Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1041

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srxrr-FoUR·rH ooNGREss. sm. II. oa. wo. 1917. 1021 For purchase and installation of twenty fire-alarm boxes, relocation *`*'*°'**"”"°x°°·°*°· of fire—alarm boxes, and purchase and erection of necessary poles, cross arms, insulators, pins, braces, wire, cable, conduit connections, posts, extra labor, and other necessary items, $4,700. For the purchase and installing of additional lead·covered cables Addmmu °°m°s‘ to increase the capacity of the underground cable system, $5,200. For the erection of a brick or concrete storehouse on land belonginv mi,°T'§$`§§f{g,fZ”wYl°° to the District of Columbia, to be used for the storage of material and suppl1es_of the electrical department, including the inclosing, gradmgg and imgpoving of the ground, $9,000. The otomac lectmc Power Com any is directed and re uired to wmiiwghg remove all of the poles and overhead) wires owned and usedqby it on “'“°°’ “°'°°i sW· Water Street, between Sixth and Fourteenth Streets southwest and on all reservations and public spaces adjacent thereto, and to install suitable and sufficient undergrormd conduits, conductors, and a pli— A ul I 1 ances in lieu thereof. The removal of said poles and wires amf) the ppm ° pm' replacement thereof by underground construction shall be upon plans to be 5-pproved by the Commissioners of the District of Columia, and sh e completed within one year after the date of approval _ of this Act: Promkle , That if said com any shall fail or neglect to {Z§",,,,,“{’;,,,,,,,,,,,,_,_ remove such poles and wires, or shall fai.l)or neglect to complete such ` underground construction within ,one year after the approval of this Act, said company shall forfeit and pay to the District of Columbia the sum of $100 for each day of such failure or neglect. ROCK CREEK PARK. °°°"°”°*P“"‘· For care and improvement of Rock Creek Park and the Piney °“'°·°'°· Branch Parkway, exclusive of building for superintendent’s residence, to be expended under the direction of the board of control of said park in the manner now provided by law for other expenditures of the District of Columbia, $22,000. ` PUBLIC SCHOOLS. *‘¤¤¤*¢=¢*•¤¤¤=- Orrrcnrzsz Superintendent, $6 000; assistant superintendents- $i}',§\§!§’§'·,,_._ one $3,500, one 33,000; director of intermediate instruction, thirteen supervising principals, supervisor of manual training, and director of primary instruction, sixteen in all, at a minimum salary of $2,200 each; secretary, $2,000; clerks-one $1,600, one $1,400, four at $1,000 each, one (to carry out the provisions of the child·labor law), $900; two stenographcrs, at $840 each; messenger, $720; in all, $60,000. Arrnxnaxcs orrrcnnsz Attendance officers-—one $900, two at "“°'°°‘“°° °°°°" $800 each, two at 5600 each; in all, $3,700. _ _ T h Trzacnnrzs: For one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight °‘° °"‘ teachers at minimum salaries as follows: Principal of the Central High School, $3,000; _ _ _ _ , S Principals of normal, hig , and manual-training high schools, I"”°'p°* ‘ eight at $2,500 each; _ _ `ssismt Cams, Assistant princi al, who shall be dean of girls of the_Central High gigs. ' School, $1,800: lgovided, That said assistant prmcggal shall e §;,*$· placed at a basic salary of $1,800 per annum, and sh be entitled ' to an increase of $100 per annum for five years; _ _ D_ ms Directors of music, drawing, physical culture, domestic science, ‘"° ‘ domestic art, kindergartens, and penmanship, seven, at $1,500 each: ,,m,”_ Provided, That the director of penmanship, who shall be an instructor rmmmmp. in the normal school and a. director in thejrades, shall be placed at a basic salary of $1,500 per annum, and sh be entitled to an increase of $100 per annum for five years;