Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/549

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1766 ARBITRATION AGREEMENT--SPAIN. MAY 29, 1913. V°L "·5· P- lm the duration of which by Article duracion el articulo III del mismo HI thereof was fixed at a period Hjaba enun periodo de cinco anos, of five years from the date of the a partir de a fecha del canje de exchange of ratifications of said ratiiicaciones de dicho Tratado, Convention, which period will cuyo periodo terminara el dos de terminate on June 2, 1913, is Junio de 1913, se extiende por la hereby extended and continued in presente y continuara en vigor por force for a further period of five un nuevo periodo de cinco anos, A years from June 2, 1913. partir del dos de Junio de 1913. An·rr¤r.m II. Am·four.o II. &’*“¢°°"'“°°* Thtofresent Ageement shall be El presente Convenio sera ratiratiii by the resident of the ficado por el Presidente de los United States of America, by and Estados Unidos de América, con with the advice and consent of the el consejo y consentimiento del Senate thereof, by the Gov- SBI18d;)g(? por el Gobierno de Su emment of His Mlaéesty the Kang Majes e Roy de Espana, de of Spain,_m acoo ance with its acuerdo consu onstitucronycon Constrtutron and laws, and it shall sus leyes y entrara en vigor en la become effective upon the date of fecha del canje de ratiiicaciones, the exchange to ratriications, el cual tendra lugar en Washingwhich shall take place at Wash- ton lo antes posi le. 8 mggon as soon as possible. '°°°"'°‘ _ one in duplgcate, in the Eng- Fecho por du licado en lengua hah and Spamsh languages, at inglesayespanolir, en Washington Washmitlion, this twenty-ninth el veinte y nueve de Mayo de mil gaydogd ay? one thousand nine novecientos trece. nn an [ann,.] Wrnnrau Jmmmes BRYAN [ann,.] JUAN Rraf:0 Y Garaueos. c,§;;‘_§,$*“°¤¤ °*· And whereas the said Agreement has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratrficatrons of the two govermnents were exchanged pl: the City of 1yVashingto§,fon the twenty-first day of March, one eusan mne undred an ourteen· P'°°""""°'* Now, therefore, be it known that I; Woodrow Wilson, President of the United_ States of America, have caused the said Agreement to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause gloortlgo mtoyjh be otblgerveoihand fulfilled with good sith by the United an e cr ens ereo . In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be ailixed. Done at the City of Washington this twenty-third day of March rn the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and [arm.,] fourteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and thirty-eighth. _ Woomrow Wmsorz By the President: W. J. gum fg ecrctary o tate.