Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/952

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INDEX. 2155 Emergencies, etc.—Continued. hse- Enoampmenta qw .-Continued Page. reimbursement to appropriation for ad- appropriation for payment for transportavances to relieve, etc., American tion of teams to national match . 1071 citizens in Mexico . 238 for improving sims dongtgd for _________ 359 Emergency Fund, D. C., alternative sites in Tennessee or Alar appropriation for ... . ... 542, 916 bam __________,___________ _ ______ 359 Emergency Igiospwizl, D. C., f _ d_ t {transfer offtitle ... 360 appropna on or care o m igen pa- ocati t . I t...&.1.£_ E . B. ._ . 545,gg d M 1m.‘1`.Z.‘.‘I,q,..%""”°““..$‘}..‘F?Z‘}{’i.‘T*£1.‘T‘} so 0l'c0l1B C l0X]0 BBW U, ,,.. 6 · do f ,..,,.,,,,, Ernergengy Internal Revenue Taxes, Ergkurt?;(7ért;g.£T0Pm u or 1156 PIOVIBIOE ... 745 uty on .. 118 payment to, for’in'uries . . 1544 nw Q0mmu8mm,8·O·mw’ D' C" E S E cl . appropriation for salaries ... 519,897 '§‘é’;‘.‘€’$;. §.2“"‘ "‘”“"””’* 1575 EMM Cert MJ, -··-····-·-····-- · ·—-··- appropriation for pay of enlisted men' EQ"? - E I I tc 14 longevig ... , .. $$4,1065 u Y °“· g’“'·“°> mm » ° ······· 47 for pay of 0 cers; longevity 356, 1067 P°·P°' ·—--— · ~·-····----··-····-·-·-···· 1 7 leave of absence allowed officer of, tc accept

  • 21::Eg 1118% ew --------··-··-·--·-····· 147 temporary service in China 772

¤¤ t ow --------—-----··--- - ----·— 157 cam of w su ‘ ew ·¤»¤¤¤Hé£i li Bi Emay Dim peering Gun Carnage, ’ ~ p°w1s°d’]·_¤g “W ° unexpendied balances for, covered into the 891 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ffl. 233 . .I“’“““’Y ····· : ···················· tired Hi i, be d tod Eruwewn .€'·¤¤>~ MM Cem v· . r° NZw°iZ¤YQ 73 New rmgk nest; gran right of gy across ount Olivet Commission 7.,5 ted Y Cemetery, t Lake County, Utah. 279 . D '' '`'` Eniwm, Ky_, Engineer rgart1n¢nt,Army, deficiency appropriation for public build- “P§;_°Pm?u°n 1°1;;xlg?·s:1?°°gld€g°“-,· · · 368, 1081 ° .. . . 561 v v zammz, iriiimznut 11. (widow), f D- .0 -----------—-·------------·· $@1081 .. 1508 <¤<=st·a¤z>¤¤<>¤¤ °1**°°P¤ ------------· 3611081

 John, for cnvxlgan amistantsn. .., .. 309, 1081

,,,;·:¤=i··¤ ¤;;;··°·* ···----·------·-··=·-·-· 1358 it ;".p.“°“‘°”.°€‘?“"?”i.l*.‘§£;.'?°..¥.“.lT.’$“°· 3%*%% ploym ernment . . . ---· · appropriation; for _ inedicalf 1046 . fm of f°1’r1£°*·*~1°¤¤» meukr PWE;90 889 tc. ,recewing orm unes. . -·--····-----·· V ·····-—--- » prohibitionzn use ofapg17.03£>riati01rs}>y, for ig; ks] · · · ·]·[ ··-········ 33% 63% 243; attending meetings, etc., lmuted to for bun 1, v and ···{I;1h;-iii; paymgduesior 75 P . t fc! b. gm · wdtten authority requ ; reports., -- 75 f Pt ° d°hlg1b°m -·--········-- k 33.633. 846 rates of salaries as provided for_m legnsla- °1' 1'1V°” *-11 Nr c°¤l¤»¤li WO? -··- 36, tive, etc., Act, to constitute com- f . d hubo . 68% 848 ggnezatzionhmemfor until otherwise 509 °’ *179* lm cc etc I 1mPT°V°m°¤*_?é5 1049 b . . . . . # ····· · ········· · te ¤»¤¤-;;;y¤¤·1 vw ¤· We ·· ·¤¤¤* ,0,, §‘$§ £‘3.E’,‘;';"§°‘.§.%;;.a ;;.;;s;e..*£i;.‘i"’· ”‘“’ pria for. ._ . . restriction on additional pay to, tmdcr gen- L lake, · · ···· · - 3% 637¤ 848 eral or lump·sum appropriations 680 E °l°ded° B °° ° uP*m°1` 637 salaries for, not available or permanently fo of ·--- _ incapacitated persons ... _ 508,1049 7 glicnds P » 9 ·» PP1¤g32 889 subsistence allowance while traveling out- d H . --···· , ·· --·~ -·--·-- f » side of District of Columbia, limited. 818 ° °1°g_g °PP’°P¤* °¤ °' °<1¤¤P¤1¢¤% ° 22 restricted to actual time of absence. . . 318 f . PB; · · - · ·---········· 9 subsistence r diem established for, while . ?7`i1!;1é’1’°Vm8 $11 1* ° Wa qid ·---·- 1159 traveiiig outside of District of C0- 680 1 E"?77 °v°7]°P“`$"° {osu :1*-ni) 11*311 1l1mb13.,8l'.C . ...··_·. • usb} to r · ·» Employers an;} Employee: (see Labor Dis- lmger Chief ° » 88 PN1 of 633 E"·¤·’·~¤7~ ¤*·’*·***v !~··*·m· "“"“°2.‘&.‘.§$ i3$t$';?§,‘}.“’§§ “‘“"“"°°°°° ""“‘ as Exam? tax on policies, etc., of . . ..·--- 762 Bu] . I nw Per dim;) mt; ‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’' 1082 mz ¤ . ’ ``°° °°°° ```'`°` ‘*“;2;;:,t*°·;"$c"*i.,..¤*€·,=.t··t ········ ~ as **9 ZT ?;s";2:"· ...1 1.,2., ' , t rovi p p n c ., . _ . fo‘i·§7..7 . 77 . ... 123 draftsmen, etc., to be paid from rivers ’ on free list, white glass, for watch and and harbors, etc".: I . ._ . 481, 1023 clock dials. 157 for salaries; e]l;c.b public buildings an4¢g2,1024 E l P `nts, _ groun , . ... 7<i1xi7};· on? . ... 119 Engineer D. C., Agmy, _ Dnameled Hollow Ware, appropriation for equipment and manduty on, utensils of iron or steel ... I . . 127 _ tenance", . _ . . . . 368, 1081 Erawmprnjfigs and Manerwers, Orgernued Engtneerznlg Experiment Station, Naval Amd- ' itie, ya . ' i f, `tb. Regu- p ro riation for experiments, etc . 408 946 "‘*°*"°‘l€..‘.“?.Y‘f’TT.Y’T.‘?€‘¥’?T‘f’T’T’.T’.-7Yl . 2.59, 1071 “E¤£qapmc¤t0¤».¤ts¤g., at .._ 4oe§94e