Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/828

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2030 PROCLALIATIONS, 1914. mg{§:ug{ gg md °' 1. Units and fractional units. The lands shall be disposed of in units ' and fractional units. Prior to Ma 15, 1915, the contiguous land sub'ect to dis osition in the north or south half of any section shall be deemeg a unit if it makes as much as 240 acres and a ractional unit if it makes less than that area; and on and after that date such land in any section shall be deemed a unit if it makes as inuch as 480 acres and a fractional unit if it makes less than that area. d$,{P“·‘,’$*g}“ *° P"' 2. Purchase and special additional hmnestead. On and after October saameui gg 10, 1914, an person owning] less than 320 acres acquired under the '°°°°" provisions oi the homestead laws may execute an application to tpiqlrchase, and any person who has a vahd homestead entry for less n 320 acres, may execute an application to enter as a special additional homestead, the land in the unit or fractional unit in the half section in which the ma'or portion of the land so owned or entered is situated, and if such land is situated in equal parts in two or more such half sections the owner thereof or entryman may elect to purchase or enter any one of such units. Beginning May 15, 1915, when a section shall constitute the unit that may be hereunder, any person who, prior to that date, shall have pure ased or entered the land in any half section unit may purchase or enter the remaining contiguous land in such enlarged unit if then undisposed of. ,,,m,§°'"“'°°°° 3. Special Ywmeeteads. After October 26, 1914, any person who is the head of a family or has arrived at the age of twenty-one years, is a citizen of the United States or has declared his intention to become such citizen, and is not theproprietor of more than 160 acres of land in the United States, may execute an application to enter as a special hommtead the land in any unit or fractional unit, or the land in two or more contiguous fractional units if the combined area does not exceed approximate? 320 acres; and on and after May 15, 1915, the land in any unit or racticnal unit, or the land in two or more contiguous fractional units if the combined area does not exceed approximatel 640 acres. P°""‘°l°°’°‘ 4. of part of unit or fractional unit. No purchase, special adilitiqnal homesitead or special homestead will be allowed for part on o a unit or raction unit. ,.§°,E'°'“°“‘° °°'°" 5Y Settlement before entry. No right can be acquired under the provisions of this Proclamation by settlement before entry. P"°°‘ 6. Price oj lands and terms. The price of the lands shall be three dollars per acre if entered or purchased prior to Sgptember 15, 1915, and two dollars per acre if entered or purchase on or after that T°"" °f’°"°°°°' date. One-third of the price must be paid when entry or purchase is made. In the case of a purchase, the balance of the price must be paid in two equal payments, one year and two years thereafter, unless paid sooner, and, in the case of an entry, in two equal pay- ments three years and four years thereafter, unless paid sooner. A purchaser may make payment of the unpaid installments at any time before they become due, and final certihcate will issue, in the absence of ob'ection, upon such payment being made. An entry; man must malie final payment when proof is submitted, if it is su mitted before four ears from the date of entry. "”u°°u°°°‘ 7. Execution and presentation of applications. Applications to purchase or enter may be executed before the register or the receiver of the United States land office for the district in which the land IS situated, or before a United States Commissioner, or a judgle or a clerk of a court of record residing in the county in which the and is situated, or before any such officer who resides outside the county and in the land district and is nearest and most accessible to the lan . All applications must be presented, with the required payment. to the register and receiver, in person, by mail, or otherwise.