g'°§’; S°°’°'t» ·‘¥“"'“;,§,i; ____________.,._... mr avery. ·-···---··------—--·--- or S§““_}°“j,;‘jf,§’,_, J ,,,0,, Stamps, Postage, pgggén mcmabeiq _____ j _______ _ ________ _ 1535 appropriation for mahufrwturé. ¢¤= -~··-- · 302 @497 °—v()L 38-—P'1' 2-;%