Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/974

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INDEX. 2277 Navy Depav·lment—C0nti11ued. Plm- Neck Gem , 41-,, Page. gbolishment of Bureau of Equipment; dis- pairmeugcof Court of Claims finding; tp tributiou of duties, civil employees, administrator of ________________ _ _ _ 973 etc ... 408 Neck Rujlings, bureaus may draw upon funds of others for duty on _______________ _ _______________ _ _ _ 150 _ stores, ctc., furnished thereto .. 1084 Neddo, Benjamin F., 188068 from stock 0¤_1¤¤1d ·-··---- . - ···· 1084 pension increased .,.,_,,, , _ _ _ 1430 .w0 members of Advisory Cqmmittcc for Needle Cases, ctc., N D ggtouauujs to btapapgomted from. . 930 Nggy on _.,,,.,,______,___ _ _______________ 127 avy e nmz, . ., ea, deficiency appropriation for fuel, lights, duty ou, crochet _______________________ _ 12-; etc 319, 1145 kuimug ..,.,,____,,_,____________ _ _ _ _ 127 for removal of offices, etc., Navy De- knitting machine ___,_________________ _ _ 127 partment to ... 319 latch ..____,,.,____________ _ _ _ _ 127 employees for the care of Mills Building, not specially provided for; restrictinm. 127 transferred to the new ...,,,... 319 tape ,_,.., . ,.,,___.,,___.. . ...,.,_ 127 Navy Personnel Act, 1899, sewing m.mhi¤g__ __,,,________________ 127 involuntary retirement provision of, for on free lxst, handsewing and damiug .. 160 officers repealed . . 938 shoe machine ..,,.,.,,_____,,,,,____ 150 Naw Yvgk qmd·$‘¢¢¤¢¤2>z¤·r, Neely Henry M. apyropnatgou for msmtemmce .. 400, 935 pajmmt of dom of Chim, Endings to ¤¢ 1>¤bl¤¢ w<>rk¤- · ---·· : ----·------- 400, 936 admmssmmr of ,_,___,..., _ 984 for_m·paurs and preservation .. 402, 937 Num}, Wi_,_ " ' •i¤6<=¤•¤¤cs: appropriation for ¤¤¤i¤w¤•¤¢¢—· 1146 a préprmfon for public building szc for repmrs and preservat;1011 . : . . 1146 N,} Augwm (www) ' allotment of overhead charges to determme pémion _____________ ’ __________ _ _____ 1599 cost of workin  ; 413 Nc-0- I bella (mum") ```' vessels fgr increase of the Navy, to be amfgn inc 1 * 1533 bu1lt in, ifbidders combine . 414, 952 Nfmlbk Rm 3 ·i --······—----········· Navy Yearbook, 1914, g° . N # ° °·» 8 damn for compiling 999 on free lmt, steel engrsvqd forms for . - . 162 N,,5}°§’,}; w,,,,,_, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ plates, M9-. f9r cnEP~::lg_ ..-... 162 appropriation foIb'l1i]djDg,W€3th€fS€fViCB Ney") Gym M Cckbmb M ‘‘‘'’'‘‘'‘'’‘‘‘'‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’' 417 a tion for expenses 669 N°“'· ‘·?°°’9° L-· Negro! gum: and Induttrahl Awmsmi ` N£u°m5;;;';'°°°°d ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1519 approp`1}isti0u gor Exposition at Richmonid, 669 ’ · · ‘* a., uu er .. . ... . . Nc1?·$' Cf@SBd. .·-. ...- --· f to be ilsion .,,...,,,.,,,,,. 1240 pm ma d 3 exunms On' cw" 0 ’ 1061 Ngy, Mary J. (www ), . . °‘ ‘·········‘‘········‘‘‘····· nsinu .. mo N¤*w'•». €"*?·*°'·» Lrg; gmk (W also Came), ‘ · pcnsmn mgeasod 1280 importation of, and hxdes, prohibited . 195 N’l'°”z Ch? ’ H·· Suspended as_to coqutries not affected by 1 5 Nm°;¤ ml°r°°;,°d ···················· · · · · 1587 muE$~§1tt€`Z>€11°i>$ Secretary ¤r di.; Treas- 9 ¤> ¤¤ ¤¤ ¢¤¤iz¤» N¤vy· <>¤ rm<¤¤¤¥i¤¤,¤¢ my ______________________ _ _ ____ 195 Nuvziled Academy; natunhzauon 1268 - · · _______________ requr . . .. Mb£¢: x]::e_;18tél€‘;fvl°‘au0ns 195 N date for mznmlxzauon corrected . . . . 1268 Npensmn ammed ... . 1513 ¢'·•°¤¤ JMM -· obo Ndibml Fcnmy Utah, pension. . . . . . 1405 Nagpmpriatiou for maintenance, etc., of... 427 Nelson; Jofm, 1531 6 1 p€¤.B101’1 l¤Cl’088€d. . . . ... . .. - . Fort Niobmru. Military Reservation, lands Nelson, John C., opened to entry . : . 1957 appointed gn Board of Managers, Volunteer homestwd entries in, under Wisconsin SQIQIEIB, Hgme ... . 780 _ Central Road grants, confirmed . 813 Nelson, Lzgzu B, (wadorw), Nebraska Nmoml Forest, excluded lands pension 11'{Cf93S€d-.._ . 1427 opened m entry ..,,,,,,,.,. _- . . 1957 Nelson: Lqémnda E, (widow), portion of, set apart for seat of justxce, PGDSIOD 1I1€1’B8¤€d..:. .--·- . ..· - -·-- ·. 1522 _ Arthur Couxzgr. ... 1955 Nahum, Saimrw A. wzdvw), Pllbhc roads allow through Indian rw€!— P€11810l1 HIC ···--------···-·- — --—-- - 14384 Neb'- kavatjnng in _,,,_, _ ,,_, . ..,,. , ,,.. . . . 1].88 .N6l801l, f Chi in _ t°` as Judicnkzl Diatnlx, P¤Ym¢¤ Q _ ° <> um Sdditimml judge allowed for _______,___, - - . 581 t0l'•Of ...-· ~ -... . 984 Nebraaka National Forest, Nebr., Nelson; Sagah Jane (undow), sppmprianiou for maintenance, em., oi. 427,1098 pcusnou 1l1C!`€$8€q .---·--... . ·-·-·--.. 1357 Y¤11¤g trees from, to settlers on arid hmds.- 427, Nelsszm, Johan Allmg, _ _ 1098 deficiency ippmpmunn for beneficmry of. 320 proclamation opening to entry lands Nemma Coal _ wlds, Abska, excluded fygm ________ _ ___,___,,... 1957 survey cf, directed. . _ .·-. 741 Béiting apart rtiou of, for seat of justicé, 31*% 1‘€§Q1'V€d UNI! l?¤¤¤!3» ¢¢¢ --—~·--·- 742 Arthur (ggrury _________ _ _______. . . 1955 pmvmmns for mmmg, ctc. ... 742