Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/762

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1913. 1969 the passengers, the officers, or the crew. No break in a deck, nor ani opening or operphngs m a ded; or thei tcloveréilpgu of a spaie or in thf<=;par;.)1tr0ns or dof adspace, nor e a sence 0 a. pa on _ preven a space om e measure an - priseél up gro§s_tonna.§e 1; th; opening or openings in the delgklflgartition, or sideciyi.-ll can ecose mor tea sentpartitioncan e utinp ce ite t and the spaces thus closed in be thereby better fitted for the’$ra.n1sporti ]il>r passengers. _ In the case of a vessel a "trunk" or "turret", the deck forming the covering of the trunk or turret be considered the upper deck, and all spaces below that deck within the trunk or turret shall be consi ered as covered and closed-in. The space within the turret or tnmk shall be measured as are other between-deck spaces. Spaces considered as "permanently closed·in" and spaces permitted to be exempted from measurement shall be determined solely by the rovisions contained inlthese rulep, and n<;t by any definitions or provisions contained) in the measurement ru es or regu ations 0 any country- Ama IV. The following spaces shall be exempted from measurement and shall not $1**95 ¤¤¤r>¢•d !¤>¤¤ be included in the gross tonnage, and no other spaces shall be exempted: ““°g’°" Sr·:m·roN 1. Spaces on or above the upper deck not permanently covered or closed—in, or which may not be readily covered or closed-in. In the application of this mle it a pacesun er ec or coverings ving no 0 er connection wi e y o e wlglfglmde d ha th thth bod fth ship than the stanchions necemary or their support are not spaces separated off, but are spaces permanently exposed to the weather and the sea and are not to be included in the gross to e. (b) A space within a poop, forecastle, bridge house, or other "perma.nently covered and closed-in " superstructure or erection may be considered as not permanently covered or closed-in, and ma. conseiuently be excluded from tonnage, if the space is oplposite an end eopening which is wi out a coaming and has no headplates or planks an is not provid mleappdpi cpoginga anlgl whécla operpinug has a breadtlii aiqiial to or terthan e r o e ec atteineo eopeningan itespace §;°?‘° ui? °"°*‘i“g f.i‘&€?“ b%L‘5’dsI‘§ “2§"°ir°€£§'J£'9h“‘$§“§€s“*i“$i%°c%§§.‘?¤'§° o no uire ron s . ning the space within it is goo be included in th;1 grogs tonna§é This shag be sci applied as to exempt m measurement o y the space tween the act en opening and a lip; drawn l toélig or gm; of; ttlie ;t a distance frorndtelae ening to one- e wr 0 e ec a e e 0 e opening; provi gat anyilosed-in space between the open face and the line drawn parallel to it shall be measured. The remainder of the space within aégoop, forecastle, bridge house, or other sufperstructure or epection shall bg ppnsger as available! fcgahhg accommod t' c o or stores, 0 passengers or o es 1p’s personne an s emeasured agtiiiidudax in the gross tonnage. (See Figs. 1, 2, 3.) y Should the open space within a poop, iorecastle, bridge house, superstructpre, or erection between the end opening and a parallel line distant from the openmgbby half the breadth of the deck become, because of any arrangement, of less width t an half the breadth of the deck, then only the space between the line of the end opening and a. parallel lrne drawn through tgelpomlf where the athwartslup w1dth_ of tgne open 'th' th p forecast e, ri ge ouse superstructure or erection ecomes ?;ir(a€l tg oixlessetlign), half the breadth of the deck shall be exeinpted from measurement. (See Figs. 4, 5, 6, and 7.) The remainder of the space withm the poop, forecastle, bridge house, superstructure, or erection is_t0 be mc uded in the gross tonnage. When two erections extending from side to side of the ship are sgparated by an interval the fore—and·aft length o which is Essbthsré tlhegetgst half brea th of the eck ' f h'te al,th whateverbete reat o epermanenten o `gs Ei EZ 2.§E&0$§t1€Zegnt§<l;`1mctr0¤s, its l.l1&1l.¤l’§l'V3g separating asm, Hts ed d’ld `t osstonn e. ee1g.. mixglln aw p1?l;o¥eca.stl:, sidglo-side baridge house, or other "permanently covered and close£i)n)" superstructure or side-to—si e erection the napace directly in way of opposite cépenings, the height of which is at least iiifcet, rn le sidle wallslpf the ship not pr vi ed with means of closin and correspon to eac other rn the oppomte walls di the ship shall be exempted. _(See Figs. 9 a1ii§l1O.) _ h _

 %?"“""" mr W °‘ ‘i£Si’§§§;‘Ep€&?““§tt2 t§.?";£§?0'L1?m§‘§.h§&‘££.’&

meanso c os s . Dixie orviriore deck (usually designated as tonnage openings) that may be so closed as to permit ca 0 or stores to be carried in the space under the deck, or under portions thereof, only Itrhe spaces under sugh a chickfthlat age exactly in gg of tplpposrte ' tl t3f t' h`htin thesi ewa sotes ipnotprovi wi means ?>i)$:llo1§i%i;Bgaanl·?lai0ne(s:€poiiI:lin‘;g1gm each other in the opposite walls of the ship shall he exempted; and the remaining spaces under such a eck shall be measured and m- cluded in gross tonnage. In case the openings in the side walls of the shiggre provided Egg megns of closing, no portion of the space under such a deck shall exempted. ' . 11.