Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/555

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1772 ARBITRATION AGREEMENT-Nonwnr. Jm 16, 1913. Anmcnm II. AJRTIKEL II. ]E§°°‘°‘°°"°"°°"' Th resent. Aéree t shall Naervaerende avtale ska,1 ratiuo be ragiiigd by the resileliegiilt of the iiceres av Prmsidenten for Amen- United States of America, by and kas Forenede Stater med raad with the advice and consent of og samt kke av Statemes Senat; the Senate thereof· and by His ? av Hyans Majestaet Kongen av Ma'esliiy the King oi Norway, and orge og den skal traede 1 kraft it aha become effective upon the den deg, som ratiiikationernes 2** 0* *r‘2°h“n¤*s;··sk°* am: :tt¢:dB1iS%1gashmSl$8rgw’h1`i1{s1:n.nsnSkarta1iisIi>(i1‘i ons, w e s e p ace a _ Was1u.ugt0' n on oss'ble. m . _ “"°*"”‘ Done in dni;1igaw%1iiIihe1Eng· t 1 to elgsemplagrer, lish and Norwegian languages, at gnat. engels pg norsk, 1 Washing- Washington this sixteenth day of 11, den 16 111111 1913- ‘ ggiuneaone thousand nine hunan thirteen. [sin;.] Wxnuau Jmmmes BRYAN [sun.] Hmmns H. Bam m§;‘2,[*°•°'•¤• °*· And whereas, said Agreement has been duly ratiied on both "’“?."’ ?>.*`鑧£‘$°v?°“°°“ ·s¤a¤§»¤,°°°° °‘ ‘$‘.° WMM? °°"3?5‘°°“"§ X§’£1,°‘°h“t'.t‘°d in e o · on e ay o one ouand undred fourteen• ’*°°’·¤·**°¤- S N oizlvlglgherefore, badlit known that I, Woodrow Wilson, President of th:dUmt<;)<fi(St;z0testl;>f Axaietxiicg, tliilave eauseddthe said Agrfemeilit tlg be m e u e en e same every artic e thereof) may,be observed and fulfilled wi?1 good faith by ttl; Iguiutgd States and the citizens thereof. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the sea]§of thegni1é¤1dSt»;.t$•§_tobeaiHxegg] th {A nl th oneat e`tyo ashmgt0' t' n d 0 " year of om- Lord one thibusand nine hundlged and)fo111u·iseen(: [sun.,] and of the Inde dence of the United States of America the one h d thirty-eighth. Woonnow Wmsozw By *t$*3‘s‘*m*= . . nun Swrmry ejsmu.