Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/882

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INDEX. 2085 Bolim2z—Continued. Paso. Bmw Char, Pose. appropriation for secretary of legation 443 on free hst .. . .. . . 156 treaty with, for advancement of general Bane Dust, peace . . ... 1868 on free ljgt ______,________________________ 155 Boll, A. (widow), · Bam Meal, P¢¤¤1<>¤ ·---·-···----··-··-----··------- 1574 on free lust ... . 155 Btgt flanks, wel 126 Bone, Willahm, uyon rronorg ,..,. . ..,,,..,... pensionin . ,,,,___,,,,,.,_____ ,___ 1481 Bolting Clbths, Boneblack, on free list, silk; conditions .. 155 dut on, pigment. ...,_,,,.,_ _ ,,,,., 118 Bolts, _ on gee list ... 156 dilzezll, 11*011 Of BTBGI 126 Bcmham, Francis Graves, on list, wood, handle, shingle, etc 164 may be reappointed cadet at West Point. . 1295 Bognbay or Wild Mace, Bonham, Ter., HW 011- ..-···.. . · . .--- 135 a ro ° tion for public building` ... . 5 Bona Island, Canal Zom, B0r¥ri)ellPgarles B.,P lighthouse authorized at, on Pacific coast,. 926 pension increased ,,,,_ _ __,,, , ..,_,_ _ _,,, , 1434 appropriation for ... 883 Bonnet Pins, Baum', }Wll1hm D., duty on .,,,,, , ,...,,__,,,,...,,,,_,,,., 129 pension increased 1584 Bonmts, Bond, Alferetta S. (widow), duty on braids, laces, etc., for making or pension increased . ... 1402 ornamenting ..,,,,. 147 Band, Mary A. (widow), fur , ... 149 pension increased ... . 1346 straw, etc .,,_,,...,... 147 Bond, Qliver B., Bonneville National Forest, Wyo., pension increased 1282 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 426, 1096 Band Paper, Booz, Edward JL, duty on . . .. 146 pension ...,.. 1574 Bonded Manufacturing Warehouses, Book of Estimates, provisions for . ... 197 estimates for lump sum apgopriations, to Bonded Smelting Warehouses, give in detail num r of persons, provisions for ... . 198 rates of pay, objects, etc. , for expend- Bonded Warehmues (see Warehouses, Customs iture contemplated 680 Bonded). public buildings and works under con- Bornda, etc, (ue also Securildm), l tract excepted- . .: . 680 income tax to bewithheld from intereston. 170 also unit cost of construction work I . 680 on free list, steel engraved forms for . . 162 corresponding details of expenditures in plates, etc., for engraving .. 162 yesr_ ... 680 stamp tax on, issued on and after December o er notes forbidden, except changes 1, 1914- .. 759 in form, etc., proposed": . 680 Bands, Indemnity, expenditures under reclamation Act to be stamp tax on, for payment of money, etc- - 761 annually estimated for m, after July Bands, etc., Railway, _ _ _ 1, 1915 . 690 appropriation for securing information con- Booker, William B., _ cerningijssues of . ... 627, 840 payment of Court of Claims iindmgs to 987 Bonds, Umled tutes (see also United States Bookkeeping and Warrant: Dimlnon, Treasury Securities), Department, _ appropriation for refunding two per centum, appropriation for chief of division, etc. . 467, 1009 into Treasury notes or three per cent Boolcgets, bonds . _ 835 duty on, decorated by hand, etc .. 146 provisions for sale of, by banks wishing to lithogmphically printed . 145 reduce circulating notes. .. 268 Bookout, Sarah D., requirement for deposit by national banks payment of Courtof Claims Endings toheirs of registered, repealed . 268 of . . ... 978 two per cent, with cvrculation privilege, Books, may be exchanged by reserve banks duty on chi1dren’s, lithographically for one-year gold notes and three per printed . . . . 146 cent go d bonds without circulation not specially provided for .. 146 privilege . . 269 prinuriigcdpaper for, not specially pmobligation to purchase gold notes at ma- vi for .. _ 144 turity in gold . . ... 269 additional from country imposing exthree r cent 30· ear gold, without circu- port duty, etc., on . ._ ... 144 llgtion Aprivile e, authorized . 269 on free list for educational Institutions, Brmds, United lates, gtate, etc., etc.; limit . 155 exempt from internal revenue stamp tax-. 757 for United States or Library of Congress. 155 Bane, in foreign languages .,. _ . 1 55 duty on. button blanks, etc .. 147 m raised characters, for the blind .. 155 dice, balls, etc ...,. 147 of persons from foreign countries, used manufactures of ... 151 abroad ..., . ... 155 on free list, crude, etc .. . 155 printed more than 20 years .. 155 Bmw Ash, I printing paper for, valued not over 2} on free list ... . ... 155 cents per pound. .. . ... ‘ 160 Bone Ctwings, professional, 0 immigrants .. 161 duty ou, cotton, etc .. 140 special regulations for free entry of serial, silk . ,,,,. . ... 144 on one declaration ... . .. 182