Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1143

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2446 INDEX. Wildey, Harry, Page Williams, Lewis W, _ Pageension increased .. . . 1599 payment of Court of Claims Hndmgs to Wildman, Louisa (widow), administrator of ... 974 ension increased 1363 Williams, Margaret (widow), Wildwood, N. J., Wpension increased 1530 condemned cannon granted to . 1210 illiams, Martha E. (widow), lwles, Margaret A. (widow), Wpension increased . ... 1498 nsion ... . . . 1356 illiams, Martin L., Wilgy, Clara F., Wpension increased ,... 1570 Wpension increased ... . 1564 illiams, Melissa L. (widow), iley, Joseph S., Wpension .. 1369 Wpension increased . ... 1380 illiams, Nancy L, ilhelm, John, ( Wpension increased . ... 1538 ’ WI;ek;sIig;1i1§$Treg,sed . ... 1564 illmms, Robert M., f C i o, . ., _ a ment of Court 0 laims findin s to ' appropriation for public building,. ,, 15, 829 P y heirs of ,,.._,,,,...,, ,... 987 terms of court at . . 729 I Williams, Sidney, Wilkie, Thomas, jr., ension increased . ... 1282 Wpension increased . . .. 1507 lvlilliams, T, 8,, zlkins, liarrison, reimbursement to . . .. 1460 Wpension increased ... . 1413 Williiams, Thoymng, ilkirwon, Jomw C'., payment of Court of Claims findings to Wpeusion increased --.-..-.··--- . -· 1485 administrator of .,. 963 illamette River, Willihms, Thomas, appropriationjor improvement of, below cnsjnn increased ______________________ __ 1559 _ Portland, Oreg -----·--------·-·-·- 37 Williams, William H., Willopa, Wwh., pension increased . ... 1384 3pp!‘0pfi3t1OI1 fo1‘ 11I1p1‘0VGI11€]1l5 Oi, 1'iV€1‘ Williamsburg . md ha‘rb°r ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 38 condemned cannon granted to, for soldiers’ W"‘ue“* Mary En memorial 1208 ayment of Court of Claims findings to 979 mllmmw Va '’``` W%;‘£ig§Zg°1'g_"€£ 1381 Wpaymentyig Coiiit ofzillaims findings to 993 William B. Cushing Cam , Sons of Wterans, 1Uwm8g1;,$QchI§l6&,}?leth°dwt E1’”~*°°P“' fkewbe fumished *·>» ii>rdev*¤y¤tU¤i0¤ a an of com oiC1aims sian to an . . S¤=¤<>¤. D- <> ---·-—-------—- - --·---- 778 wEii’.2“,?,,,,. M,. H gs . ···· Wdlmm'8’ 4bd* ension increased 1284 Wpepsmn mclleased ‘ Z ‘‘‘`‘’' 1401 n Williamson Maggie (widow) illiarns, Albino M. (widow), ‘ Gnskm ’ _ i ’ 1259 Wpension increased 1271 * Wglm ‘’‘'’'``'`'‘'‘'‘ d;°;lS7?§;, gf;?g£g;’__ _____ _ _ _ __ ___·_______ · 1525 Q appropriation fogdpublic building ... Z . 829 ·Wi1liams,_C.O.(Cascade rum), ¤¤g¤S;·;,*g—¤*;;,, gggoe Tug Fek 0* Be 58, =Pr·~¤,;;=·¤<>~; for P°Yi°g ammsv fe chil- am of wi. ti-°.0,.;,g‘;.;;,1;i;;,;i ‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘ 702 en o . . . . . 100 · . ’ . . ; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ,,7,,,,;,,,,,3, Cathmnfi T. (widow), 9 Willwnwgzrigoggdéhiggzt Augustine s Roman Wrxasgg? gzgwef; ‘°'°‘'‘' 124** Wpgyment of gourt of Claims findings to 975 ension . . 1440 w"*~‘>‘P°" , G-, wgggam, Edward ZW condemned cannon granted to 1207 ngjgn increased _______, , _______________ 1553 terms of court at . . .,... 385, 713 wiiiam, smug J. (mow), W¤llw._A¤M F· <<1¤uyl•¢¢r>. Wpension increased. . z . ... · . 1514 W]Q€¥\¤¤0¤ --··--·---··--·-.-..·.· . . . 1356 zllianzs, Fredonia (widow), '*”'*··Y»_EdlPa"d M-, Wpension increased _ . ... 1 369 l WP€¥1810¤ i¤€f€8S€d -·~-··-... . . 1365 illiains, George II., alms George II. Lum, . *lh·9,_G€Q"9€i Wperxsion increased ... . ,... 1563 I IVQQFSIOD 11'1C‘1’€3S€d ---··... . .. . 1431 illuzrns. George W, ( l”*·'#`,_G€°f9€ Co Wngrog tncyeaged ,,,,_ I ,_,____ : _ _ __ _______ }3]_7 i WQBFISIOH 1HC!'93S€d . . .. , , _ _ 1291 illiarns, Hezekiah S., al ws Ilezelmrfi Straw, 5 '*U’·?,_Hmfl°”· S-, Wpensxon increased . .,. 1500 W[>€}1810¤ 1I{€1'€3S€d._ .·.. . .. . . . . 1421 azmma, James, . ¢lli¤,_H¤r¤¢¢ L. (widow), Wpension increased ... - 1290 ; WQGPHIOH Ulcfeoeed ... . 1527 illiams, John, F ®llw,_Henry, alias Henry Bums, Wpension increased .. . . 1315 l P€¤Bl0¤ 1110f€3S€d .. . . 1411 illicrrns, John S., · Willis, Joel H., Wpenswn mcremed . . .. 1488 j payment of Court of Claims findings to illiams, Joseph, _ _ * administratrix of _________________ _ _ 977 Wpayment of Court of Claims findings to 989 g Willie, Samuel, illiania, Joseph L., 1 ngion ______________ _ _________________ _ _ 1439 Wpension increased . ... 1534 Wil(lis,_William, illiams, Joseph R., _ _ _ g Wpension increased ______________________ _ _ 1281 payment of Court ot Claims findings to : illiston, N. C., executor of ... . . 985 F appropriation for public building _,____,__ 329