Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1242

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XX INDEX. Blackwell, Okla., Pm- Boca Ceiga Bag, Fla.—C0ntinued. P°€°• appropriation for public building .. 263 preliminari examination, etc., to be made degciency appropriation for public build- for c anne! through Johns Pass to . . 408 ing .,...,,.. . .. 17 Boeuf River, La., _ Blair, Henry W, appregpriation for improvement of .. 398 investigation, etc., of claim as attorney for Bogus alia, La. certain Indians . . . . 147 appropriation for improvement of . 397 Bland, Ewing C'., Borne and Arrowrock Railroad, deficienlcg apgbropriation for services .. 818 sale authorized of, when no longer used for Blind Chi en, . C'., _ construction work 506 appropriation for instruction of, out of the Boise, Idaho, District .. 699, 1027 appropriation for assay office at . 89, 1093 deiicieucg appropriation for instruction - . 806 Boise Irriganbn Project, Idaho, Blind, D. ., _ appropriation for maintenance, etc.; use of appropriation for aid, etc., National Library balance ...,... 2 304 for Z 710, 1038 sale df Boise and Arrowrock Railroad m-. . 506 for Columbia Polytechnic Institute- - 710, 1038 Boise Nahkmal Forest, Idaho, Bloc1:·Signalg, ccc., Systems em Railroads, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 458, 1146 appropriation for investigations, etc ... 280 Bolivia, _ Bloonfdd, Ind., appropriation for minister to . . - 252, 1048 con emned cannon granted to, for Grand Bmidg, etc., Grand Army post ...,.. 842 of Porto Rico, exempt from taxation .. . » 953 Blue Earth, Minn., Bonds, etc., Railway, condemned cannon granted to . 832 appropriation for securing infomation con- Blue Grass} Kentucky and Canada, coming issues of .. - . 281 appropriation for prevenstggg admission of Bonds, Farm oun (see also Federal Farm adulterated, etc., s of ... 453 Loan Act), ercentage of pure seeds required . 453 provisions relating to issue, etc., of 375 Bluf sity, Tenn., Bonds, Panama Caml, condemned cannon granted to , 83] sale of, authorized for manufacture of Blufton, _ nitrates, etc., by the Government. . . 215 appro nauorn fdr public budding __,__,,.__ 263 time for redemption modmed ,,_________ 216 Board of4p;geala Interior Department, use oi, for expenses of Shipping Board, au— appropriation for members uf, etc ... 99, 1103 thorized ... . ... 732 Board of Chqntws, D. C'., unused portion of, authorized for speciap r0p1’i2.t1011 for BXPGHBQ .. . .. 706, 1033 fied expenses .,_..,,.,,,,,,,____,. _ , 1003 En motor ambulance: etc ..._ _ _,,,,,, : , 1034 redeemable within fifty years ____,,,_, 1003 Board of C'hildrm’e Gwzrdums, D. C'. (sec Chil- Bands, United States (see also United States dren’s Guardians, D. C., Board of). Securities), Board of APP"¤*i·9€V!, _ appropriation for refunding two per centum, appropriation for fees, etc., of witnesses into Treasury notes or three per b6foY§ --·...-..·... 311 centum bonds . 276 Board of Indian _ Commimlmers (see Indian investment of surplus postal savings de- COHIQIIQIOH). _ _ _ posits in .,.,.,.,.,,.__,,,,.,.,,,.. 160 Board of Medwzum and Cowzczlolatzon, United disposagor, tsirggr withdrgwglg ____ _ ,__,, we $§¤¢§#, _ issue authoriz 0 $100,000,000 three per appropriation for salaries .. _ ... 281 cent, for specified expenditures 1002 or expenses; authority required 281 one year three per cent certificates of de— Board ofordqumce and Fortqfimhon, Army, posit, increased to $$00,000,000 .. 1003 ap 1-opriation for general expenses .. 350, 913 iggug of $150,004),000, tp mw; gmgrggnqy E): (3],1:1112,1), member ___,_,_,_____ _ ____ 350, 913 nav;} expenditures _________________ 1%] for tests of expgnuilgntgil guns, ggc ____ 3.50; 913 maturity, im;e;·eg|;_ ________________ __ _ _ 1201 in as to t 0 invention ,,,_ 350, 913 my circulation privilege ________________ 1201 Board ofqY1·S;¢0V8i M1h!w`Z/ Amdmy, 498 exempt from taxation ... .. 1Z}1 8 to U3 1011 or expenses. .. appropriation or ex nses o re 'n , Begg vi, VM¢<·¤ Naval Academy, pp et}; P? ... .F. 1201 appropriation ior expenses. .., . 608, 1187 Baum Tmg, Mm, ¤0¤¤P0¤1¤0¤ Of; m0d1H9d ·--·---· _ ·--------- 608 appropriation for public building .. 263 members ayépomted by the President .. 608 Bonne,. County Idaho from the enate an House of Represen- ma brid [Send Oieme River 6 t3tivgg_____ _______ _ _______________ 608 B big . ge W Di . . °";,; `°°°°° ex officio, chairmen of Naval Affairs Com— °° ‘pg;gpa""d ;'"“"” mw", www 1 wwe] I i °j:i:i° `'°`‘‘°° gg; appropriation for chief of division, etc. . 79,1083 Board cm. Mobilization of Industries Essential B°°"'·€» I°'*P”»_ _‘ _ _ for Military Pu sdnm, appropriation for public budding .. 263 appointment of, autgizizedg clerical as- Boston, Mass., sistance, etc., for .. 214 appropriation for assistant trea.surer’s oi— Bwtrds of TTGJZL fice ,__,_.,,,,,,,,,___,_____,,,,, 87, 1092 exempt f1`0¤-\ 1¤¤0¤18 VIS! .---·-· . .. 766 for transfer of city uarantine station, to Boards of Trade, etc., Public Healththervice .. 270 tax on goéiltmcts for sales of cotton for future for maintenance of harbor .,... 391 _ `very at ..,... . ..,.. 476 for na yard, public works ..._. 565, 1177 Rom Cages Kay, Flu? for equvéiping navy yard to build ships appropnauon for improvement of channel for morgue of the Navy __________ _ _ 618 to Tampa Bay through . 398 construction of capital ships forthwith . 618