Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1161

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SIXTY -FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 179. 1917. 1141 _ Forinvestigations of plant diseases and pathological collections, *"*¤*°*¤°¤¤°¤·•°°· mcludipi the maintenance of a plant-disease survey, $62,500; For e investigation of diseases of orchard and other fruits, °'°**¤‘d· °*°··‘¤*¤F $76,415: Rrovgded, That $8,000 of said amount shall be available for wm` the investigation of diseases of the pecan; For con ucting such investigations of the nature and means of °°"’°'°“"’ communication o the disease o citrus trees, known as citrus canker, and by applying such methods of eradication or control of the disease as in the ju gment of the Secretary of Agriculture may be necessary, including the payment of such expenses and the employment of such , persons and means, in the city of Washington and elsewhere, and tm°_g¤>¤¤¤“¤¤v•¤¤F cooperation with such authorities of the States concerned, organiza- ' tions of growers, or individuals, as he may deem necess to accomplish such purposes, $430,000, of which $180,000 sh;-llybe immediately available, and, in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, of the remaining $250,000 no ex enditures shall be made ,,,,"°,,,°,?',,,_°°“"[”“"°" until a sum or sums at least equal to suclli expenditures shall have been a propiriated, subscribed, or contributed by State, county, or lO(.i;`|.l;];.I:lt oritges, og by individiigls or (prgrirhnizations for tlpe x com `s ent 0 suc oses: r , at no art o · moniiy herein appropriatiidmiiliall be used to (pay the cost? or value of <1¤§¤i¤p;¤i1i°rm“’m" trees or other property ingured or dostroye ; For the investigation 0 diseases of forest and ornamental trees '1‘r~¤¤¤¤d¤h¤u»· and shrubs, including a study of the nature and habits of the parasitic P‘"°°° md' fungi causing the chestnut-tree bark disease, the white-pine blister rust, and other epidemic tree diseases, for the urpose of discovering new methods of control and applying methods olieradication or control already discovered, $85,915; For applying such methods of eradication or control of the white- mW¤*¤•·1>i¤¤ bww pine blister rust as in the judgment of the Secretary of Agriculture dorggnavemsnnce may be necessary, including e payment of such expenses and the °'° °°“}"-‘*°‘°· em lo ment of such persons and means in the city of Washington and) elsewhere, in cooperation with such authorities of the States concerned, organizations, or individuals as he may deem necessary _ to accomplish such purposes, $300,000, of which $150,000 shall be s,§°,§‘,E'g’,,‘{f‘&,{,‘,Z,‘§,{" immediately availab e, and in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture of the remaining 150,000 no expenditures shall be made until a sum or sums at least equal to such expenditures shall have been appropriated, subscribed, or contributed by State, county, or local authorities or by individuals or organizations for the accomplishment of such u ose: Prmriderl, That no part of the money herein §,§""‘*;,",;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;_ appropriated sgialrbe used to pay the cost or value of trees or other ¤¢¤··g:¤¢r¤v•¤· — prokperti injured or destrofyed; or the investigation o diseases of cotton, potatoes, truck crops, ,,,‘f,,‘,}‘,,$§,’,,';; ,'§},’f“"”'* for e crops, drug and related plants, $87,800, of which sum $5,000 , shall? be immediately available; _ For investigating the physiology of crop plants and for testing and Pm °“’“°*“ breeding varieties thereof, $49 060; _ For soil-bacteriology and plant-nutrition investigations, including p;,,S,‘§§‘,l`,‘§§'f;'{‘§$§’,:‘?"““‘i the testing of samples, (procured in the open market, of cultures for inoculating legumes, an if any such samples are found to be impure, nonviable, or rnisbranded, the results of the tests may be published, ¥’¤b¤iS¤i¤s ¢¤¤¤S·¤¤= together with the names of the manufacturers and of the persons by _ whom the cultures were offered for sale, $39,300; _ _ For soil—fertility investigations into organic causes of infertility and S°" *°"‘““"‘ remedial measures, maintenance of productivity, properties and comosition of soil humus, and the transformation and ormation of soil Eumus by soil organisms, $36,260; _ For acclimatization and adaptation investigations of cotton, corn, m—f·'§,§n‘°;“:§’;§ "°¥"‘ and other crops introduced from tropical regions, and for the im- ’ provement of cotton and other fiber plants by cultural methods,