Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1000

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980 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 146. 1917. mm, MONTANA. S“l’*’°"· °“"· °' m` S . 10. F u port and civilization of the Indians at Fort Beldjirngh B•lk¤¤P km,EcAg6ucy?1hiS0rii;ana,_meludm of employees, $20,000. - Aiiiicdiéeaa Fdr su port and civilization 0 ans at Flathead Agency, Mon gm?. tana inclluding pay of employees, $20,000, of which amount; not exceeding $1,000 may be expended ger of twpicgupglmobiles, and not exceeding $4,500 0 w c expen salaries. . ru Aww- F rt d civilization of Indians at Fort Peck Agency, Fm Mo13.1a1iiilp1'i)1(::ludim pa of employees, $30,000. 1saekn¤¢A:¤¤¤.v· For su port anudgcivdization of Indians at Blaclgfeet Agency, Mg}- tz‘i.)1;:, inediuding pay of employees, $50,000, to be immediately av - a , _ _ . . . Mh, r. ‘ tcl] an d ti , in luding re airs, of the irrigation

  • 5:; Pm For madh the cliloariii a 0nRes§rvation, lin Montana, $30,000

rrrigsumsgmn. systems _ P , . A f A nl Vol.36,P· ~ reimbursable m accordance with the provisions of the ct o p fourth, lmnllsellwming hundmd ilidflhmi M nt F pay of ph ician . I t f rows, o ana: or »

.ti•5°;.”` $113010; and for gig; iiiscm nter, miller, englgneer, farmer, andl>lacksniith (article ten, treaty8diP§Iay seventh, eig__teen hundred and sixty-

eight), $3,600; for Bay ogogecond blacksmith (article eight, same t , $1,200; , $6 . ` N¤¤!¤¤¤ c¤¤S’•¤1¤¤ trB]?0i·r)subsisteDc1;1 and ciN’lli.z8tl0I1 of the N0l’lih6I’Il Cll0y6IlH6$ and ‘“‘§,"’“,,m*"“°°*,,,,,;,,,_ Am shoes (agreement with the Sioux Indians, approved_ February "°‘· ‘°·P· twellt -eight, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven), mcluding Northern Clieyennes removed from_l?ine Ridge Agency to Tongue River, PhlyxI¤hn,ctc. Montana, and for pay of physician, two teachers, two carpenters, one V° ·‘5#P·°5"‘ miller, two farmers, a blacksmith, and engineer (article seven, treaty of May tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight), $80,000. 1¤m,p1o;i¤s"¤¤¤ For the employment of "line riders" along the southern and east- °°°”" ern boimdaries of télie lggrthern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in the State f M ntana, ,5 . _ Rocky new Band. Forothe gup rt and civilization of the R.ocky_Bo1y Band of Chip- "°°g.,,,,,,,,,_.,,,_ pewas, and otliiii indigent and homeless Indians m the State of Montana, mcluding pay 0 employees, $10,000. _ {,*{jg::•;,¤=,{’j§'g*}v__ For continuing constmction of the nrigatxon systems on the Flatuea head Indian Reservation, in Montana, $750,000 (reimbursable), which shall be immediately available and remam available until expended. rm rmx n•¤¤va· For continuing construction of the irrigation systems on the Fort “°“· Peck Indian Reservation, in Montana, $100,000 (reimbursable), which shall be immediately available and remain available until expended. emma Reeve- For continuing construction of the irrigation systems on the Black- "°“‘ feet Indian Reservation, in Montana, $25,000 (reimbursable), which shall be immediately available, and remain available until expended: P+·¤¤¢•¤•- Provided, That not to exceed $15,000 of applicable appropriations

 mm' made for the Flathead, Blackfeet, and Fort eck irrigation projects

shall be available for the maintenance, repair, an hopprapion {gf to- d dhrse—drwn assenger-cgym veices oro · P°”h”°”` izliiiil ulseiuuopliiliheagforegmd zi atibn pro'ects: rmrldedfurther, That P0 mug il not to exceed $9,000 §;11y be ug fpr twetpugw gg lgggsen-gravgrg r—carry1n ve es an a n x , ` ii:dⅈ>gi·8 the purchase of mdtor-propelled passenger-carrying vehdles. Nahum NEBRASKA. oumsama. Sec. 11. For support and education of four hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Genoa, Nebraska, including pay of supermtendent, $68,800; for general repairs and improvements, $7,500; for addition to hospital, $2,500; for employees quarters, $7,120; for purchase and erection of steel water tan , $2,400; in all, $88,320.