Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/129

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1342 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 197. 1914. and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she T<¤¤1>¤C· M1- IS Th`; ol Joseph CvBpll, late Icgf CompanydD, Tvlsigimty-seventh Re ° t usetts 0 uuteer antry an pay _ _ a pension at gd-xglte of $30 er month in lieu of that he is now receiving.

  • “*¤*’·°°°"°’>'· The namlpuplf AH%n1Roseb¥,f late of Cgmpanhg-HA, Twentysepczpld

Regxm° t `ana 0 unteer antry an pay a pension a e rate of?56 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. }°,f§,*;°'_{,m,,_ The name of James Aitken, late of field and staff, Bourbon County, Kanstiils State Militia, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 per on . . §§»;¤§Hz¤g_g¤:d· mThg nan; of Rudldlk late of (51ompangmD, Forty-iiftltt Reg1m° ent entu 0 teer antry au pay ° apensiona the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. 8¤k¤¤¤¤ R-B¤¤¤· R The namlpupf Solgrmpn R. Blexfam, late ofdComp}alnIy A, Seventyzfiftfilh egimet `ana ouuteer antryan pay' apensiona e rate of $30 per month in lieu of that hé is now 1>¤¤¤R·¤¤·=· The name of Delia R. Goss, widow of Geo E. oss, late ship’s %oqké(p1§tUt;it§Td Statesdships lyermont, Mgjgptit, ioraquil, D1 a avy,an pay erapensiona era 0 2 per month in lieu of that she is now receivmg. ',, ,,,,,,p_ The name of Lenora Lathrop, widow of Zimri Lathrop, late of Company D, Seventh Regiment Vermont Volunteer Infantry, and payh er a pension at the rate of $12 per month. N¤ci=¤¤M¤¤¤¤r e name of Narcisse Menard, helpless and d ndent child of John Menard, alias John Miner, late of Company Ifgiie hundred and twenty-third Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and ay him a qghnsion at the rate of $12 month. P Fmukl Fry- e name of Frank M. llgliy, helplgss and dependent child of Joseph F. Fry, late of Company K _ ty-third Regiment Pennsylvania Vczllnmteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 _ per mon . _ minima` R.r§i“.§.i2“1§d?€t'l°ir%£E2‘3$i€§’f2t}£§° .‘3idC§.$§}’£i‘L?{ ll §.‘;?"f‘L"f{°£ on a rate of $24 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving . ,,l,S“f*"h·’¤¤°B·P**“· The name of Martha Jane Philhips, widow of Wilgam Phillips, late of Company D, Sixth Regiment ennsylvania Volunteer Heavy _ Artillery, and pay her a pension at the rate of $24 per month in lieu ,,__§g_*;;g·,_mm,m of that she 18 now Prowded, That in the event of the Mm ¤r¤m1¤· death of Kate A. Phillidps, elpless a.nd dependent child of said hn William Phillips, the ad _ tional pension herein granted shall cease dg_’g_*{};>;,}3,_g,_ d °¤ and determine: And promdedtgurt er, That in the event of the death gg Mlagcthéz Jam; B. P illips, H e nlame of said Kate A. Phillips, shall p eon e nsionro,s 'ttt °` limittipnsl of thppens1ioIdElaw§,La[t th}? iia1le9(0fI§l2 lp§]1;p1In(i>Yi11$hOi1rii>1i1nmd aft; te aeo eat osai artaJane .P" . mg" “·S°”°P“°°· U T;1€e1n§.;11pBpfCEdguialr·`E H. Sgmpsozkulgte of 'Prog; E, ILirst Regiment m a_ _ av , an pay a pension at the rate of $36 per month in lieu of t at he is 'vmg, ""°°*"“’· L>’°°“· The name of Chester W. Llylivdsjcldie of Compan H, Twenty- third Regiment Michigan Volunteer Infant , and payliitn a pension at the rate of $24ger month in lieu of thatllhe is now receivin . "“‘“’“"°“··"‘“““· R Tlw négrgtidofv Esetine Agta$s, late of Company Hg First egxmen 0 0 un er t , d him ` the rate of $40 ger month inliieu of thetyhduis ng? receiginligiinsion at “°m°°‘F"'“*· The name of _ uel Faust, late of Com any E, One hundred and twenty—mnth Regrment Pennsylvania Voliinteer Infantry, and pay him_a_pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. "°”° “‘D"""" The name of Jane M. Drown, widow of Samuel N. Drown, late of Company B, Th1rty-fifth Regiment New Jersey Volunteer Infantry,