Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1148

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INDEX. 2451 Wwlgmgfnw A- (www), ¥1¤z¤- Wrighz, Edwin B. (son), pm, WW —--··--···--·- - -···--··-—·~-- . ..-- 551 eumon ,.,____ _ _________ _ ________ 1512 orkhouse, C., WP,-,9;,;, Jeroqne B_ ¤ppr<>pri¤¤·>¤; for salaries --. 547, 921 pension rmméd ,,_,_,______ 1519 or operation and maintenance, Occo- Wright, John, ``'`'` `'``` qu*m» Ve ·----—- ¢ ----··------· - - 547, 922 nsion increased ,__,,,_,,_,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1283 for fuel, qw . 548, 922 wpnghr, Nancy, ` ’ fvr mawrml for rcgairs, etc .. . . 548, 922 payment of court, or Claiing gndiugs to ad_ for equipment an repairs, tugboat . 548 mimgmmr of _____ _ _ 985 for farm implements, etc ... . . . . 548 Wright, Nathan `' `''` sale oi producys to District institutions, etc. , pension inereirsed . 126} sumhonzed; use of receipts .. 922 Wright, Ollok B., ~ ``'```°` W°"`k"”4"'% Edd!} J- r pension increased ,...,,_,__ _ _________ 1439 Wpenswn  : . 1287 Wnght, Rhoda J (widow), Orkmfln, ngign ____ ______ _______ _ _ _____ _ _ 1551 Wpenswn increased 1270 Wprzzhr, Silas, ` `` ` vrkwqm, _Jvscph, pension increased . . .. 1412 penmon increased 1413 "Wright," IL S. Transport, Works of Art, sale authorized ot int,erisla.nd ...____,_,___ 365 duty on, paintings, sculptures, etc., not WNW!} P¤P¢'T» specially provided for .,. 151 dpty ou ... . ... . .. 146 on free list, by States, educational socio- WNW of Em". deg, etc., not for sale; condition; _ _ 165 allowed in contempt of mutt cases. . .. 739 for presentation to public institutions, Wu"¢h’¢§4¢¤’» FT¢d¢*'i¢¤k¤ (WWW!). religious societies, etc ..,... 165 Wpénsmn . : . ... 1262 for temp0r·.u*y_ exhibition, etc., not for 1/and, Ffedefwk, sale; conditions - .. 165 payment of Court of Claims findings to exof American artists temporarily residing ecuwr of ... 975 abroad ... . ...,,_,, 165 Wyandotte, Huh., original paintings, engravings, sculp- deficiency appropriation for public buildtures, etc .. 165 mg 564 produced more than 100 years before Wyatt, James E., importation ...,..,. 166 Wpsymeut. of Court of Claims findings to 995 rugs and carpets excepted 166 ycbcf, Isaac, Worm Gut, Wpenmon increased 1347 duty on ma.nufnctures of ,,,.. 150 ycough, Kan; E., _ not specially provided for ..,.., 150 p¤yment_ of Court of Clmms findings no on free ist, unmanufactured - 156 heir of . ... 965 Wort, George, Wy·rm,_John H., Wpension increased 1577 IVPQHBIOD ... _ ... 1602 orthington, Albert O., alias Amzi W Cowles, ym¤._Naqwy E- (wldvw), Wpension increased ..., 1554 Wpensnou mcressed 1557 orthington, Mllhm, y0mmg,_ _ Wpeugiou j_¤cyegsed_ ______________________ 1235 appropriation for surveyor general, clerks, artmxm, John F., · _ etc. . ._ ... . . 493, 1034 nsion increased . ... 1416 Canbou N smonal Forest lands added to . . 346 Wgueen Fabnbs, exchange of public lands with, extended. 381 duty gn, asbestos _________,_________,______ 150 public lands nu, reserved for water supply of flax, hemp, or rumie ... . .,. 141 _ Fort A- Russell .. . . 1987 not specially provided for 141 Wyoming Nqtwoml Forest, Wyo., jute, {plain single yarns ..,..,,.,.,,__,,, 141 apprppnsuon for maintenance, etc., of. 429, 1099 silk, m me piece, etc .. 144 Wycmmg, Ohw, Wrapper Tabasco, condemned cannon granted to . 1206 duty on _,,__,,,,,__,,,_._,_,_.,...,,_,_,, 132 Wythemllel Ya., _ _ _ determination of quality, etc ... 132 appropnqtxon for puplxc bpnlding ... 15, 829 Wmppinq Paper. Postal Service, construction oggubhc building, altered to appropriation for ...,. 303 accomm ate all governmental Wrqttqny Gggrgg, 0l5CB8 .· . . . . . . 210 appropriation for purchase of allotment for widow of, interpreter to Apache _ X. prisoners, Fort Si l, Okla. .. 94 Xenia, 0hio,_ _ _ Wreaths, appropriation for public budding __,,__ , 15, 615 duty on, feathers, artiiicial, etc. . ., 148 °°¤d€m~9€d’ CKDDOI} Emmled mr l0? 60l- Wrecking Pontoon for Submarines, _ _ (hem memorial ·----··—·-·---··-·· · 1202 use of appropriations for, additional to X!/hdmv amount for submarines 413 duty °¤ ···-·· - -··----·--········--··—-· H5 Wrecks, etc., Xyloly lights, etc., required on vessels working on, duty °¤· · - -··--····--·---·--··--··---·· U5 in inland waters .. , . 381 Wren. Asa, Y- Wpension increased ... . 1423 YGCMS, _ _ rm, Fyedgpgck R_ J ’ crew space requirements not applicable pension increased .. . . 1346 to ·---··-------··-—·-~-----·----·. 1165 Wright, Albert F., loss of crew etc., of, not required to be repension increased ..,.,.. . 1528 ported to consul ... 1164. 96497°—v0L 3S·—m· 2-·T9