Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/561

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1778 PARCEL rosrr c0NvEN·r1oN—L1Bnn1A. ,1 4. ARTICLE III. mmnccwwwm- 1. Al tter or mmuni at' f the ture of personal correspond- °°°’ °"°°l" ence musxt not actdhrrnlpanyc beiovlshfitten oil? or enclosed with any parcel. MMM if ¢¤¤¤¤- 2. If such be foun , the letter will be placed in the mails 1f separable, and if the communication be inseparallly attached, the whole package will be re'ected. If, however, any su should inadvertently be forwarded, the country of destination will collect on the letter or letters double rates of postage according to the Universal Postal Convention. N"°i¤¤'¤¤¤¤*°*°°¤¤ ‘ 3. No parcel may contain packages intended for delivery at any ` address other than that borne by the parcel itself. If such enclosed packages be detected they must be sent forward singly charged with new and distinct Parcel ost rates. ` · ARTICLE IV. mm <>*v¤•¤¤· 1. The following rates of postage shall in all cases be to befull prepaidwrth tagestampsof thecountryof o ` , viz.: I"U"““ °°'°" wg) In tit: United giztes, for each pound or fraction oi a pound, ve cen . ~ In uma. Ax§b)_ In Liligia, for each pound or fraction of a pound, twelve cents, °°"""‘ 2. The parcels shall be romptly delivered to addressees at the post offices of address in the country of destination, free of charge or postage; but the country of destination may, at its option, levy and collect from the forintemor service and delivery a , charge the amonnt of which rs fixed t0_1l»S own regulatrons, but which shallin no case ezgceed five cents m the United

five cents American gold in Liberia for each parcel, whatever

1, w . » . `ARTICLE V. R°°°‘P‘· 1. The sender may, at the time of mailing the package, receive a Certificate of from the ost office where the package is mailed, ' *""'·P· *7**- on a form like Form 1, armexed) hereto. R"¤’*”· 2. Thglspiider of a packagetgiay have th? same registered in accordance wi eregulatrons o e country o origin. d$$.’§,?,¥’f"°“*"”‘“‘ °‘ 3; An acknow edgment of the delivery of a registered parcel shall be returned to the sender when repuested; but either country may require of the sender prepayment o a fee therefor not exceeding five Nom to mdmm cgtsrigtheglmted Stages or·_’rive cents, ggld, Liberia. h _. e ees o regis parc e vised f t arrival of the parcels addressed to them by a notice from thi; posli office at destination. - ARTICLE VI. °‘*·"‘°"“"°°““‘“°“· léoghe sender of parlcel shalll make a Custopris Declaratiogi as n or attac to the arce n 'd

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scnptron 0 the parcel, an accurate statement of its contents, and galue, dat: ofm and the sender’s signature and place of resience, an p e o . C°“°°**°¤ °' •*°”·•· 2: The parcels in question shall be subject in the country of destination to all customs duties and all customs regulations rn force in that country for the protection of its customs revenues; and the customs duties proper y 'Cl18.I'gB8.bl6 thereon shall be collected on delivery, in accordance with the customs regulations of the country of destmatron. ARTICLE VII. H·¤¤¤¤¤ or rg•=· Each country shall retain to its own use the whole of the postages, registration and delivery fees it collects on said parcels; consequently, this Convention will give rise to no separate accounts between the two countries.