Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/866

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INDEX. 2069 Arm.y—Cont.inued. _ P¤8¢· Arthur, Eliza (widow), PIR- use of, to prevent shipment of supplies to pension .. . 1576 vessels of belligerents in vio ation of Arthur Susan (widow), _ neutrality. _ ... 1226 pension increased 1415 volunteer forces; provisions for ... 347 Ambler, - Army Field frgineer School, Fort Leuven- duty op, artificial silk or imitation horse- 44 wort , am. air ...,...,... 1 appropriation for instruction . 352, 1063 bead or spangle, not embroidered, etc., Army Sclkool of the Lme, Fort worth, notlsplecially provided for.(ié&.f 146 am., cotton c ot , not spec1all` y provi or-. 140 appropriation for instruction expenses., 352, 1063 embroideredlgy hand or machinery 149 Army Stgryzl School, Fort Leavenworth, Kam., fur, not spec` y provided for .. 148 A apprapnaégolrigor ilpstguction expenses . t 352, 1063 Ezrelry .. . . . . 123 rmy ar e . ., e . . . 1 appropriation fdr expenses 351, 1062 marble, etc . . . . . . . 123 Eu maintenance .. . . 367, 1079 metallic, notespeaially provided for, not Ameaou, Isabel (widow), gold pla , etc ... 130 A pengiop . . W .,.. 1316 not ennsigeziéated, unmanuiactured . . mo , ra . ... . . -. . pension I .. 1279 similar to enumerated 152 Arnold, Sarah E. (widow), resembling two or more. . . , .. 152 pension increased 1513 of two or more materials: . 152 Arnold, Thomas N., _ _ paper, lithographically printed .·.-. 145 payment of Court of Clmms Endmgs to ad- uusel wire, etc . . . ._. .. 128 mgnigatrator of. . . . . 968 wire, not sppgially proyiidettg for AJ-¢murtw' u stances, etc. woven, or o rawnwor , e , .. duty on used in perfuines, not containing on free list, acquired abroad not exceeding A Callgpllipl . .. 118 d$10?. . .&. . Z ... _ .. . 1 64 ' , , cru e, or yeing or tanning, no spe- Tgziision increased 1265 { cially provided fcgi;- . .. . 163 Anacg, o American mannfac e . return duty Om _ ______________________________ 135 from abroad . . . ’ . 1 53 Aww, Offqy, etc;1 .,.. ni). 154 appropriation for payment of, vogiinég 853 ¤<> 6 §€ti“¤¥P¤’¤¤¤\ P1¤’P°¤°¤ Y 9** 161 lB8l‘B--. --. .. · —··•;•····· ·•·· · ···—~— r-··;·- ior, War with Spain, etc .. 43, 642; 853 ¤!P0i’V>d {Q? ¤`9'P¤¤’¤ *0 WY dui? 0*1 NPNNS denciency appropriation for volunteers., . 319 1'¤¤l§1’1¤¤°¤¤ --·-·--·~··-··· ; · -···-·· 154 An, ingum’ R_ GQ for expueiigtpl-e{)10tz!s;ldp1uposes, admitted free 196 A 7sr:;1;v<:£) ganceled homestead entry to .,. 1463 for mpaki cm., a Mai; guido im umn unmmmd ,,,,,,,,, 153 . to ° °*P° . .1** €1* m°¤*. ¤ ·--- ,· - 196 Aglgyqeaolmado, 17:;., · 1mmor$,°et§éprohibited1mportauon;se1z— 194 ’”°‘mi2`$"Y¤§°§Z`§`»L°tiif°»$`LrZ*fe&,i° if $`§°L`E ¢1¤ ¤1¤¤&,}~¤ ¤¢ egg g>1=¤;; am-» mg we Isabel from .. . 1059 C Y Emw °'¤. my “° °W°r Aramis and A . O A I guty t an on material used 125 . . 1 rtw es, omcslic ¤1>g>r¤g¤¤$1<2¤ fer A¤g¤¤¤~· Ge ··-·- - ··---- 628 mampma, to im duty aqua to ammo or emma, (al ... . .. 29, 628, 841 mvemw mt 201 fofN€WYOTk,N.Y-•-•···••··~••••·-~· L&tI;l;}·¢lL:t:l,[TQ-‘-•··-__··-- for R°°k I°l°‘“d· mf ‘‘‘· · ‘··‘‘‘‘° 29* 628* 841 coun of origin to be plairily marked in for Sandy Hook Proving Ground, N. J. . 29, 841 WE,} Hah on im ned 194

  • °1 §g’i“g“°’d· Mm ··-·----···-· -·-- 62*% $*1 on pac S coimaiiig &2»i{tl»}id` 'Z 194

for ’atertown, Mass .. 29, 629, 842 wquimdk gigfom deuvéy ' 194 fe Watcwlmti N‘ Y· ··············· · · · 842 unishment for false labels. I _ - ~ - I 194 for repairs, etc 29, 629, 842 ’ ````````` acceptance of deed for land, Springfield, duty 0,; bait {crashing 127 A _ Mw ··-· - ----··-··-—------···---· 568 pork.: ...,.. '.Zf[f][f]ZZ[[fffjf 141

  • 8*7116 , _ th , do , tc ... 148

<>¤ free 1181, ¤¤$1 ¤¤1g111<1¤ of --··-----··... 153 alia §»i»Bssui;r?.?. ...,..,. 127 A"”°gf °"]r‘i;“'“°“·’ °d· 1_2 on free list, ggirapives, crude, not specially OH E8 IS .. . . ... 0 _________________ __ ____ 157 AM Cviledm, crc-. Ar¢y2mzp1i?»`;i8,eo$=m·Daabudsou¢ar, on bee list, by Sl»9»l»€$, BOCl€Cl8S, GUS., 110t gp pg rigtjgu fo]·________ ________ ____ 38,637,849 for sale; conditions 165 AMM Silk, Art, Ormmwwl M Edwtwml Obiww of. duty rm, yarns, threads, em .. 144 on free list, produced more than 100 years fabrics _______ _ _______________________ 144 before importation ----... . . 166 Aruzzay, Army yawn, Art Squares, appropriation for altering, etc .. 389, 888 duty on woolen , ,..,. 143 Arnlzry Board, Army, Art, Wor€;r%‘8(see Works of Any A aplperglprgadgn }og computer . . . 358, 1070 Artesian e rtz ie 0 roast atpprogriatioii for investigating, etc 857 appropriation for Cdast Artillery School Ar ur 0unty< Nebr., under .. 352, 1064 portion of Jebraska National Forest, set for fortification expenses under, insular apart for seat of ]ustice 1995 possessions . . 391, 890