Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/992

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INDEX. 2295 Panama-Pacijic International Expoaiti¢m—— P¤£l= Peirgyo Indiana, Pima C’mm:y,Ariz.—0cutd. Plu- Conpmucd. _ e ciency appropriation or irrigation sysissue of coms; giesxgus; legal tender .. 793 mm on rmmuou .,,,,,..,,,,,.., . , 230 gold; den0mmu1g1gns;$50 octagou piece. . 793 for water sup ly for nomadic. 230, 232, 332 sale to EXPOBIUPH Company .. . . . 793 Papago Saguaro Iguhbml Momnnmt, Ariz., silver 50-cent com; delivery to Expo- proclamation setting apart. . . . 1991 sitiou Company. .. 793 Pa , medals and diplomas to be prepared at ef; on, albuminized or sensitized ... 145 Philadelphm. Mint and Engraving aamms for pho hs, etc 146 and Printing Bqrpau. . 794 articles composxlzfpcrépc, ctc .. 145 dehvery to Exposxuon Company; pay- lithographgcally printed ,,., . .,.. 145 ment .. T .. _ 7 94 surfucecoated, etc . . . 145 coinage of 50-cent silver piece at Gov- bags, cloth-lined, abc . . 145 ernment exhibit; rccomage, etc 794 basic, for sengiddng, etc ... 145 souvenir medals to be struck off at Gov- bibulous . . 145 ernment exhibit .._,,, 794 bond ,.,., , ,,,.. . ,. 146 payment for regulations, etc . 794 booklets, lithogrenphically printed. . 145 counterfeiting 1aws applicable .. 794 decorated by hand, etc .. 146 appropriation for designs for coins and books, childreu’s, lithographically printmedals; ggyayment _,,,,,, , . . . 794 ed ,,,,,,...,.,. . ..,... 146 jurisdiction ced to California over gut of not specially provided for ... . 146 Presidio of San Francisco an Fort box board, not coated, printed, etc- . 144 Mason reservations, Cal., whxls used boxes of surface-coatad, ctc . 145 ‘°'"; ‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘’·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’?% c.§"‘.‘i°°"u‘i3§'°’°" ¤‘I‘Q3.‘u ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ii? visions or participation in . en ars, ` y rin . W-government Exposition Board created; cslendcmd 1) lj ... 1 45 composition ... _.._ ... 76 cardboard, etc . ... 146 duties in selecting, etc., exhib1ts. . : . . 76 charts 146 extended to purchase representative cigar bands, lithogmpbically printed 145 articles, etc _ 669 cigarette .,...,.. . . 152 allowance for e:§>euses 76 cloth-lined . 145 to Army and avy o&cers .. 76 copying . . 145 details permitted . - . t . -_ .. 76 copying books, lotta .. . ... 145 gisyment of employees; lumt 76 cork ... . .. 147 ' burning officer; ond; advances: z . . 76 crépc . 145 buildings to be provided by Expcsmon cut into designs, ctc ... 146 Company .. . . _ . 1 . . . 77 decalcomsnias . ... 146 appropriation for expenses of mstalhug, decorated, etc . . 145 etc _,__,,,, , ,... - . 77 emory . . .. 147 Pamma-Pamyic Imematabnal Exposition C'0m· engravings .,. t . . ... 146 pany, _ _ envelopes, cloth-lmqd . 145 buildings for Government exlubxt to be not specially prov1d0d for 146 provided by, free of cost. . . 2 . ._ . 77 otchings . _ . _ . 146 disputes between foreign commlsswners fashion periodicals, htlmgmplucally and, to be settled by National Expo- printed, atc . . . H6 sition Commisswn . 77 filter mane or filter stock ... 144 Panama, Panama, _ _ filwring. . . 1 .. 145 appropriation for operating public works, Hops, lnhngmphicnlly pruned ... 146 etc., from receipts therefor ... 676, 885 Emma-proof . ... . ... M5 · Panama Railroad, andmnde. ctc 146 detail, restrictions of Army offivcrp not hanging; .,..,,., . . . 146 a plicable toservice, construcuun of. 357 imitation ggmhmqnt, eu; ,.,,., . .,. 145 Panama Igzilroad Company, _ I Jacquard assigns, etc . .. 146 land commission not to avt OH <`]81mS Ja _ ... Z ... . . 146 originating under leases, etc., of 888 hm, lighogmplncally pnnmd ,..,. 145 Panda;/Q Charles F., _ ledger, etc I ... 146 pgngmn _____________ , _ , _ . . , . . . ..- · · · · 130]- lithographic transfer, not, pnnggd _______ 145 Pangburn, Elakabeth (widow), limhographically printed pictures, cards, pension increased ... . ..·- · -···-·- 1524 labels, etc _ . _ 1 45 Pangbum, Louisa C'. (widow), manufactures of, not specially pmvxdcd pension increased ... . - --·---··--- 1530 for ... . 146 Pannell, Joseph C., maps . 146 pension increased . . ..-- - ·---- 1501 marbleized . - .·..·.·--··-- 145 Pannett, Edith TC (widow), masks 15], pengion ______________,, _ ,,__. , .. . 1360 music, in books or sheets . . . 146 Pang, not specially provided for . . 146 duty 011, cotton, etc. . . ..--· - --—- 139 ouiqnskiq, etc ...---·-~-----~-- · ·---·--- I4? PWD Indian»g», Ana., _ _ _ 1>¤1>¤¤r·¤¤¤•¤hé b<>¤°¤ ·---····—---·——·-··- 1% e cienuy appropriauon for 1¤'lg8U·0I1 Parchment -··· · ········ · ‘··‘*‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 145 gygtgm ________,___,_____ . .. 230 pkwrogmpw -------- _ -—--·-—- _ --·------~- I *§ Papaya Indians, Pima County, Ariz., Pi€“§Y°°· h*h°KmPhm°uY Pnmed ······ 1:2 appropriation for development of water _ __ I PIKYU-*8 cards ···-···· · ················· 146 supply. for nomadic ...- · - - 80. 584 POR WMS- ··-··-·· · ··················· L5 for schools for children of . ..-- · · 534 { POW"? ·--··-··· · ···················‘· 46 for water supply for villages . . . . 588 P!€@ b°@¤ °’ PNQ P“P°r ···········*‘ 1