Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/261

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1474 SIXTY-THIRD couennss. Sess. m. Gus. 38-41. 1915. Kuppler, of Seattle, Washington, the sum of $2,137.21, and said sum of $2,137.21 is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury pglothpirwisg zp(pr(ppriated, in dpayment of the amoupt vphthheld {rom as ma amagesuneracertaincontract or econsruction of the United States executive mansion, at Juneau Alaska, entered into by and between the duly authorized officer of the Treasury Department, 1'8P1'$6II;l.I.§ the mted States of America on the one part, and the said Chris uppler on the other part, dated August first, mneteen hundred and twe ve. Approved, February 17, 1915. F’°'i’£'§·h1°”" cnn-. 39.-An Act rm- as mus: of Charles M. cmk. [Private, No. 170.] . , , Be ztevmeted by theSe1u1te and House o Representatwea of the United ,.°‘,;:*‘..°.;‘3.;.?,‘*;.,"*.,... sam o_/`Americq in eww an we sammasmeaoucr

  • °°'°‘· any law conferring nghts, pinvileges, and benefits upon honorably

discharged soldiers, Charles . Clark, who was a private of Company G, Third Regiment Michigan Volunteer Infantrglgshall hereafter be held and considered to have been honorably charged from the military service of the United States as a member of said company m,,,,_ and regiment on the seventeenth day of October, eighteen No mn we and sixty-three : Provided, That other than as above set forth no ' bounty, ppn£1k&r other emoluments shall accrue by virtue 0 L passage o . Approved, February 17, 1915. "°"'?¤i‘i¤%Z:}°"” cnn. 4o.-as Act ru me rene: of are swam-nuspomatn company. “"‘"“· “°· ‘”·’ Be ae mma me same mz House 0 Re mmm qrme more ..t‘;,‘;."&.°'..Lf,,?.°..';?‘*’°" sum of Ameripch in comm memqzeai Thglsathe secretary of the “"“"’“‘“"‘°“‘ ‘°· Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise apprcipriated, to_the Southern Transportation Company, of Philadelphia, ennsylvama, the sum of $5 556. 0, to reimburse the said company for the repairs, e and demurrage in connection with the barge Anuetam, owned J sand company, on account of damilagghto said by collision with nited

hghtship Numbered ty, which amount is hereby appro-

Approved, February 17, 1915. "°"‘i‘é‘TZ¤%:}°”‘ cnn-. 41.-An Act re; me relief or nm seammm. (Private, No. 178.] , , _ Be at enacted by the Senate and House o Representatwes the U ated i°i°ii°i°¤1»?y°t¤t€`S¤rfa°‘¤»¤. States o{' America ip Congress a,sse·qzbled{ That in the adtginistrslltion ’°°°°‘* of the laws conferring rights, lprivileges, and beneits upon honorably discharged soldiers, Isaac ethurum, who was a private of Com- _ pany B, F` teenth Regiment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, shall hereafter be held and considered to have been discharged honorabl from the military service of the United States as a member of said com- I pag; and regiment on the_ seventeenth day of October, eighteen hungymi P"' M_ dr and sixty-iiye: Pfrovnded, That no back pay, bounty, or pension shall accrue to him prior to the passage of this Act. Approved, February 17, 1915.