Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/502

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RADIOTELEGRAPHIC CONVENTION. JULY 5, 1912. 1719 ARTICLE V. 1. The International Bureau shall draw up, publish, and revise international Bufrom time to time an official chart showing the coastal stations, miiiiiaarsrasmacnart their normal ranges, the principal lines of navigation, and the time nprripually taken by ships or the voyage between the different ports 0 c . 2. It shall draw up and publish a list of radio stations of the class ¥·i¤¢<>f$¤M¤¤· referred to in Article of the Convention, and from time to time supplements covering additions and modifications. Such list shall contain for each station the followirgg data: (1) In the case of coast stations; name, nationality and geo- D¤*¤· graphical location indicated by the territorial subdivision and the atitude and longitude of the place; in the case of stations on shilp— board; name an nationality of the ship; when the case arises, the name and address of the party working the station; (2) The call letters (the calls shall be disf `shable from one another and each must be formed of a group oiltiiilee letters); (3) The normal range; (4) The radio system with the characteristics of the transmitting system (musical sparks, tonality expressed by the number of double vibrations, etc.); ` (5gd'g`he wave lengths used (the normal wave length to be underscor · (6) The nature of the services carried on; (7) The hours during which the station is open; (8) When the case arises, the hour and method of transmitting time signals and meteorological telegrams; (9) he coastal rate or s ipboard rate. 3. The list shall also contain such data. relating to radio stations °¤*°*•l•*¤- other than those specified in Article I of the Convention as may be communicated to the International Bureau by the management of the Radio Service ("administration") to which such stations are subject, provided that such managements either adherents to the Convention or, if not adherents, have made the declaration referred to in Article XLVIII. 4. The following notations shall be adopted in documents for use °°¤”°¤°°•‘¤'°'*‘°'* by the International Service to designate radio stations: PG Station open to general pu lic correspondence. PR Station open to limited public correspondence. P Station of private interest. _ ‘ O Station open exclusively to officral correspondence. N Station having contmuous service. X Station having no fixed working hours. _ 5. The name of a station on shipboard appearing in the iirst “*“P°°•*’d "°“°”· column of the list shall be followed, in case there are two or more vessels of the same name, by the call letters of such station. Anrrctn VI. The excha of su rfluous signals and words is rohibited to Sgg*!¤¤°¤· ¤*¢¤¤'• stations of tlggzlass reieired to in Article I of the Comibntion. Ex- md` periments and practice will be permitted in such stations in so far as they do not interfere with the SGTVIOO of other stations. Practrce shall be carried on with wave lengths different from those authorized for public correspondence, and with the minimum of power necessary.