Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/243

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1456 SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. H. Cm. 283, 284, 298, 299. 1914.

 CHAP. 283.-An Act To validate the homestead entry of William H. Miller.

lPriv¤*>¤.N¤-157-1 S Bea¥jenAadedbyHwSamwand of T%;prtei:im1t;11£vwt¢£?`at1?w Wi11i¤mH.1¤¤¤- tateso ·mer·ica'n ass , the omes en 0 ,.i‘i.i'£2$.°°‘° °"" William H. Millert naught ten thousand two hundred and twenty-four, made October twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and mne, for the northwest quarter o sectmn twenty—mne township twenty north, range forty-nine west of the sixth yirincipal meridian, in the State of Ne raska, be, and the same is here y, validated. Approved, August 22, 1914. ·§‘§_“;f_ $3-,,}%} cnn. 284.-An Act For me rene: ot William L. wma. _ ‘P‘“‘“·N°· “‘l Be it by the Senate and House ¢ri{hRepresentat*ives of the United QL}-$é&¥fg§;lt States o£’Am.enea an Congress assembled, at the Secretaiy of the Inte- ¤». nor 18 erebiauthonzed to 1ssue a Batent to Wilham . Wallis, of s*;*r;·;,2::.»...“. *°;:e§:.**a**e.S::.1h..ett:¥.·t$°:.***:.W:.:* °*s‘**".t..°‘ e u wes u of section num(Tered thirty-five, townshig eleven south o?ra.1;§: two east, of the BlaekHil]s meridian, South akota, regardless of fact that sand William L. Wallis had commuted a former ent? under _v°L 2*** M thmhprovnsions of an Act entitled "An Act relating to the pub c lands of e United States, " approved June fifteenth, erdghteen hundred and eighty (Twenty-first Statute? pvafe two hundre and thirty-seven): m°m”,,°h_'mm¢ Promded, That said Wdham . allis make satisfactory proof of his compliance with the homestead law and pay the price per acre vided in the law under which he made homestead entry for the m described herein. Approved, August 22, 1914. “°*’“{§P{{,§·$; “"· cmu-. aes.-Au Ace For me reuse of semen Henson. ‘"‘“‘°· N°= md Be it enacted by the Senate and Hmtstuct" lieitzesentatives of the United %§“‘,,,‘§,?,,{*‘{§,";‘°,‘,§;. m, States of America in Q'ong·ress asscmb , t the Secretary of the 1¤¤¤¤· Treasut·yHbe, and ht 1% hereby, authorizttld riatligl directed tzhpay to _ Samue enson, ou o an money in e n the apgopriated, the sum of $1?l)00,_as compensationaidliiinjuiiegreggxlgd w e employed under the Sxggermtendent of the United States Capitol on the nineteenth day of ptember, nineteen hundred and eleven, Approved, September 15, 1914, S°*"°{§}’§;{;T; ‘°‘*· cnn. aee.——A¤ Ace For me relief oe name wmnm me,. ‘P""“‘°· N°· “°‘] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Regresenmtives of the United Bxgvd W*¤¤·¤ States of America in. _O'¢mgress assembled, That the Secretary of the linatzmsnt ze, su Treasmy be, he is herebiylg authorized and directed, out of any ‘“’ · money in the United States asu? not otherwise approglrgated, to pay to Edward llaxloiy, of ortsmouth, V`1rgm1a, sum of $1,§00 for ugunes resulting rom the total loss of one eye and the serious implaument of the other eye, caused by a wound received by him at the ands of a target partyof United States sailors and marines, while engaged at target practice at Saint Helena, near Norfolk, Virginia, on or about November seventh, anno Domini eighteen hundred and ninety. Approved, September 15, 1914.