Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1126

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INDEX. 2429 Tuttle, Hamkz J. (widow), Page. Tyfhm Fw,,,·_C0mjDu€d_ Pm pension increased. .. . 1401 eiiciency appropriation for prevention of Tufik, Siwum S., ep1dom1c 379 pengiou increased ,,,__,_,,.,, 1332 Tyree, James H., - I - n · Tuiwilu, pension increased 1386 imports from abroad into, not subject to Tyree, John M., Tariff of 1913 . 114 pension increased ..,__.,,,,.,,... 1382 Tum) Island, Conn., Tyrom, Pa., preliminary examination, etc., to be made deficiency appropriation for public buildfor a, harbor of refuge at 1056· ing .,..,,,,_, _ _____________ _ _ _ _. 564 Twenty-eight Hour Law, Animal Transporta- Tys0*n,_Jo}m H., wm, ‘ pension increased ,,_____,________ _ _______ 1515 appropriation for executing 419, 1090 Tunjgrd, Eugem P., U_ TP?¤¤;;g>1;l;E---2·6 ---·...-·----··-·------ 1605 Ubmom, P, H,, wma am Om FI, ma a.ccet1if·sa' ‘ ‘ deposit required frog? for irrigation I>r¤- Y Gangda. . 1475 _ ---- · --··---· - -·····-· ~ · · ··-· · - 860 Uinm FOTCSI, Utah, Twm Falls, Idaho, gpproyxntxon for maintenance, etc., of. 428, 1098 condemned common granted to. ... 1210 Umm}; mmm Rgggvgtwny Utah, Twine and flying Dwehes Postal Serviu. appropriation for protecting bridge at apgropriation for ...,. 303 Mymn, on _______ _ __________ _ _ ______ 604 do ciency appropriation for .. 1150 special report required of iryggatgon probct Twine, Paper, in, aa to Indim1wate:·rights,met.i;od • on free hst, for binding wool . . 164 of financing, g1,c_ _________ _ ________ 583 Tigivkes, M h _ 140 Uintah Ingiahm, {Itch, u ou, x, emp or mmm ... a ro mtion or o, em; m, from tribal on geo list, binding . . 155 Pp Piunds ofCou¥edy;·1¤tgd Bands of Uma 603 1%:;:1-§lg:)I{ngrain Carpets, 143 Uliofozr e?1lqtted)1nnds of ..,.,, 604 ... ...-. .·-.·· , . 'll], ` Twmncy, Ellen widow), nsion increased ,,,.,,,,_,__ _ _ _ _ 1277 pension incregsed 1514 Ugg, Ethdyn M. (wéiow), Tljgarts River, W. Va., Feusiou .. 1603 Tgreligiuary examination of, to be made 1060 Udtmmmino Blue, `ng ommcts, uty on .. 118 restricting purchasers oi articles not to use, [7,,,4;-;;;,, Agency, O,-,g_, Bw-, products of Othmi ¤¤I¤Wf¤1» appropriation for support, etc., of Indians if to lwsen competition, etc 731 at _______________________________ 97 602 72*/kr. Pfwidmt John, Umatilla Irrigation Project, Oreg., y joint Congressional committee to attend un- appropriation fm- maintenance, etc ________ 860 voiling of monument, Richmond, Umatilla National Fmesg, 0,-cgn V3-, $\1th01'iZ¢d -..----------·- - -~·- 1616 a propriotion for maintenance, etc., of. 428, 1099 T?/Z", (widvw), · Umger and Umber Earths, pension increased .,,,..,. 1396 duty 0¤_ _ _____________________________ _ ug Two NM A· <w*f·¤¤>· Umbrella Ribs and somzm pBDSi0u•.·..-...••••¤ , Tyler, James A., Umbrellas ’ ’ ``°``'°```°```'`°'` ` ` v¤¤¤i<>¤ *¤¤¤<=¤¤¢d —·--—---—·--~·----·- ~- -· 14% duty mf. . . m WF Md Type M¤¢¤’~¤, ‘ Bucks sor. .. 2...2. `Z ```'`' 15; uw <>¤ ··---·------·---~---·-··--·--·---· 129 tubes for ... Z. Z I Z " m on free list, old, fit only for remsmufacture. 163 on {rw lm stick, in the mush for ____ 164 T?/P“'“i”9 M“d"i””· Umpqua Nabiimnal Forest, Oreg., y · On 1i¤t ···—···--··- - --·--·-··-··-· · - · - 156 appropriation for maintenance, ctc., of. 428, 1099 Dgmvnw Papa Um River Ong my °° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘°‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘'°° ‘ ’ 146 mm examination t f b d T?g:?t”iF·t 156 P 6 entgnce, to be ma;i;.?;’.?.;..w2. 1061 e?. is ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ J ‘‘‘‘’‘'‘‘‘'‘‘ ’ ' Uncompahgre Irrigation Project, Colo., Tynlgwnlmg, ew., M¢1{f}WM·!, sppmprintion for maintenance, etc .. . 860 y be exchanged in part payment for new 1161 Unmmpahgu National Form: Colo

 ````````````°`' ` appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 428, 1099

prices for, not to exceed those of the two U'•€°mP°’E9'€ UW I”dw”·*» Utah, _ previous ami {wg 508,1049 ¤pvr<>v¤¤¤<>¤ fornxgggmeagwy fwm ¤;¤b¤1 to sncnude value 0 exchanges .. 508,1049 f¤{¤d¤1¤fC£l ¢¤1mdB=%¤d¤ ¤f L ¢¤¤- 603 special, for District of Columbia Schools f°*' Fngaung °“?d ’ ° · ···—-··· - 604 and Indian sewace;re¤mc¢1O¤.. 508,1049 Undvrhm, Helm A- (mdvwx _ Statement. of urchasee made in first quar- Pmmon mc'°“°d ························ 1*’37 ter of iigcal year; details., .. 508 Underwear, _ for the whole year _______,__,,,,,, , , 508 duty on, cotton, ctc., not speomlly propurchase price tor, limited during Hscal vlded for --·---.-- _ ---··--·~-··--... 139 . ygr 1915 ___________,,_,,,,,.,. . 680 Undmpood, Hannah D. umdouw, during mcg] you 1916 __,,,... . 886 pensmn increasod .·.. 1320 Tvphus Fever, _ _ Underwriters, _ _ appropriation for prevention of epidemic. . 24, recogmzed as consxgnees of abandoned un- ‘ 624, 837 ported goods ... 181