Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1198

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1].78 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 180. 1917. IP*°°***°m· commissioners and the Secretary of the Navy: Prooided That pendscc. to cmmh ing the transfer of title the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to asspme coigrol and jurisdiction over said lots and to make use of them or nav purposes. gghdI<¥dkY:tc. NAVY YARD, NORFOLK, Vmemm: Dry dock, to continue, $1,000,000; one structural shop, to complete, $600,000; water—front improvements,

i151(p)rover;1]eint:2  power plant and distributing sys—

_ e , · m . §§§§},,’§%'f}§gc_ Brimnmes AND Giuimnis, NAVAL AoADmrY: Extension of Bancroft Hall (to cost not to exceed $2,2:70,000) $1,000,000; improvements central power plant and distributing systems, $300,000; two freight Pm Royal S C elevators, Blsincroft Hall, §15,000; m , %,315,000. yam, ‘ ‘: MARINE ECRUITING ·rAtr10N PORT oYAL Soum CAnoLn~:A:

  • i°¤· 0 mmm sm 'l‘wo bungalows for officers’ quarters, $6,000; station improvements,

$20,500; twelye sets offnonlciommissionc->dpfHcers’ quarters, Lpcluding not to excee $5,000 or the purchase o a strip of land o the Ummm S C soilath boundary of the station, $23,0300; in all, $49,500. ng ’ ‘ ‘ AVY YARD (}11A1zLRs·r0N Sotrrn ARoL1NA: Dredgmg` rr to continue $15,000; new superstructure for Pier Numbered Three undred and fourteen, $50,000 ; im(proVements_ central power plant and distributing systems, $130,000; a dition to dispensary, $12,000; storage facilities, $50,000; in all, $257,000.

 NAVY AnRoNAU·r1o STATION, PENSACOLA, FDoRmA: Improvements, central power plant, $50,000; water system, $40,000; repair

‘ and resurfacing roads, $10,000; quarters for enlisted men, $20,000; gv:ums;g2a1.g11:)%s0md one building for the storage of torpedoes, $125,000; Nr Od°°°°'I° NANAL S:1‘A'I'ION, Nmw ORLEANS, Loms1ANA: Extension of wharf, ummmd Cal $310fo00; floating crania, $30,008; m all, $60,0{)0. · · AVY YARD MARE sLAND AL1:FoRN1A: F oatin crane revolvin type, to complete, $450,000, and the limit of cost i§hereby increased to $750,000; mamtenance of dikes and dredging, $50,000; improven$$5ts00c§ntral power plant and distributing system, $105,000; in all, P‘“’°°S°““°’W“"‘ Niivr NARD, Puerrr Somyn, WAsmNe·roN: Improvements, central £§§’°}§t§i.,’““3p““t‘}£“5§t‘}§E“?t%.St%S¤“1‘?1%¤$}52é’33t "’“°h“° .i’2.Z*`d _ _ _ _ · improve in— ggg7})12)0c§·y docks, $12,000; storage fadihties, t5eo,00o; in all, ,..§§’?" H""°'* H“` N AVAIS STATION, PEARL HARBQB, HAWAII: Dry dock, to complete, Tut 18 Sa Us $936,500; storehouse, $100,000; m all, $1,036,500. ‘” * “‘ · NAVAL S'l’A'1'ION, TU·rmLA, SAm0A: Additional water supply, G $30,000; enlisted men’s quarters, $10,000; in all, $40,000. “°“‘· NAVAL STATION, GUAM: Roads, $10,000; storage facilities, $5,000; purchase of land, $15,000; water supply and wer lant im rove- Gmmmo Cm ments, $30,000; in all, $60,000. P0 P P ’ ‘ NAVAL STIATION, GUANrANAMo, CUBA: Dredging and fill (to cost gg; Oggceeding $25,000), $9,000; water supply, $25,000; in all, mmwmmm "”l°“°"°“` NAVAL MAGAZINE, HINGDAM, MASSACHUSEITSZ Storehouse, $35,000; I!1d18I1h88d Md, two zu1BS’ m au, proving gmmd. · NAVAL Paovmo Gaomvn, INDIANHEAD, MARYLAND: Improvements Fm _ _ Pa to Ipowder factory, $1%0,000. mv¤;mg,um,’ " _ QVAL MAGAZINE ORT MUIFLIN PE.NNsYLvAN1A: One magazine bmldmg, $35,000; shell house, $35,000; railroad track extension, $11,400; concrete fence, $46,800; one set of quarters for chief gun- §§i*1i',$¢;1;!§¤_;1$g61', $7,000; fire-protection system, extension, $7,500; in nm mana, N. r., ’ ’ ‘ mm mgm. _ NAVAL MAGAZINE, Io1sA Isuuvn, Naw YoRx: One mine and ro- 8 ta 11 - - · P gg) Ogg ouse, $38,000, water front improvements, $12.000; in all,