Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1037

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. GH. 160. 1917. 1017 To carry out the provisions contained in the District of Columbia. *’•_¤§¤¤•¤*¤Y=*·*¤¤* ap]propr1ation_Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and fourteen, streets, w ch authorizes the commissioners to open, extend, or widen any °°°y?,;°f’;‘·§'f'{,'g,"¥,}',_'*"" street, avenue, road, or highway to conform with the plan of the permanent system of highways in that portion of the District of Columbra outside of the c1t1es of Washington and Geo etown, there is approggjiated, payable entirely from the revenues :*1% the District of Co um ia, such sum as is necessary for said p ose during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen: Prmnd';-3,) That the Commis- g"°°*·*¤· I sioners of the District of Columiia be, and the are hereby, directed u•g`W•?ali°;l1i°¤a"i’° to suspend all {proceedings looking to the condemnation of land for the widening o Woodley Road as outlined on the map of the permanent sistsgm of highways m the District of Columbia until urther action y o . Ri¤:1>.u:airs 1=:·rs, avmnvmsaaaulp aunrsz For cuiruepfit work 05 B°pd”'m°°°’°‘°° repairs o s ree avenues an e mc uding res ac an repairs to asphalt pavements with tgz, same or other notlilgferior material, $315,000. This a propriation shall be available for repair- m§_$'&•**•“*•! v•*• mg pavements of street ways when necessary; the amounts thus Vol-¤¤.p.1c¤. expended shall be collected from such railroad companies as provided py section Eve of "An Act prgviding a permanent form ofgovernment or the District of Columbia, approved June eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, and sh be deposited to the credit of the appilppriation for the fiscal year in which theylare collected. . m,,,,¢,,,“,,,,,,,,,,_ e authority given the commissioners in the District of Columbia V°¤·¤*·1>· ¤¤¤· appropriation Act aplproved_March_ second, nineteen hundred and ‘fZ§§a§°.?.°3]EZ¤°‘1E§’l‘s.‘LJZf€§.°§ L'£.';*$¥J*3.°’c3i..€’2§l?$$.'bw‘£i1l["2i‘.2?.?'¥`,.2?‘¤E facing as they may consider necessary and advisable is made applicable to such other streets and avenues as may be improved under mw a propgiations contained in this Act: Provided, That no such chantge coamuba. slliall f lpiade unless there shall result therefrom a decrease in e cost o the improvement. For construction and re air of sidewalks and curbs around public Sidwmmmdmh reslelrvatgons and lpiunicipgl andfUm;,led States buildings, $25,0(p0. mggsasigé &¤.,;1i•y•, erea ter in a procee °n or the openin , extension, wi ening, “ ·° · or straightening of alleys am? minor streets an% for the establishment of buildin lines in the istrict of Columbia the jury of condemnation A nts on an shall not ge restricted as to the assessment area, but shall assess the f,,2,‘,’{,;{" °"‘°°“° entire amount awarded as damages plus the costs and expenses of the proceedings as beneiits upon any and lots, parts of lots, pieces or parcels of ang which they mag find wiltl bis bgriefited by the plpleamng, extension, wi ening, or str tening o the ey or minor s _ t or by the establishment of thelhuilding line as they may find said lots, parts of lots, pieces or parcels of land will be benefited. _ hmm mm "_ Rrzrams ·ro SUBURBAN moans: For current work of repairs to pun. suburban roads and suburban streets, including the purchase of one motor truck at not exceeding $2,000, and including maintenance of motor vehicles, $150,000. _ _ _ _ mam Bamons: For construction and reyilairs, $25,000. This sippropria.- (;,,,,,,_,,,;,,,,,,.,,,,;,,. tion shall be available for repairing w en necessary any bn ge carry- Pjggkn mms ml, ing a public street over the riglht of way or proslerty of any rmgugay nilroads. compapg, and the amounts; t us expendeddsblé _ be pplle<§.ed f m vcmmplm such 1- way company in the manner provi in sec ion ve o an Act providing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia, approved June_ eleventh, erglhcteen hundred and seventieight, and s all be deppgited in the ssury to the credit of the Unite<%1State§ ag; the tlgicito of Cogsnbxa Birpqual pijuts. at ' w ri eacross omac ver: woper rs-·two $1%%) ealzli, two at $720 each; four watchman, at $720 each; labor $1,500; lighting, power, and miscellaneous supplies, and expenses of