Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/1263

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INDEX. xli Contract Laborers, P•¢•· Cooaa River, Ga. and Ala., Pmalien, excluded admimion, if promised appropriation for improvement of, between employment at labor of any kind, Rome and Dam No. 4. . ... 395 etc ... _ 8 76 Dam No. 4 . . . 895 applications for admission of skilled Dam No. 5 ,.. 396 labor, hearings, ... 877 Copgnyht Optus, Library of Cemgms, actors, profemoxs ministers, servants, appropriation for Register, amistant, clerks, to .12;% °‘r§§"‘°S;·..n..— ·‘·· rar`; ···‘·‘· = S" { ‘;.;g‘r ‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘ "* 1% a n ., 1 a exposi- or prin an or tions may admitted; conditions. . 878 Coquille River, Omg., inducing, _ etc., immigration of, by pre- appropriation forimpmvingaidstonavigapaying passage, etc., unlawiu gpun- t1DD - . 317 ishment for ... 879 for improvement of . . ... 406 by promise of employment, unlawful; Cordahlr, etc., punishment for 879 internal revenue tax on .. 786 specis employees authorized for enforce- Cordova, Alaska, ment of laws relating to alien .. 893 deficiency appropriation for public buildpayment of expenses ... 893 17 Contract §'ut?eo1;s, Army, 626 Core Sou _ ,tiM ?.,_ td a ropna on or pay appropna on or improvemen waterway dggciency appropriation for mileage .. 29, to Beaufort from . . 895 C 33,45,824 Com, _ ti f sd. ting m tr ts _ _ appro on or p . tm oelircilse tax on, for sale of cotton for future regions Z ’ ... {-53 ,1141 deliv? at exchanges . 476 for study o broom ... . 454, 1142 Contracts for orb, ctc., D. C., for impmgigé, etc .. 454,1142 bond uired; guarantees dmignated 688 official stan s of quality and condition no epaslheqretent required. . 689 to be established ... . ... 483 Contracts, Governmgnt, _ interstate and foreign shipments to consuspension of eightrhour labor require- form to .. _ .. 483 ment in emergency cases. ..: ... 1192 Coronado all/'atwnal Forest, Am., Cunhucta, Image alt: Postal Service), 161 Cappmpngigiigcn gr Tiamtenance, etc., of.. 458, 1140 v'0V1HODBI’8 ting .··• ------ ···· ·----- U y · ·

 may be   an As- 1068 appropriation for salaries .. Q,  

sistant ostmaster n . r expenses ...~.·.- · ·..- , 0 pid.; for co d-storage plant, morgue ... 1011 (glrovisions fog, deportation of alien 889 deiciency appropriation for deputy core- 805 Cmwicts, D. ., ner . .. ' ti for support of out of the for contingent expenses . 805 8pPmpDni:tr(i:t. . , . 705, 1033 Corparatugn Counaeli Ofioe, D. C., deficiency apgzpriation for support of, out appropriation for salaries ... 678, 1008 Oilthé · I tl'iCl7 . _ ..._.t.. 4].,807 Tag, ¤1¤Y b? 1mP£¤°¤€d m .D*¤t¤¢t· Jul 0* ¥°· 711 deficiency appropriation for refund of . ~ 20 °rm“ YY ··············· :···:··:·· Corporankms, “'*”f°’F from P"°“°“t P°mt°“t“““? H excess profits tax levied on incomes of domamtenance. . . 7 matic _________________ _ _ _ ________ lax) 6’•m¤>¤v» ATM smsgn, asrzveu in Unseen sms. ... woo °°“d°m“°d °‘mn9“ °° ···········•· 834 exem tions allowed;perso¤al services in- Cmwov €<~··*v Bodw 0***% 4**-· . Jima . . . wm bridgeb;uthorized across Arkansas River 927 vtfhxgskc qgom statement! of an 1004 on ¤·»m;>i»¤¤é» M-·· M. M S- Nor. ..¤£.‘$i.i:,;;:::;;;1:;;;:::::; 1004 tw , - to be commander on active list; place 602 Bl'€““ (”' “l'° F°d°'d Tnd° — examinations uired; to be additional descicncmmn °“): tion for special atm C Roumbg; jiavsok Psy. ¤t¢ ----~····- 603 ,,,,;,7 ____________________ 32 Tligogggionofor improvement of . 393 0Q'P°'°W”**, D°"'*{¥§i¢, 765 CWM tern S- 0- , . ‘“$,‘f§‘,‘§,°$§,,*§'°““‘°°°‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 768 “""'°"§£3‘Z°$lYYTi Y ’T¥’Y`?’}Yf.°}’.”}?Y?' so special oroisé l—S5iE=i.` é§c§,`6f.'.`.ZZZ no Cooperative Agnbultural (su Agri- m¤¤¤m¢¤ ¤°¤1P¤¤;¤ €!¤mPt from T°· 790 go- Ex on WOMW e.d“°"§§“ ·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Z3'} (Z B M'l' Reservation, Oreg., .°" °¥m‘m% °'” ·········· ¢;r:int?d 1d andullorth Bend for park 516 0 °°i'P§¤*·l·¤°;¤ DQUD busmoss. $$0-, ¤¤¤¤P¥ 791

 ·•···- -··- ····· 1 m-ag"'!

Coos Ba; Omg., Om income tex provisions -..-- - ·-----·--·--· 765 appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 405 deductions ... _ ... . .. 7 69 Coos River, Ong., special excise tax imtposed on capital of, appropriation for improvement of .. 405 _ for businem nited States ... 790 Coosa River, Ala., insurance companies exempted from reappropriation for improvement of . . . . . 397 rwsrve funds, etc .. 790