Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1249

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C'aliforvgiajGontinued. P¤¢•· Campo of Imtrudion, _Harine Carp•, P•¢•· contrrbutron required from, for Sacramento utabhshegl; regulations govumng, etc 614 llood control, débns removal, etc. . . 949 appro nation for expenses. 614, 1190 Imperial land district established in .. 226 Cameco, I., I.¤assex§is;’;§canic National Park, estab- 442 Cappropriation for naval hospital ... 570 privat 1a.nd·clH ``'` ’ ·e e surveyrng` me itc., on deposi?,of money fogyexi 995 tpfmprde grgtvggz Alaska . . . . , 1051 uses ... . or marking dary tw represeliretative to celebration of landing of United tatesuand. ...,..,,.,. . . .*2%, 1061 Sir Drake on coast of, to be 60 deiiciency appropriation gz:. egpenses, a in . .. .. .. . .. markmp any rw time exgeprgded for relinquishing to Indians United tatee and. .. ? ... ¤16, 829 C lf r·a.igoe.<ggrant1ands1n . 48 formarl:inglineb::weer:lA.|askaand.ii§' 829 a z umm oar , cn intending ren e rmane appropriation for high power radio station Gm abrcadogegving by irongeer of, tr? be 888 n remrd imrmgration oiliuals. . . Califomi: Débrie Cmnmhsicn, head tax not lexvied on aliens entering appropriation for ex _ ness .. ., .. . 292 _ from, for tenlmorary stay, etc ... 875 p ns of, for controlmrglgoods, improving Oanadum Dqundory aura Cosrsaiuian, etc., Sacramento ver, tobe earned 949 appro.g;r::;>n fofrgealariee and expenses. 250, 1054 on., .. ce r subnstenoe away ton amount_ authorized for expenditures 949 Washington, limited .. 259 expenditures under direction of .. . . 950 foqpreparatnon of cases, etc .. 250, 1055 Calyornia National Forut, Cal., deicremcy ap rppnauon for . W a ropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 458, 1146 dams across &xnt Croix River, at Bailey- Calgfornia Northern Judicial District, _ _ ville and Grand Falls, Me., subject counties oonstitnting northern drvmnn. . . 122 to approval, etc., of . - . 584 southern <¤vi¤¤¤¤- -----··--·-~- · --··-·-- 122 umm mma cmmosem, t&fIDBOf¢Ouft,EI1!Bh··•·····•--·· --~-- · 122 gppg0@gtionforgxpg¤g __,,,,___ ___ $$,1%} §·:_$**”’°“F"P ···—···-····--······-·- j- ·; § cmidpmr, ams, c¤1o·mros¤¤u»qmg.r¢ss¤zna»»sq,__ 0a‘;_°a,R°“°°‘°adN“°°°°w D¥"“C *2***** ········· -· ***1 oounuesoonsututmgnorthernd1n¤o¤... 122 .u· fg · ·· . . . muthem divisiom _________________ _ ____ 11% approp:-'r:n on r reconstructing retarm%_, 1015 terms 0 court, Fresno- ··.--····-· · ·-·--· ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ · ‘‘°‘‘‘‘•‘‘‘‘‘‘ • A ] __ __,,,__,,,,,_ . , 122 C lZ¢m¢(ueI PauamaCanal ggn . . 122 a:p1proprlation'io':high~powu radioetation. G7! Caloooahatdaeg River, Fla., or rebel and protection ol American geaapproprration for improvement of . 390 _ men in . . _ .. 2&,1058 preliminary examination, etc., to be made tim restriction on of ahem trgm . 874 C I md ohlfrom mouth to Fort Myers. .. samtargrhorggn ::1;::, etqiezn: ject to au- 527 lh propriation for improvement of harbor. . 401 pumshment for violations . . ... 527 Calrimez, Mich., taxee,etc.,authorized: lime otagl valorem. 528 appropriation for public building. .. .: . 264 regulations, etc., ol roads and hsghrraye. . . 528 mineral righte reserved on site for public automobile tax. . _ .. 528 buil%.in5at... . . 37 agreement yltb Panam lor reciprocal Calumet River, flqand Ind., t { limit { um v: w•:£·h1,$&aye...;& .. . ... lg appropriation or rmprovemen o · o _ ; ,. . ... Calm §L‘2?°B,.d,"¤";,‘1$.‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ , ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘° ‘ s:§I.°“mr‘“°r1‘»¥’°°§.%"¤..r..‘“‘““»¤‘§7»‘£*,..‘“".;‘¥f: 2% appropriation for plans for new, over Rock 689 fégzgggcégggwed cxx: ..,. gg C¤mb~1¤‘ `°`````` i '° ````'``··`` ¤¤¤¤z¤‘ d' r::·2¤r¤¤¤=¤¤¤_ `¤·¤¤·¤¤¤•¤,` ·--TI: 522 appropnation for public budding. .. ... 264 GPG tl0¤¤, ¢le¤l.¤_ cee withheld vufgr m¤p¤>v¤¤¤¤¤¢ ef, h¤l>·¤~ -----—-~---- $94 9¤l¤ *°* -·~---·-··-·-- 629 Camden Cou·n¢y,_N. J, _ _ P“m¤lT * !P“° · ·I= · ··I g bridge authormeddauoss Delaware River, 812 mgmesi etc.,ttg)r .. 529 QGMHMPEEZ Jouplr,-inn-nuunnun actecausingdeath,asmurdu. ... 529 deii ‘ ’ ppro ‘ tion for paying. Min- cemetery Imaam, Pmzsmu,

 to hgggiiid --·--··---···--·-- an appropriation for rental and purchase of.422, 1069

Camer0n,_T¢:g., _ _ _ Cq·yw]$u° _$‘ pg , ‘ ¤pv¤>p¤¤¤<>¤z f¤¤ Efzjllc l>¤¤ldm8 ·--···--· 2*** provisign rr:-u$fe¤¤y or, after my 1, Cam? ¤‘*¤d_G<F';*g'; P°9°· A'“"‘!!» 634 ]9]6,_;gpgg}gd ________ _ ______,_,__, 55 ap · `* `°`` ``````°```````` Cane, Sugar, cf$§t°§$¥1·°y5$ *°'Z°··»'~`Z$`°° M '``'`'``'`'``` 338 ·¤>v¤>r· ¤=· ¤¤¤ in i¤~r¤¤¢·` .**2- ¤¤*¤·=¤,· ·PPmm?r;qoeti°!;;i?·)erued to · rveitcqif g um, etc- ? gf} .. ’ . . . 454, 1142 g¤w,,etc_____2___f__?? ________ 634 forinve¤.i;atinginsectsa§ecting..-. 465,1lM aviirilable from June 18, 1910. $$4 Drugs, _ mm in uw- Cmn , zlilary ,_ I pnlholl •!p¢j l ·, mg pphee’ be rsued to schools, stock production rn . . .. 491, 1186 w:tc'g£or...T:¥ .. . .. . 123 ereotionotbamgeu: 49l,1l6a