Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/552

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ARBITRATION AGREEM.ENT—ITALY. Mir 28, 1913. 1769 Arbitration_agreement between the United States and Italy extending WY 2% 1**3- the duration of the convention of March 28 1908. Signed at Washington, May {88, 1913; by the Senate, February 21 1914; ratgfied by April 13, 191% ratified by Ital , Mbrch 12, 1_14; ratificationa exchanged at Was ingtem, April 1%, 1914; proclaimed, April 15, 1914. Br rm: Pnnsmnrrr or run Uxrmn Srums or Ammmca. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas an Agreement between the United States of America and m—y‘>*¤¤**·>¤ ***¤ Italy enrtending, for a further tgaenod of five years, the arbitration rlémm. cozévenucgrécgncglnided $11 qn1%•arch28, 1908w_vas concluded V"' °°"‘°°°*‘ an sign e1r ve empo ntiaries at ashmgt0' n on the twenty-eighth day ol May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, the original of which Agreement being in the English and Italian languages, is word for word as foilows: _ _ Agreement Extending theburatiem Accordo Prorogante laDnratadell‘a %the Arbitration Oonvention of Chnvenzione d’Arbitrato del arch 28, 1908. 28 Marzo 1908. The Government of the United Il Governo dggli Stati Uniti €¤¤¤¤°¤¤8 P¤*¤¤· States of America and the Gov- d’America e il overno di Sua. ernment of His Majesty the King Maesta Ile d’Italia, essendo of Italy, being desirous of ex- desiderom d1 prorogare il erxodo tending the eriod of Eve years di cin ue anni, durante il) quale during which the Arbitration la (llonvenzione d’Arbitrato Convention concluded between conclusa fra essi il 28 Marzo 1908 them on March 28, 1908, is to re- deje rimanere in vigore, il quale main in force, which period is penodo sta per spirare, hanno about to expire, have authorized automzzato 1 sottoscritti, cioez the unders ed, to wit: the l’On0revole Jennin rnempeannum. Honorable Jennings Bryan, Segretario di Stato degli Bryan, Secretary of State of Stati Umti, e Sua Eceellenza il the United States, and His Excel- Marchese Cusani Confalomeri, lency The Marquis Cusani Confa- Commendatore dell’ Ordine dei lonieri, Commander of the Santi Maunmo e Lazzaro, Gran Order of Saint Maurice and Saint Cordone dell’ Ordine della Cor- Lazarus Grand Cordon of the one d'Italia, etc., etc., Ambas- Order oi the Crown of Italy, etc., ciatore Straordinario e Pleni— etc., His Majesty’s Ambassador ggtenziario di Sua Maesta a Extraordin and Plenipoten- ashington, a concludere l’aetiary at Walsrlsiingtnn, to conclude cordo seguente: the following agreement: