Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/981

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2284 INDEX. Ojieera, Army—C0ntinued. _ _ P¤8¢· Officers, Army5C0ntinued. Paseappointment of volunteer; personsehgxble; staff restrictxons; special temporary duty preferences ,._.. . . 348 counted as presence with command . 357 from Regular Army; limitz _ . 348 tour of servxce in Philippines and Canal filling of temporary vucsmcxes occasmnod Zone modified 1078 by ,... . . ._. . : . . 348 Officers, Governrnmt, _ tenure of term· permanent comxmmmn rates of salaues as provided for_m legislanot vacatcxi, etc ... 1 ... 348 tive, etc., Act, to comgutute comdeduction of pay for absence resulting from Eensauon therefor unul otherwise personal misconduct ... 354 xed b¥· law .. . . _509, 1049 detail of an active or reured, to subsistence 2. lowanco to, while travelmg California Exposition, suthouzed 1221 outside of District of Columbia, limdetails of aviation officers  : 514 . 318, 680 details for duty with Panama-Pscniic Expo- restnctegl to time of actual absence . 318 sition, ?utho1ize<%. 1065 Omwrs, gorpa, 410 948 loss, etc., 0 erscna aggage p approprm n or .. , under 0n£zrs, to be settled ..., ._ 1077 for retired . .. . 410, 948 may purchase naval subsistence supphes. . 361, for mileage .. 410, 949 1072 for commutation of quarters, without Ordnance Department, majors may have troops. . 411, 949 contimung details z . ._ .. 812 with troogs .. Z _ 4 12, 950 paymem;1 in {sae of death fmm aviation sc- 516 for transporting remams of, dying abroad. 40;, ci en .. . . . 9 8 ermanent cs taius of Porto Rico '· · y · P ment <>*P1¤f¤¤¤·y to ¤· mmx “°f£,?f{‘T?Yf’T*.‘T?T‘}?T‘T.’T’?‘T.‘?T“TT‘TY‘T 938 ¤i<>¤<¤i ¤¤@·v*=¤¤¤ <>f ¥·»*¤¤vv ··-·-- 10**0 maiumx psy iorseaduty ... 948 P¥°m0ti°¤ °¤ www ust d b¤8*d*?;5°““` Commandant to hold 0Hice for four years. . 241 ¤};v§°c°m;£? Emads f°' c* W”' 1084 rank, psy, retirement, etc ... . .. 241 S9 » ······· : · : · · · : ······· ‘ · mil him Arm bs1steu` . , oi oqicer ongdg;1ad;:;:>r odmv— 1084 ypum Y su ce mpphm Egg m o onor e ... · - pmmotigaengaé, etc., for serviec on Isthmus of mv°1“m"“'Yf2°i'°?g'§; °f» undg Nw? Pe" 938 Panama with Canal Commisswn 1191 (mo ti *20 ctx uga ···· A ·· reimbursement authorized for expenses, I m °° gfx; ° • N lm er 939 relief of Hood sufferers: etc., 1913. . . 215 ¤t“u};°r':’s%0d_ ······ retention on active list of Ma]. Gen. Arthur bm · °“ num' 939 Murrnyugzriltil close of PADLNFPICIEC 1065 Q . · · · gtk 939 ‘ mtimdExpma°ym be medals of honor auilxhoriz for heroism of. . 931 {mlumccm, etc-; increased volunteer sale oftrggxggegmmmmwr artxclea to, au- 1079 rank, etc ... 350 '‘‘°‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ · · · · retired for disability by pny hoard, may be 0.17Y¢¢f¢, Ngwy, _ _ transferred to acuve bat Lf ungier 50 ¤P¥’¥°P¤¤u°¤ *9 P9·Y» MUVQ 115* ---—-··· 403. 938 years old and not above captam 1068 Of PW of -·--··--··.--·.·-... 403, 938 mm on transfer _______________________ 1068 for commutqucn of quarters. ._ . 403, 938 examinations mqujmd ____ •_ _ _ _ z _________ 1068 fortranspcrting remama of, dying abroad. 402, tmmferintwoymnwscgnvolnggof any 938 officer retired for disability by s not deducted from six mo¤th¤’ gratuity Bt8tboud..:..._ . gtk ...-... Q 3% dm pay . . . 938 ua, exammatmm, .. . ... .. cien a riatiun for tnnsporciug application in tmnden from retired to otcg, of ... . I 569 active hst .. : . . .. 1069 admiral and vice admiral grades reestabaervinq as road comxmssmner, Alaskan al- lished; designation of Beet comqwed paradigm if living with famxly. 366 mmdexs as . ..,,...,.. , ,.,, 941 shipment of private mounte_ on Govern- appointment of Chief of Naval Operations ment b111 of lading; renmbursement from line officers not below captain; me °i qi; °]3?»°°g¤¤1' '```' ii) '``'` i" `i 365 .1 uu ?$"i1°°’m¤g.»°t°` 'iif6éa '`````````'``' 929 a m en e a ve coone e °c ce of four, - lgzended when numper holding per thorizyed .. ?u396, 932 mzmeut commission ISQBS than four. 356 details for service with Naval Militia ,..,.., 288 above colonel not rea pomted may re- eusigmeligibletouunaferasassistant naval tum t0_forme;·§mXe; status 356 constxuctom after course in naval arto be czmed ap ditiona.1 number if no chitecture .. . .. 945 vacancy exists . . .. 357 involun retirement of, under ersmme restriction on detaching line colonels, At:t?;899, repealed ,.. ... 938 li€ut0D8DtC9l0H6l§,8Dd gnaiorsmnless restoration to active list of, retired under serving specuied ume wrt}; command 357 personnel Act ...,...,,, , ,,,,,_____, 939 pay, etc., forfeited by supenor respon- status resmned; to be additional numgible for violations ,,,..,,,,,.,. . ..,, 357 bers .,.,.,,_,,_,,_,_,____,,_______ 939

 gxcgnetg  ... P ...   . 357 examinations requireg; pay, etc . 939

noa can uonanamaa- mz urchase susisiueuce , MIYKIW. md Bureau or Y “Y °"""“°° $$2 Insular Affaus. . : .. 357 medals of honor authorized for heroism of. . 931 servrcejo be credrted as gctual prm- mdeage not to be pudl recewing Governence 111 grades below mz.]or ,,,., 357 mgmt tumgpgrugtmu ,______,,_______ 393