Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/391

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1604 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 226. 1915. ¤¤¤¤•·¤ E- Bm- The name of Hannah E. Bush, widow of Benjamin W. Bush, late of Com an K, Fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, War and pay her a 'on at the rate of $12 per mont . www ¥·°¤¤¤· The name of J. Ca.x·a£?Ili.1te of Company F, Thirty-fourth Regiment Michigan Volunteer Infantry, War with Spam, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 per month. Dvid A·K·¤>¤¢- The name of David A. Kooker, late of Compantyl I, Second Regigait United Statteg Volunigagr gEngineers%hWar wi Spam, and pay ' pens` ther te o 1 mon . §Sf:1¤°'1is¤ixi•$i$l°°d' T1;. naégno? Sus§·naDovenerI3_P$t;:%l(<;wSof Ja.mAeIsm1?ovenev1& late elf B t , egim' ent ni tates ery ar wit Mziciilog and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per morith in lieu of thth o recei' . “‘““"‘ “"“"‘· ThE1$alrsi1§olvVi.¥Jgi1]:_ia§miith, aewidwt mtiaeiérgemmgypmth, lte Com ort-o ent ni tates ounteer Iiifaii)uy£hVVl)ali.·l;1 and pay er a. pension at the rate of $20 m in 'eu o the is now receiv1§. §§,’{g‘§w_B,g,,,,_ P6¥.`h80IlIlI.I1'IB of Charles W. Begien late of the United States Marine , United States Na . , R ar Establishment, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12vyper month g£¤,jg°·°*°•¤•°- The name of George Lee, late of·Compa;ny M, Tenth Regment United States Infantry, War with Sépgin, and pay him a pension at the rate of $17 er month inlieu of t he is now 1’9CBlV'lI1g• . · §’_g°'§g°§’m,,,m, The name of Sacob P. Marlirég, late of Company C, First Regiment ` M land Volunteer Infan , arwith Spain, and pa him a pension E E ’ ’ · e name o mne , o an , e un an "°‘”"““°Y atThBmt6Of¥1Fr1?•drFE10n late fCom K On h dred d nity-ninth Regiment I11dl8.`{$ Volunteer Infalintry, War with Spain, an pay him a gension at the rate of $12 per month. m°'°“"°D·H“"'*· The name of lorence D. Hanna, widow of John P. Hanna, late of the Hospital Corps, United States Army, War with Spain, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 per month and $2 per month additional on tglectlciunt of eiacll; of thefminor children of the said John P. Hanna un ° e reac the o sixteen years. "’“'°”·*`“*“““€· The mime of ClarengD. Fieldiniiulate of the United States Navy, Regulinr Establishment, and pay a pension at the rate of $12 per mont . H“"‘°Y "S’“““· Stal; name of giagvéey J. Smith, late foto; laervice (wIl}ite),dIgnited · a ,an o ompany , egime' nt nite ttcs Infantryt,hVgar with Spain, and pay him a pension at the rate of *;12 _ _ per mon . I·““°*·"°‘“°““°°· The name of Leslie N. Neigenfind,_ late of the United States Na , Id War with Spain, and pay him a. pension at the rate of $12 per monlth. E“g°"° °'° "‘· The name of Eugene Goldin, late of the United States Marine Corps, Statesflgavy, Regularh•Estabhshment, and pay him a pension a e rate o 12 er mont §‘§{,‘j,“,{“,§g'}‘;f"’· The name of Martha J. _Kelly, widow o`f Zachariah Kell , late of Company G, and drum major Second Regiment Mississippi Foot Volunteers, War with Mexico, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 _ per month in lieu of that she is now recei . §f§§%f§§‘,; L_ ,,8,,,,, The name of Franklin L. Babb, alias F`rv-xilni L. Row, late of Com- ¤¤¤ Ymk L·R<>S¤- gany K, First Regiment Washington Volunteer Infantry, War with _ pain, and pay him a V-pension at the rate of $1'{ per month. ¥§§’§i§’T‘D‘§‘f§,.’$,§§"Yd‘ _ThG I18·D}6_ of John . Driscoll late of the United States ship Ben. nmgton, United States Navy, Regular Establishment, and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now _ receivmv. %°§§‘,{’,}‘§g,_G,.,,,,,_ The nlime of William H. Green, late of Company A, First Regiment Kentucky Volnmteer Cavalry, War with Spain, and pay him a. pension at the rate of $17 per month.