Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/567

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1784 . ABBITRATION——AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. MAY 6, 1914. A1mcu=: I. Amrxnn I. I. crxx. Th Co ti f Arb`- Di h Gate ich- Az Ausztria-Magi arorvmmgy tratioh ofll:1?1la1$;1%, 1909, Ungagw 11.1::1 didn Verrgeinig- szag és az AmBI1·¥31 gye- V°" “· P' 115* between the United States ten Staaten von Amerika sult Allamok kozott enof America and Austria- bestehende _ SCh.lBd%0· nallésaz 1909. éV1]8.l1I141’ H , the duration of richtskonvention von 5. 116 15. nap]an kelt vala-

 Article III there- Jenner 1909, deren Qel- sztott bnrésag egyezmény,

of was {red at a period of tmmgsdaueréemass Artikel amelynek 1 btartama az fiveyears bomthedfteenth III dieser pnvenhon fur egyenmény III. c1kkéhez diy after the date of ex- eine Zeitpenode von filnf kzut a megerdsnto oknachanie of ratiications, Jahren ‘ angefangen vom to kicserélését kovetl} t1- whic period will termi- fiinfzehnten Tage nach er- zenotodxk napt61szé.m.1tott nate on May 28, 1914, is folgitegn _Austausche der 6t esatendbben van megé.1- hepgb extended md cm- Ra uonen, festgesetzt 1ap1tva és arnelyadbtartam tinuetl in force for a fur- ist und am 28. _Mai 1914 az 1914, év1 méjus ho 28: ther riod of five years abliuft, Wxrd haennt fil: :Q?g?]5.11]é1.' le, az 1914. évz from my 28 1914. einen weiteren Zemaum gus h6 28. napjatél szé· ’ von funf Jahren, gerechnet mitott tovabbi ot esztendb vom 28. Mai 1914, in Wirk- tartamara hatalyban samkeit erhalten. marad. Anncm II. u ‘ Amuer. II. V II. eurx. · mumngemnmce The resent Convention"' `D‘ _ irtige K · Ajelen egyeamény egy- ¤¤¤¤- shall bl; ratifedlg the venthhagogxggdwvcan Seieggr ,6,,,516 Fglgége Augztrig, President of the nited#‘ Majestattdem Kaiser von cghmzig hi. States of America, lay and Osterreich, Konigvdn Bob- my, és Mggyamm with ¤¤¤ ¤<ivi¤• •¤ ¤<>¤— men ¤. ¤· v··¤m<1 {kjpom apqmnummmeegtl l6Dt of the thereof, V0]1 a m - md 1*7 Hb Miidiy uw einemeits und vomn§ utju és hug. Emp¤¤>r¤fA¤¤¤is.King¤ident¤ndervereinigte¤· ,.,,1 M Amadm ofBobemia,etc.,andApee- Shsten von Amerika im lggymmt Allgmgk quake ¤·!i¢Ki¤i;»fcH¤¤g¤i¤;y:qnd Einvemehmen md mit md mg fg mimmi it shall ome e active Zustimmung des Sonatas ésazonampou {Og haggy. the dew of the ex- audexerseits rstitiziert und bg lépugi may bon A me. Kia of ¤*=¤i<=¤*=i¤¤¤. mit dem Tug des Austw- gamma oldratoh ki fognak vbic •¤¤~1\ We x>¤¤¤¤ at ¤c1¤¤¤ der ¤61=¤¤i¤¤¤¤. cwé1mm1, mi, mihelyt W“!*i¤8*°¤ ¤¤ •¤¤¤ *¤ wakhcr evbeid ¤1¤ méziich lehetséges, wnmngmntm possible. zuuwas}£§;nn stattiinden {cg meg|;5,·gémj_ so nn treten. Bluhtmi. Itestimowhfthe Ulkunddeesenhaben ·1 mow ¤¤¤r?¤<=¢iv¤ n¥’i¤m?r>r:&¤¢i- die rb¤*=r¤¤¤¤d¤¤ B¤v·>11- mgxihthzglki jelen ariezi have ségzied machtigfln die gegeuvtie egyezményt alairték és venonan ave ‘ tinun-Deed'] _ thereto their seals. Iigzgueacinwdl ithm Siegel wxh omték ashmgtrm , z - mgton . vn w”°‘*° ‘“ %‘*§2t°.».“* .·.§r*’°" *" ‘%?&%°' w5';.** "*§,..."‘§‘%»*i‘.i"’2"*· gf May, oneghomand nin; ton, §)14. g mljus 116 6. napjan. undredm ourtesn. [sean.] Wuuau Jmmmos Baran ` _ [sean.] Consraxrrm Tnnonon Donna °h§¤;{Q,{*°•“°°' °“· And whereas, the said Agreement has been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratificatxona of the two governments were exchanged m the C1ty_ of Washxxégton, on the twenty-eighth day of May, one thousand mne hundre and fourteen; _ Pr¤¤¤¤¤~¤¤¤· N ow, therefore, be xt known that I, Woodrow Wxlson, President of the UDll9Bd' States of America, have caused the sand Agreement to be made Fubhc, to the end that the same and every arucle and clause thereo may be ohserved and fulfilled with good fmth by the United States and the extrzens thereof. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the neat `tyo as ont twenty-eig t ayo aym

    • ‘t§* **‘° $*6.* **%*9 *°1,*..*g€**"‘i;‘L h 1. d f M ·

the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and four- [snaa.] teen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and t}m·ty-eighth. _ Woonnow Wnson By the President: W. J. Bars}: Secretary of State.