Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/810

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2012 PROCLAMATIONS, 1914. _ friendshijiand arlpity with th; contending powers, and with the persons inha iting their several 0mini0ns‘ And Whereas there are citizens of, the United States residing within the territories or dominions of each of the said belligerents alnd carrying on commerce, trade, or other business or pursuits t erein· And l7V'hereas there are subjects of each of the said belligrents residing within the territory or jurisdiction of the United tates, and carrying on commerce, trade, or other business or pursuits therein; _ Apfd Wherea; tlip lgvs and treaties cif the UniteddStates, wilthout mte ering wit the ee expression o 0 inion an s pat y, or with tlii;] commercial manufaaipture or salcilofparmsbor m lns of war, nevert ess im cse upon persons w 0 ma e wit their territory and j1;r1s1d.1Ii:tion the duty of an impartial neutrality during the existence 0 the c0ntest· ` And Whereas it is thei duty of a neutral government not to permit or suffer the makirig of its waters subservient to the puipose of war; ,,§§;'f"“*‘°“ °‘ "°°‘ Now, 'fherefore, , Woodrow Wilson, President of the nited States of gnéerica, order $0 {preserve the hpleutrality of the gnited States an 0 its C1 ens an 0 ersons wit its territory an j 'ction and to enforce its laws treaties, and in order that aH persons be` ’ warned of the gleneral tenor of the lawsland treaties of the gates m thislbe of the lalw if naltionls, {nay thjiis be prevented om any V10 ations e same 0 ere ec are an roc aim that V¤¤·35.¤r- 1089-1091- gy ¢§rtai15£p1·0visions11of glo act appt1i>ve<¥Pon Atlhe 4(pli d%1.y;]pf Marpehd . .19 commoy ownas e en Coeo eUni States" theifollowing acts are forbidden to be done, under severe penaltzes, Wlblllll the temtory and jurisdiction of the United States, towi :— MS *¤*b*·*<*·==2 is 1. Accepting and exercising a commission to serve either of the said Umm Stmmmmy belligerents by land or by sea. against the other belligerent. _ 2. Enhsting or_enter1ng mto the service of either of the said bellggerentp ::2 a sctildier, or as a marine, or seaman on board of any vessel war _ e er 0 marque, or privateer. 3._ Iiiring or retaining another person to enlist or enter himself in the service of either of the said belligerents as a soldier, or as a marine, or seaman on board of any vessel of war, letter of niarque, or privateer. 4. another person to go beyond the limits or jurisdiction of the United States with intent to be enlisted as aforesaid. S Hirgplglaigptlsiir pmersor; todgotgeyond the lipnits 0(ii the United eswi in n 0 enere m serviceasa ros . U ox Igegiziréigg alxiother perstgi tlo gg beyond (ige alimits of the ni e a wit intent to en `ste as af . 7_. Retaining another person to go beydriiisalhe limits of the Righmmmielm United States with intent to be entered into service as aforesaid. (But the said act IS. not to be construed to extend to a. citizen or subject of either bellxgerent who, being transiently within the United States shall, on boar of any vessel 0 war, whic , at the time of its arrival within the United States, was Qtted and equipped as such vessel of war, enlist or enter himself or hn·e or retain another subject or citizen of the same be who is transiently within the United States, to enlist or enter _ elf to serve such belligerent on board suck {easel of zvpr, if the United States shall then be at peace with suc e igeren . 8. Eitting out and arming, or attempting to lit out and arm, or procuring to be fitted_0ut and armed,_ or knowingly being concerned in the furnishing, fitting out, or arming of any ship or vessel with intent that such sln _ or vessel shall be employed m the service of either of the said be erents.