Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/43

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1256 SIXTY—THIRD CONGRESS. Sass; II. Cns. 70, 76, 77. . 1914. Infantry; and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 per month in lieu of that e is now — - Y¤a1¤•. The name of Yardlegl S. White, late of Company E, One hundred and tenth Regiment O '0 Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension .. ... "°1‘t2‘“,.“ :‘.t2s.P"ms:.t1a.ia.“zz¥.;*“*:2*s°;·rsW ow 0 00 unassigned, Minnesota Volunteers, and pay her a pension at lthe rate of $2('hper month in lieu of that she is now receiving. °'*"’*' H- F¤*¤°¤¤· e name of Charles H. Fumess, late of Company E One hundred and forty-fourth Regiment Illinois Infantry, and pay a pension Mm www at 'Ithe rate of $22 per mpvhatlli in ofcftléztt he is mgv . "th · e name 0 aren er, mpany , ty-seven Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry d pa him PGDSIO. at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of thaighaenis nov}: receivg . H ’*"°• *·°'¤*¤*¤· The nxzmé of tg§{nyesVAi Simmolnlsf late of Cgmpanglm, Fifty-fourth Regamen en o unteer an an ` t the rate of $40 ger month in lieu of thazrhe is nograrsemvmagipmsion Q "*“' B- “”°•· Iu'§ih;h1na%11h0fw<;1h1éB. Stults, {hte of Eiogipany B, EIBVELI Regihient a 0 nm avalry an a a pens1o' t te $36 per month in lieu of that he is nlvhvglreceiviug. u 8 6 ra 0 Approved, April 24, 1914. _ cnn. .- gauging 4,-,,,;,,.,, d,~,,¢,,,,, 0,,,,,,,,, · “:1%t1?* mast °§,.1.$°é‘..,., 1.. '?.§*‘°».a e @..2.. e.;"3‘;...1..;1,1‘L‘··‘“.Z (1,,,,,,,,, Nm 2,, £o§‘l:r];$[¤0-ntana, ts five, six, and seven, m block thirty, town site of Poplar, Slate Be it enactedbytlteigcnateand Houseo Repreaeauati iheUn·ited }ff,°§g;* {gm States of America in Congress asaemlgledf That the Sevgeltéry of the génaogsm Interior be, and he 18 hereby, authorized and directed to convey by · gatent lots five, six, and seven, m block thirty, town site of P0 lar, _ <££uLgcié1tanai)8tloC1;1he tgustees of the digcese of Montana of the 1sco urc u on t th f th ed value thereol; to be held byptheggylghiarir siriecssglogs a1icllP£rs1gn%1S s, forever, for the use_a.nd benefit of "Christ Church On-the-Hill,’ at

.;;)s‘;a;d tc; be useld by said church for religious

a oresai . Approved, May 2, 1914. lla 2,1914. g¤AP_ ___ · · . . . _ T¤£§;l£;;I_ gi.}°:i;.,.:§¤§‘£,.’h°t$'.’?.?.Yi“ci.‘?·2£?‘»‘3,”§§£§*.‘§‘§‘iZ?,‘L;’§.”§€2iYt“d£¤°E¥E‘.?f211°§.L°i§'3 mmm. Be·itc1wctedhyt7g.e»S'enateandHou.ee0 Re emof th U 41 Smeg of America m_ Cmngress assembled, TES? the gesogrgar; oizvlztlfie gigergggsxai he as hterethyéhauthoriged and girlehlthd to place on , su geo e provisions an `tations of the pension laws- ?w°$.T“§?°N',,h“”_°‘ The name of William S. Nash, late of Company B Eleventh Regiment Missouri Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at ,,,,,,,,, ,__ Amy the rate of $40 er month in lieu of that he is now receivin§ pus, p.1465. The name of games L. Ackley, late of Company L First oegiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and a him a ension a $49f§>er month in_lieu of that he is nlovgrreceivinlg, t the mw of mmmm v,,,,,,,,,,,_ e name of Elizabeth Verhalen, widow of George Verhalen, late of Company K, Twenty-fourth Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infant , ggolxygg a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that sge