Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/155

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1368 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. sms II. cn. 202. 1914. R··¤¤¤¤¤¤·* E¤¤‘•¥· The name of Rosamond Ensley, widow of Allen Ensley, late of Company F, Second Regiment California Volunteer Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in heu of that she is now 1i¤1vi¤J·Am¤¤· mglglie name of Melvin J. Amos, late of Companiilg Fifty-second gegimentflgegtucky Vcglluntelgr and pay _ a. pension at teo 2 rmon m euo a eis nowreceivmg. Gwrsa Bmw- Q name ofpéreorge Scruggs, late of Company B, Sixth Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Infa£1t1·_Y;0and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 th'li ftt wreceivmg'. EIB R- ¢·¤=¤·•¤·=· Tllgxnlriig of 1]%lLal}l]If)Cocl*irane:swIic(low of Wilber J. Cochrane, late of taps;. t;.°‘1° h“:.ds°;.;¤.%.:i%.h,...*y**2*;*’:.“.1s?.:*2: $$:.3;;* 0 un an , s r th` li filhat h . This 11sion' ted l>I:iiu:icc0]1i1ntla>lft?l1e two Iielplsegoavihdeclgpen ent chjldlfn of saliilgoslldier, _ one child being nauied Orson Cochrane and the other child ?f'{,“,,'*g;,n on dum W. Cochrane: Provided, That m the event of the death of one of said Mena Md- heépless and dependent ch1 on to the_w1dow shall be 3 °‘ ***0 zz *:;:**...*0 .*.?:..P*1 santa,. . .{·"‘·’··*,..· imats. **2:;. mm- 0* eao osai essen e enc nension ·"··········"°““°“~‘*’- “·i·"·°·ii?* ‘i’1..“‘° "5‘-.2' “h“P ?°r1.’°d.i"’°3.“°r li? W5 '”°1’1$h’ 1°'°`““"’€"(.l.;""‘1¢· . tm eveno e ea o ewiow enameo on . mm Cochrane shall be placed on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the fpension laws, at the rate of,$12 r month from ,,§`:_“'““‘“"w·°°°“‘ and after the death 0 the widow: And prwidegivfurtetg That in the event of the death of the widow the name of 1ll1am Cochrane shall be placed on the pension roll, subject to the provisioim and limitations of the pension laws, at the rate of $12 per month from and as °“P°·i·° d°°dl°il;h° iiiidrthii 1 tt rot c me 4 neg; 1-. na. e name o ae . a 0 mpany y-seeon - ment Kentucky Vohmteer Mlounted Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $36 lper month in lieu of that he is now receiving. wSj¤¤¤ G- V·¤ Dar- The name of So on Van Derkar, late of Comyiasfxy D, One hundred and fifty-first Regiment New York Volunteer antry and pay him_a_pension at the rate of $36 per month m heu of that he is now recenvmg. ’·¤ P- B•**· The name of John P. Baker late of Company E, Sixtieth Regiment · · Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a at the rate of $30 per month in l1eu_ of that he is now receiving. ¤¢¤¤¤¤•¤ ¤¤¤¤- The name of Michael Kuhn, late of Company D, Fourth Regiment l£I4ew York Vollimtiler Ingaailtryiland pay him a pension at the rate of Opermont m'euo at eisnow " . ·*¤¤*·*¤· B·W·*°=· The name of Adelaide B. Wales, widor;cglvJ?>in D. Wales, late of Company B, Forty-second Regunent Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of _ that she is now receiving.

  • ’**“'¥’ L- ”°“S· The name of Philip L. Davis, late of Com any A, Thirty·iirst

R6glH;8;15i4mlDOlS Vollunteiler and pay a pension at the rate o per mont in eu 0 t at 'vmg` . mgmry R- J- B•¤- The name of Henry R. J. Bennettflgthwdl mpmy E, Forty- ` fourth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of per month in lieu of that he is now recei . mcgfmm H¤*¤¤¤*· R The nam;} of Harchelréide, laliilegf Company E, Thirteenth egiment ary ant ` t th te f $2'(hper month in lieu of thli{,h8glis ilgv recei2:rii)1;,·]?sion`& 6 N O ’°*¤* “`· 8****- _ e name of John W. Sweet, late of Company I, One hundred and eighty-fourth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $24 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving.