Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/894

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INDEX. 2097 Cali/'or~rt17z_Dt§lu~n§ Commimkm, 38 63;¤8l$¤é Campbell, tézules M., Pase. a ro na on or expenses .. , men ,,,,,_ , ,,,,,_________,_,_____ 1 Calgtpormga National Forest, Cal., ’ Calinélplbell, Elbabeth S. (widow), 305 sip ropriation for maintenance, etc., of.. 426, 1096 pension increased .,,,,.,,.,,,, , ,,,__ 1335 Ccxfornea Northern Ju¢h2·12zlDiatr·icl, Campbell, Floyd L., ditional judge allowed for . 580 pension . . .,, , . . 1600 (lalngornia Southern Judrhbl District, Campbell, James M., ditional judge allowed for - 580 payment of Court of Claims findings to 982 Calbine, John JZ, Campbell, John, Gsension increased 1518 pension increased . ...,,.,,,__,.,, , , _ _ 1408 kim, William, Campbell, John T., pension increased 1431 pension increased _ ..,...,. 1413 Call, rirma (widow), Cmnpbell, Josephine (wrdow), pension , ..,.. _ .. 1 366 pension mcreesed . ,,...,.,.,,,, _ _ 1560 Coll, Sora ,4- (widow), comptezz, 1;,,, , Clgensxon increased 1358 payment oj&m1; of Claims iiudings (,0 ad. ZG, Bulbs, Gr CNW, mimstrator of .,, , ,,,,_,,_, 962 duty on. ..---.·- - --------·· 133 Campbell, dlanuel H., Callaep, Peter, pension increased..._ ... 1 . 1346 ension increased ..·-... . .----~--·----- 1275 Campbell, Mary J, (wulow), Cegmnel, pension increased . .,,,,,,____,,_____ _ 1503 duty on . . 115 Campbell, M Jtme(w121ow) . . , my ! Calumet, Mult., _ _ _ _ pension increased . ... 1533 defciepcy appropriation for public build- 560 Campbell, Porter H., --·-··------ - --·-·-·------···~ pension increased . ... 1491 Calumet lltlgaer, Campbell, Reyrwld D. W, part of old channel Of, Cook County, 111-, pension increased . .,,,..,,,, , 1325 abandoned as navigable Water .. 816 Campbell, Sarah A. (mdow), Calvary Chwdl, Culpeper County, pension , , ,,...,,,,,,,,,,,,_____ 1325 a., _ _ Campjield, William WZ, payment of Court of Claims findings to 990 pension increased . . . . 1290 Calvert, William. R. Camphar, pension increased . . .. 1501 duty on, crude, natural . . ... 117 Cambridge, Md., _ _ _ _ reiined and syntheuc . . ... 117 deficiency appropnauon for public build- 560 Canada, - _ 1118- -;· ····-·-··-··· · -·-·-······· s propriation for snrveymg' and marking Cembndge, Qhw, _ _ , P line Alaska end. ... 447,1120 ¤P£1’0P1’1¤¤¤¤ 1°1'P"11-*11*1 1>¤11<1¤¤s -·-···-· 0v010 for boundary line between C » 11*-; _ _ , United $3108 *1116;- --·-· · ---- Z 447, 1121 appmpuaucn for public bmldmz ---- 6, 610, 823 excluded from ez>pl1ca,tion of copyright O°""d¢’*» *0- qw . . . benefits to rest Britain .,. 2045 8PP1'0P1'1311°11f°1` Public 1*1111*111% ····-- - - 6» 610 consent of Congress for bridge across Saint Cagrtfs lzmrkdvsmced (md Gd or _ mgohn 1fiver, by Maine and .. . . . . 581 11 O Y asm, not ¤p·$¤y provided on nz "““ ,,§‘t"T‘?‘If’f.'}‘?T‘?‘}? Tf’. ?T?.““““° f'. 1221 ¥0X'$€3Cl§;1:‘ééihé.»· .· .·... . Balsam, . ······· · ·············· * ut on. ...,... . ... 114 fm hwgm ···· i·.";1;",i,[·X‘{ ‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Canoayay, Mary VZ (wwow), C m°1“d°d as w°° m an C °‘'‘‘ pension . ... 1282 GWWO8, . · . Cawgywon, cut bu, not at . 149 Cgggggrggggdgg Wg; g‘H·>g,¤g;gy··· 66, (1 ’ htograhi, (1 nm s, . 451,1124 my °,1‘0,}’.p‘Le,.¤¤§’ p$,,,·?5‘.,.1¥ZI . YT?. 151 ¤¤;>,;g¤gg;;¤ md tovol ·===¤¤¤¤¤· ¤r 1,, 4 C*"””*¥”» 0;°'rg;B;‘;,· ,,,9 comm ```````````` C,,1’,;E’j§§“},§ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘’‘``‘'‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘ appropriation for oxpoosos --··--~----- 455,1123 '· ·" · · · __ _ C'a·nad{anRu:ipr0city e,?,¥,’,,..,"'°,,,"Y"f$}.§’€, S‘§T,*°“bl’° '°f“"’“‘“g _ " ‘ *“° certiorari rm, skuteme em r,iie0&,, of payment of ·ourt of Claims findings to 115005m PP°°1¤ 1100 *PP ca 6 to bein, of _________________ _ _________ 968 cases mvolving construction of wood Cammniki pulp, etc., sectionofActrelat1ng to. 703 Cdutygmil 117 Carnogl Bgalege mad f r lights R towed by , es 0 e o _ _ o , apyliginent, of Court of Claims findings to steam vessels, in mland Waters . 381 heirs of ... 968 Caml Z one, _ _ _ __ Camp perm, (Mio, · · appropriation for iortificauons . Z 74, 677, 880 deficiency appropriation for pay, District for erecting, etc., high power radio staof Columbia nie team on duty at. . 317 tion in.-_  : ... 407, 946 Camp Verde Indians, Ariz., for quarantine siations, Balboa and appropriation for purchase of lands for; Colon. , ... :. . . 676 [rust, allotments __________,,,,, _ ____ 588 for rehef, etc., shipwrecked American Campbell, Andrew B., _ seamen 111. Z ... _452, 1125 pension iricreagedn. .·. , ,_,,,,,.., . . . . 1482 claims of ML‘Cl.lI1l1C·L131H118l1 C0IlSt1’\10K-1011 Campbell, Annie B, (wtdow), Company to be investigated by Govpension increased . ... 1233 ernor of; powers, report, etc. ... 388