Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1129

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2432 INDEX. United States Steel Products Company, Page- Ute Indiana, _C'oni/'ederated_Band.s in Utah, Pasedeliciency appropriation for refunding por- appropriation or fulfilling treaty. ... 99, 603 tion of remmm on war risk policy. 1139 Ute ndmns, Confederated Bands of, _ Unity Church ofpG*iles County, Tenn., appropriation for cash payment to; reim- Upayment pfgourt of Claims findings to 986 léprsement from judgment of Court of 100 ` eraity 0 souri, a'ms égyment of lslbirirt 55 Cévaims Endings to 979 for benefit of, from principal funds in 6Q ioersity of ’a.<: vi , enn., Treasury .. Upzlyxpepti of Coulgtg of Claims Endings to 986 payment to 1{IIavajl•:; Band in gotlglrado- n w u ssemb ea, payment to inta , etc., in . Uproclamation warning against, in Arkansas. 2035 for promoting self·support, etc., from pholstery Goods, accrued interest on Court of Claims Udlngg on, irgtttplz, etc., Jacquard figured 139 d judlgcgient . .. . 603 p tery a , eta“ statement o expen itures 604 duty on, enameled ... 150 for furnishing seeds and agricultural im- Uppercu, Jesse W, plements to ... I 604 Udeficicipccylgpprgpriation g infornpezm 574 U for allotted lands . 604 ppervi , a., t pnkcopa tica, N. ., South, _ appropriation for public building, addi- Upayment of Court of Claims iindincglp to 992 tional land ...,., , ,,.,,. 614 ppervzlleé Tgaé, m Bagbivt urch, 993 for; public building . . ... 828 aymen 0 o 0 aims ndings to or rent .,.,.,,,..,,,,.,., 828 Ugson Abbie A. (widow), Uvalde, Tex., Upensiou increased I ... 1280 appropriation for public building ..,.,,, 614, 828 penn, Catharine M. (widow), limit of cost increased, public building at. 1140 Upensxon increased 1369 Uzzle, James, pson, Isaiah, ~ 1388 pension increased 1316 nsion mc Uiyzn, John H., v ssion ...,.. 1433 ° - Uxfma College, Glasgow, Ky., -,,,1,,,-,),, ,,,;,-,1.,,, payment of Court of Claims Endings to suc- V‘:;;)r0prhg’£l{fm___:___ _ __________ _ _ _ _ _ _ 78, 584 I cessor to . . 970 Vmmge rpm", lhamum, on ee ist ... 153 on free list, oxide and salts or . 163 Vatz, Am 0, (wulaw), Urbana. Ill.,_ _ _ _ pension .. 1249 appropnauon for public building 14, 614, 828 Vale, H. A., UTM, deficiency gppropriation for services, Linduty 0¤- · ; ·-.-.------·--- ; ...··-··-·. 115 coln emorial Commission .. 568 U*v·····¢ D;{j;$*·~· we D¤¤¤<>¤¢>* Avvmvaa- vazmam, clam s. (meow), U 7 pension incr · ' eased 1384 appropriation for minister to ... 442, 1116 Vduty Ju ci] 117 orsecretary of legation ... . ._ ... 443 Vaknank Add appointment of minister to, authorized .. . . 241 on bec ust ’ 152 salary for minister to Paraguay and Um- V U V ’`‘'’''°`°’‘ guay available for minister to ... 313 “ ng 6 "°“ Qu . yum, pap"', payment of ourt of Clauns Endings to 971 accumulations in tiles of navy yards may be Valkv C“l’· · ?“k·¤ mic b .ld. mah disposed of after two years . 929 Vgggzprm °° °' pu m mg ·········· 828 Y ’ * appropréstionjor establishing fish-cultural Vlggatgzgwgxé ····················· · ··-··· 163 ti .· . ·· . . . for :dppg:g:`nem,, of dctaghgd ;ndj,m,_,64’ 664 appropwmon for public bmlding ..,,___, 564, 323 in _,_________,,_______________ _ _ _ wg 603 Valuation_of Pr0perty of Carriers, fgrrgurveygr general, clgrkg, gu; _ _ _ _ Q _ _ 493, 1034 appropriation iOl’_ expenses of dBt€T¤1iIliDg, defimency approprm.tion for surveyor gen- f Subject t0f1¤f§er€t1&;.;pfrep¤;l2itiom- . 627, 840 era ,...,, , ,___ 530 j or expenses 0 , rs o u y, 1914, , 774 for surveying public lands ,_____ 539 Second half ... . ___,,_ 775 exchange of lands with J h Hod , d E ° ' Cache National Fox}? restO€.°§.£'} 377 » ° °‘°3§&${’r¥.$?.‘gT‘fl‘f?_l?T_ §§, M, Fillmore National Forest, area modified,. . 1995 { Van Allen, James L., , excluded lands restored to settlement", 1995 [ pension {nc,-eased ____________________ _ _ _ _ 1518 Fishlake National Forest, area modiiiedn- 1951 * Van Atta, George, La Sai National Forest, 31*68 I!10dl6€d .,... 1992 I pension increased ______ _ ___________ _ _ _ 1316 excluded lands opened to settlement 1993 · Van Ausdall, Alonzo B., i · i i-8HdS Pahélltéd $0, H1 6XCl18.I1gG {Of 1'€liI1- I pension in{;·rg3ggd_ ______ _ ________________ 1359 _ qghed segregated lands.: . 1212 { Van Bibber, Sidney, Mahi} }•3·i»l0¥l8i FOTGSZ, 9.1'€a m0d1iZi€(l . . 1950 pgngign increased ______ _ _____________ _ _ _ _ 1365 Ute Indians, Colo., Wiminuche Band of South- Van Buren, Ark., em, _ * condemned cannon granted to ,,__________ 1293 agreement with, for exchange of lands to be Win Buren, Me., added to Mesa Verde Nauonal Park, I granted immediate transportation privi- '°”ii°d --·-·---·—···-··—---···-··-- 82 ¤ leges . . 1219