Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/906

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INDEX. 2109

 Ccvtrts of Appeals—C0ntinued. P¤8¤· Orgy Delivery, Postal Ser·vice—C0ntinued. Plze.

gunsdrction, etc., to enforce, set_aside, or eiiciency appropriation forsupplies .. 796 modify orders of Commission or for carriers, etc 1159 Board 51191 . : ... . . . . 736 allowance in case of injury, etc., to carrier to decide appeals from district courts on while on duty .. 301 questions of law m_ awards of boards carriers assigned to collection service and of arbitration of railway employees’ pay reduced, tohave grade restored. 1227 _ controversies .. 107 experimental combined wagon and city Circuit Judges, collection and delivery service auappropnation for .. 506, 1047 thorized ,,.,. . . 300 or expenses, outside official residence 55, City Refuse, D. C'., .. . . ... . . 654, 867 appropriation for disppnsgl of ; nivht soil. - . 529, 904 Cirmtits, Judicial, for investigating p for collecting, etc. 529 districts included in first; Porto Rico added 803 City, Roscoe, Circuses, pension .. 1596 special tax imposed on proprietors of 751 Cwet, payment required for each State, etc 751 dnt on . ... 118 Citizens in Mexico, American, od. . . 117 appropriation for relief, etc., of- 238, 346 Civic Leagues, etc., de ciency appropriation for relief, etc 208 income tax not levied on, not organized for reirnbrusing Army for relief, etc., oi for profit, etc .. 172 destitute  ; .. 313 Civil Service Commtlsetbn. Citizens Trust and Guaranty Company, appropriation for Commissioners, secre deticienc appropriation for payment to; tafiy, clerks, etc . 465,1007 intliemmty bond 321 for Eel examiners, etc ..,... 465, 1007 Citrkenship, _ details from executive departments admission of aliens serving in Navy, etc., forbidden .. 465, 1007 to, without previous declaration of transfer of employees. 465, 1007 intention . 395 for expert examiners ... 465, 1007 established, of George Edward Lerrigo 1476 for establishing, etc., system of efiirequirement for watch oicers of vessels oiency ratings-.:-: _ 465 registered for foreign commerce may report as to administrative needs of be suspended; conduzions .. 699 the service .. . .. 465 suits in United States courts based on di- restriction on Ipay .. . . 465 verse, the fact may be shown at any for Division of ihciency 1007 stage ,,,,..,,... . . 956 appointmeut of chief by the President; Oizric Acid, giities, etc 1008 dutyon ..,,,,.,,. 114 for traveling, etc., expenses._ ... 465, 1008 Citrom or Citron Peel, details for ratings, etc., m departduty on .. 134 ments suspended ... _ . . . . 465 Citronella or Lemon Grass, for expenses of examinatrons, fourthduty on, oil ,... . . 117 class postmasters ... 466 Citrus Ccmker, _ _ _ for lield examiners for local boards, deficiency appropriation for mvestrgatmg, etc. ... 466, 1008 etc .. , 797 for contingent. expenses . 492, 1033 Citrus Fruits (see also Tropical Fruits), for rent . 493, 1034 appropriation for investigating insects for printingand binding for . 69, 672, 880 affecting .. . 433, 1104 deficiency appropriation for expenses oi for improving methods of utilizing by· examinations, fourth class postproducts of . . ... 1102 masters ... . 208 City Delivery Division, Post Office Department, for traveling, etc., expenses .. 312, 795 appropriation for superintendent, clerks, for stationery ..,,. 812 etc 495, 1036 for printing and binding .. . . . 328, 1154 City Delivery, Postal Service, _ Civil Service Laws, etc., appropriation for letter carriers ... 299 collectors of intemal revenue, and marpromotions . . 299 shals may appoint, etc., bonded for substitute, auxiliary, and temporary deppties without regard to . 208 carriers ... 299 Ciril War, crmen of the, for new offices .. 299 deficiency appropriation for memorial pay of substitutes rated ... 299 building in District of Columbia, to for horse hire and vehicles .. . .. 299 commemorate services of: .. 233 for car fare and bicycles . 299 personnel of commission, erecting monu— for street car collections . 299 ment to ... . ... 326 for Detroit River service 299 Clnck, Thomas J., for incidental expenses . 299 pension increased 1381 for special delivery . 299 Clackamas, Oreg., for experimental, in minor towns and appropriation for new fish cultural station. 665 vi lages ... . ... 299 sale oi old fish hatchery site; proceeds. 665 for supplies . . .. 303 Claims (sae also Omnibus Claims Act). deficiency appropriation for ... 333 appropriation for expenses, defending for substitute, etc., carriers .. . 236, 324 suits in .. 52, 652, 865 for horse hire, etc ... 324 for defense in French spoliation 52, 652 for car fare and bicycles . 324 for defense in Indian deggedationn 52, 652, 865 for carriers, etc., new offices ... . 324 for arbitrating outstan g British and for special delivery tees .. . ... 573, 578 American pecuniary . . . 449