Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/884

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INDEX. 2087 Bourcy, Eugene Augustin, Pm- Boyd, W'll12zm D. Pate. p8yment_ of Court of Claims findings to pensioir increased ..,. 1534 heirs of .. 971 Boydstun, Edmon, B0!-U°’Yl¢z B6'{1.]G’m't7t.F., pOl1Bl0l1..-----..-..-..--.. ..;,,,,- 1362 Penman increased .. 1524 Boydton, Va. · Bousmgn, Mary E. (daughter), condemned cannon grunted to, for Con· Bgmlon . . . . ... 1339 B monument . 1209 u onmem, er, wm _ . duty on, feathers, artincial, etc ... 148 cpension increased ...,,,,.,.._ 14m Bowden, Lemuel J, Boyington, Mary (wsdow), paymelnt of four-t of Claims findings to 988 B pegpsrgn increased 1423 sus o ... oy , emard . Bowditch, American Practical Navigator, pension increased 1583 appro riation for printing revised edition. 68 Boyle, lMll*iam A., Bowen, IDavid, pension increased 1385 pension increased . . .. 1380 Boyntoin, Qalvin E., Bowen, Esta A., pension mcressed-": 1371 pension increased ... . 1535 Boynton, lfrlunwe M. (wzdow), Bowen, Aé((nwthe1·), pension increased ... Z 1292 pension increas _ . . .. 1603 Boys Re'{_’¢;2rrn_Sd1ool, D. C. (see National Bowen, Olzre H. (widow), ming School for Boys, D. C.). pension 1283 Boyse, Sterling M., _ _ _ Bowen, mllmm, 1581 paymentlof Court of Clzums findmgs to he.u· 78 pension . . at aw . 9 Bowers, Sherwood C., 1445 Bozeman, Mont., peqswn mcreesed ------·--·-------·--- - - · n mprinzion for ubiic building' . 5 609, sm Bowlmy Alleys, _ Bmgiinm, nam · _ ’ Bspecml tax imgosed on pmglnegrs of .. 752 payulcut of com of mmm, gudmgs wu _ _ 988 °";€7$?."'£%?n..?.; £"&‘.."n..‘ . tid.-? t. 969 Hmm ****;;,*3,,,, ..,,,,-,,,, ,,, · ,,,1 P H _ _ -·-~ nt 0 0 0 dlngs Bvwiiw Gr¢eybKy-. ?·6·~¢QEe~g;<>£; €{J·;¢¢¤’¤. 969 Paymerepresentatives nr ... . .. 982 a mento ourto bums gs B ’ Ju; R_ . Beiiuhng ChGre§ln, Ky., First Presbyterian ’;,?¢¤d0u?n::qn{”d ,___, , __,________________ 1349 "' » . . Bmw I . pa ent of Court ofCla1ms 969 ’ _ · dia ‘ ___ MK?} <#m··.S0{y;. M··~#··¢ ¤···~»··¤ "“.E{».‘f‘?1 .’.‘ff‘f’. T T‘f'?i’?T. .. {E · . len . .. . . . . 142 n nnnnrcmnnnrclnimssnanngntn eso B ,,",,°° · ,,,-W, · · Bdiwhgr-g Green, Ohio, in Lila ( )’ 1266 E . . f bu build. 5 pensionm . pp?0pf1Btl0I1 O%pll. C 111g... .. . Bmddy Jun T. (son), Bmmwmr CWM -· pension . mv Bg"·’“Si°¤ i:“°”“;,°d ···············•‘·····‘· 1375 error corrected .. . .. 1467 pgngigigigcreasea _,,. . ,,,..., 138]. B {0€e;1’;1wn’ ln.-una-·""·no-nl 1399 Bi.";Q“§2;;Z.i”.’Z1.n 1390 B~·dkz4»1i·*~v M Bowman, {uma, 129 Bggnkgonrgzgrfawd . . . . . 1400 B pcnsionglc B- ''''` ```' 7 appropriauon for payment to .. 590 °“""‘%"· ‘"'” · B L A undo pensmn ... . .. 1603 m A VW · ( w)· BOI B L B pednl:;0n};€:creesed . . ... 1288 B,;“{gfogj;· P“P"" "°” °°”‘*°"* ""’ ······ · ···· 1*4 rggnninggncgénnd . mz 2; i¥nZnf1;;`in°gn, mngii ni? 1£én}i 2»n'1§`.QZ§fZ iii Bi>I¤reg¥¤§Eh§i;}¥¤¤r¢ <>f 01¤im¤ findings no 976 Ei, cnnennnnnn nun. .. 131 B*¢¢”¢!t· Mew-· W. em t not s ecially pmvided for 131 P°¤°*°¤ “*°'°°°°d ····--·-···········-··-—· 1301 leaghglg or P hmm, ‘°'‘' 150 Bradley, Willuzm O.,_laze a Senator, _ paper suriace-coated. ei; I I I I I I I I I I i ZZ 145 <1<¤¤¤i¤¤¤v ¤pr>¤>1¤¤¤¤¤¤ f<¤ vw ¤> www- 57* free of yduty, of American manufacture BMJ8, _ rnnnpnnnd, nuns wieigr g1ut...5. . H 131 Bon fre; ····---- - -·······--·--- 160 tel,A .`ca,return omaroa 1 » _ _ S 8 emplgilriwr riilled with foreign pm- 154 pemeggirgfogourt of G1¤¤¤¤ iindmes to 978 ucwm-··-~··.··-.-__··-O--.---___ •..·••••».•• · ‘ _ Bradshaw, Mrs. Sera py L' ht,

 Ammmt Act) payment of Courtpof Clazilms findings to. . . 983

pension increased .. z . 1492 Brady, jldward, Boyd, Charles H, penmon increased . ~ 1331 pension increased 1396 Brady, _Nwhola: (son), Boyd, George_H., _ pensron . . . ._ . 1380 sppmpnauon for, as superintendent Sen- Bragg, :Su.sanmz B. (undow), me Document Room ,.,,. 455, 997 pension increased . 1335 Boyd, James J,. Brag·inpn,}Wll•2xm, pgnglgu mc;-eased ,,.. 1437 pension increased . 1516