Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/394

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sm. 111. cu. 227. 1915. 1607 The name of John W. Rame , late of Com an C Se nth R '- I’°¤·““°¤·’*¤°'°g·’°d· ment United States Infantry, Ygar with Spaimpandrpay hiiiii a pensliiln mm w` Rm y` at the rate of $14(/per month in lieu of that he is new receivingi UTht;11§aémt¢;Sof ay Approved, Iatedof thehigespital orps, my A-A¤¤¤¤·¤¤z- m a , ar wit ain, an a t the rate of $12 per irnonth in lieu elf that he isi)11¥>w rece; Penéwn 8. UThedn§me ef(Alle81ir;I. ipackson, gpte lp1£STh1;pop C, First Refjrppnt {h"§‘i2?3,ck,0¤_ nite tates av egular sta e t, an a ' pension at the rate of $,12(per month. D P Y 3 The name of Dudley C. riswold, late of Company F, Third Regi- D°‘“°Y °·°*""°‘°• 1:1ent gplitgpi i§1i:a.i;swI1§ap§1éyimR-.elg11;1:rth·EstabHshment, and pay him glhlgname of William J. Mester, late oQ&3attery E, First Re%ment $é’H',§‘,¥T°{§,F‘,,,‘T1j United States Artillery, and Company , Third Battalion nited States Engineers, War with Spain and pay him a pension at the rate of $17 per month in lieu of that he is new receiving. ]]1T1he xprarpe of Ameswv late offhgompany 3), Thfurglltegiment §ff}§%,,,_ ` is ounteer antry, arwi ainan pay apensien at thie rate of $12 per month. P , 1 Th° ‘"“"° ii l?$’.i°Ei°z.lVi3"°"’1£."idi?” °i> Emi? Pi Wii$"1°‘1`£ ‘%‘ ate ca tam m a east iery o , eguar sta lishmenlt, anil pay her a pension at the rate of $§l))Sper month in lieu of that she is new receivuag, and $2 ppr month additional on account ef th? miner child of said Richard . Winslow until it reaches the age o sixteen years. The name of Horner C. Dodd, late of Hospital_Corps, United §£*.‘}“5jp,d.L gag 1;10r·1nIy;;0XVt§·r with Spam, and pay him a pension at the rate Unitedngme of gpthlri O. Llpnd, late Ig Blpttery F, Fougth Remmt ’°‘“‘ °·“'“’· nite tatos `eryegular ta` entanpay'a pension at the rate of $,12 per month. , The name of Gertrude M. Hayden, widow of Thomas L. Hayden, d°?,_°'°"‘°° M' H“" late second lieutenant Company_ D, First Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, War with Spam, and payher a pension at the rate of $12 r month and $%per month ditional on account of the mine; child of the said emas L. Hayden until he reaches the e o sixteen ears. Thag name of Ariraminca A. Conner, widow of Andrew J. Conner, X°,{‘:*,,‘§§?,,,”*“°_,{‘T'°(§",,,;. alias Andrew J. Levi, late of Company D, First Regiment Kentucky W- X.'2L"‘$i°§§¤C{ZZ?lLY6¤li.”m`i1iZ1}.1Zi°’§`.% §.‘Ldi§’?.’L$‘°£.3.§3.‘iL?“‘°“ “° '°h° The name of Mary A. Shannon, widow of John Shanngdn, late of ““"'A‘s°““°“‘ Captain Witherup’s company, Pennsylvania Militia, War of Eighteen hundred and twelve, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. Pam The name of Gertrude S. Kessler, widow of William S. Kessler, G¤·ttu‘d·o8.Kessl¤. late of Company I, Eleventh Regiment United States Infantry, Wair Kzith Spain, alpd pg l1e1;d a pension at the; rzgereeof $12 perhrplonth an per mont a tion on account 0 the minor ' of the said William S. Kessler until they reach the age ofcsixteen years. 00The naing e%Marl<;e1l§ Matlockk widow kpf {flopn Matlocécv, late xg ILQQ-’i»T:uLh°e1i$¤°i°;d' m any , ourt egiment entue e untee ar `t Lzgeggzcz, ind pay her a pension at the rate of $20 perliiionth invlieu o a s e is now receiving. The name_ef Louisa M. Johnson,_widew of William S. Johnson, L°°”°“'I°h°°°°` late of Caygprain I;Iolmes’s company, First Regiment Georgia Volunteer Infantryih _ a1·HwithfMp1xicoLa11d pay her a pension at the rate of $20 permon in euo t ats eisnowreceivmg. Approved March 4, 1915.