Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/353

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1566 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 139. 1915. Em E- W°¤¤· The name of Eliza E. Wells, widow of Alexander N. Wells, late of Companies F and H, Forty-third Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month m heu of that she “’““*““ °°*° is Iiiiw r°°eM°?`wam M Ge .1 1 r Co B N t am ` enamo am . a,ateo many iney- Regin;ent Igdiana Vgluntlper and pay a phnsion at the rat $40 r mon in `eu o t the is now receiving. I°m°° H` www' 'llhl; namglnf James H. Whitney, late of Company E, Fourth Regi- V V 1 te Inf tig d him t th ment ermont 0 un er an , an pay a pension a e rate F , M Bock of $24 per month in lieu of that e is now receiving; ` The name of Francis M. Beck, late of Company , Eleventh Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and Company B, Mississippi Marine Brigade, and pay him a pension at the rate of $50 per month mm T Rum, in lieu of that he is now receiving. · ` UTp;1n§me ofCJ)¢{hnc;1l‘.I§fector, atedof Coxipxny H, First Relgiment ' ni tates or autry an ay a pension at the rate wm of $24 er month in lieu of thatlhe is iiow receiving. Hum` The iiame of W1Hiam Hewitt late of Com any I One hundred and seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a una Bn pension at e rate of $3%[per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. wThe nampfof Thomajsuf art, late of Comlplaiy K, Eleventh iseonsin o unteer antry an nsion t rate mm mw $3g_lper month in lieu of that he is rig; receiving a 8 ° gsnagle cg J eénxrfg Fasley, vvidflwd 0% James E§?arl§y, late if Comany e un an sixty-t egiment ew ork V unteer

 pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per montli in lieu

o a s e is now receiving. mum mm The name of Lewis M. Jarvis, late of Company E, Eighth Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of wmm H C $3%per month m lieu of that he is now receiving. ""‘ W m...5ii’iZmhi°g¤°ufxilill`;.“i§£Ii§§§f}`§’;l%°$.§§ i?£1‘;“*;“;‘.§i.‘§·.T2%’3.R°gtE or e ra of $30 per month in lieu of that hé is now recei . Pension. nng Marynoama. The name of Mary E. Coffin, former widow of Isaac D. Blood, late of Companly-lg, One hundred and fort -eighth Regiment New York Vrolgnteelri mtg and Tgventy-Iiighth Company, Second Battalion, e ran eserve rps, an pay er a pension at the rate of $12 per , month. Fndrica The name of Fredrica C. Gorman, widow of Charles Gorman, late of Compuany H, One hundred and twelfth Regiment New York Volunpeer ffpiitpyhand pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in 1eu o a s e is now reeexvm . “"“’ H‘°°°°"°°‘ The name of James H. Goodrigh, late of Company F, Sixteenth glegimpntflggiigm Volplpteeiii Infakntpy, ind pay him a pension at eraeo ermon m euotat eis ow , umm L F°”’u’°’ The name of _£{artha Forsythe, widow of Jlihn Bllhizytlig, late of Compang D, Sixth Regiment ennsylvania Volunteer Heavy Artil- _ lery, an _ pay her a pension at_ the rate of $24 per month in lieu of Qg,”;'_,‘;'6· ,0 new on that she is now receiving: Provided, That in the event of the death of Math vrcmld. Margaret Ann Forsythe, helpless and dependent child of said John _ Forsythe, the additional pglnsion herein granted shall cease and deterd§§§{,’f},,f,§b§,§“d °° mine: Promded further, at in the event of the death of Martha J. Forsythe the name Of·S8.1d Margaret Forsythe shall be placed on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the gensilonflawsg gg; this raltelpf $12hper month from and after the date of J°m°°C”m' 8;I`l1e0n:1li1e of a.ltanies.C1?arrl,1ytl2ilte of Com ` _ _ pan A, Third R t ggighigan Vol1lprte?i· Infzgxrgyi pay him a Iyiension at theaglilgudf , permon m euo at GISHWIGC. ,

¤»,·° °;,"wq.,,,,_ The name of Mary J. Wilcox, wide; of M§.l;i>Dn§ W. Wilcox, late of

Company G, Twenty-fourth Regiment New York Volunteer Cavalry,