Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/976

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INDEX. 2279 New orleagw,_La.—Conti.nued. P¤8¢· New York Harbor, N, YZ-Continued. 1’¤8•· apfmpnapon forepstnmhousebxxilding. . 613, 826 appropriation for im rovement of Hudson or marme lnospxtal, B'llIg€0DB, quarters. . 615 River Channeg .. 637, 848 for gnarauune statxon, new wharf . . . 615 for preventing injurious deposits in. 38, 637, 848 fo!' 1Sp8·f»Ch 9;g6I1t .. . 445, 1118 deficiency appropuntion for preventing infor nayal stanon _ . _ . . . 770 jurious deposits in . 214 commmsnoncr of§mtion at; appomtr allotments from specific impmvementpm} ment, status, an pay ... 666 ects for removal of drift . 1061 New Orleans, La., Judah Touro Almshouu preliminary examination, etc. of, to be Fund, _ made between Staten island and payment of Court of Clmms findings to. . . 973 Hoffmann Island. .. 1056 New P{uladelphia, Ohgb, removing Craven Shoal . 1057 deficxency appropnation for public build- Gowanus Bay .,...,...,..,,.,. 1(§7 mg 563 New York and New Jersey channels New Preston, Conn., around Staten Island from lower to condemned cannon granted to . 1199 upger bay. ... . . 1067 New Richmond, Wis., unexpen ed balances for removing shoal condemned cannon granted to . . .. . 1203 off Hoboken, N. J., may be used for New Rochelle, N . K, further dredging . . . 1061 appropriation for public building 12, 613, 827 use of allotrnent for imgzroving, to remove condenmed cannon grunted to . 1203 Coenues Reef in ast Rxver 1224 preliminary examination, etc., harbor of, New York Southern Judicial Dinrkt, to be made . . ... 1057 three additional judges allowed for., .1. . . 581 New Salam Baptist Church, Culpeper County, New Zealand Hnn.51, Va., 011 free list, bln ing twine . 155 Npayment. of Court of Claims findings to 990 cotton baymlg made from tow of 154 cw York, Newark Bay, . ., appropnation for Macdonough Memorial, appropriation for improvement of channel _ subfject to contribution by .. 669 _ m ... . 36, 636 cesmon o old bed of portion of Harlem deiicnency sppmpristion for bacon lights River in return for Lund, etc., within @0 mark in 225 new channel lines . 1051 pl'6H.m1m¤’y Gxtmmntion, ctc., of, io be New Y0rl:_Ci¢y, N. YZ, mldv .·--·. ... IN7 appropriation for assistant treasumfs cilice. 476, Newark Del., _ 1018 deiicfency sppmpnsduu for public buildfor may office at ... 478, 1020 mg ·-... . . . 563 for barge office annex and pier ... 12 condemned cannon granted to . 1199 for post. otiiee ,,...,,.,., 12 Ncwafk, N. J._, _ _ _ fornew post office mail-handling devices. 613 sale of puphc bnuldgng unharmed 109 for pneumatic tune system, custnmhoueo use unul new_bmld1ng completed .. 109 and appraiscfs stores ... 16, 616, 830 proceeds for ante and construction .. 109 for dispatch agent . .. 445, 1118 tpclgnical, ctc. services guthnrizod . 109 for arsenal, Governors Island ... 628 hmxt ol cost; tire pmwcuon space .. 110 for ngihylgard, publiqwqryn .. 400, 936 Newark. Ofbnq, _ for ° its at Expomxon of Forest sppmggnguon for public budding . 827 Products ... . 770 Newark mlroad Company, for naval hospital .. . ... 987 time ex wndod for bridgug Delawsm River, deficiency appropriation for barge odlcc, _ ‘l`r¢·m.§»n, N. J., y . 807 f lantcgng piers, etc. , 1`V¢;¢g:;1,'N. C3 “ 729 or cou ouse, etc., mpnim . o cou_ r  : . . . .

0l' post ofiiég, fixtures .. . ... Newbcrn, {T! (ghnaajeh, w K,

or asso 0 e, contingent expenses pa en 0 0 _ o an n 1 for equ§>ping, etc., court rooms 323 Newggln, N. C.: Fer: Prqby¢¢m»_€.g¤nh, five-year rental contract authorized . . . 323 ,p¤z:;nt of tourt of Chuns Endmgn to G0 lpp¤\i¤e1¤' stores, changes in impmve New , _C., _ _ _ uéinta authorized .. . . . 210 Napgmgnaunxbfor public bmlding ... . . . 11 lusty 0 e, new building on ’aLl Street ew y, ., _ _ _ front gf, authorized .,.,.,,,,... 740 payment of Court of Chmn; timing tg bm; ww of unexpendod balances for enlnrg- _ of ..--. 98-1 thing, etf;wc1.umi¤t sgjost ```````` ‘ no hmmkkign for public buil ‘ 11 613, szc au onty or , etc., servnces m QPHTUP 0, _ . construction continued .. _ . - - 741 l1m1t of costmcmned, publ1.c at- . 554 employment of technical, etc., serncm Nrwwlik, W!/0-, _ _ _ _ preparing plans for vaults, etc., au- deficnency sppmpmuon for publu: buddl.£§’°’“i¤‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ as. ‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ s ‘‘‘‘‘ "1 t I nlznzgéibl ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘"‘‘ 5*** ition to au orizntions in ups- 1 ’ew ou _ _ _ vising Architecth o$ce. ..,... . 741 excluded from agwphcshqu of ccpynght disposal of present facade by gift, etc. . . 741 t benefits to mt Bntnm ...·... 206 condemned cannon granted , for Gen. Fnmz _ Newlacysc, _J0}m, _ Si%el statue ...--· 1211 { pension mcneqsvd · - --·.·.·------- 1391 New York astern Judicial Dmnbz, !\·’¢¤·h<>u•¢, W- lf-, _ _ _ additional `udge allowed for ... 581 ¥ payment of 2 ourt of Llmms findings to Ml- _ New York Hgzrbor, N. K, mngsuntor of ..·-.·-...----·--- 954 ippmpriation for enforcing anchorage regu- Newmdn, Elazubdh (uwdrnv), n lgtjougin _____ __ _____ _ ____ _ _____ __ 19,620 pg¤,g]_g¤_____ ____ __ _____ ,,,,__,,,,,.,,,, 1263